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Wednesday, December 11th 2019, 4:40am

Author: Theuz

Luja gialla's spark

Could you find the third page in the same house as in the video? i cant find it.

Tuesday, December 10th 2019, 2:12am

Author: Theuz

Dead CIty quests

Quoted from "Dhunsky" Just yesterday, I tried finishing this with my reincarnation (from which I've unlocked Cradle map before the patch, but not finished DC Quest), and ran the whole instance.... I have the 3 "Flipside of the Revelation" Quests from the 3 Faction Bosses, and then went to Nihaz. Quoted from "Dhunsky" Unfortunately, there's no "Challenge Nihaz" option from the dialogue box. Because of that, I can't accomplish these quests. Quoted from "Dhunsky" Hope it should be fixed asap. Thos...