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Search results 1-9 of 9.

Friday, June 17th 2022, 3:02pm

Author: user_218798707

Please upgrade game for more fun

Damage seems okay? Maybe its your stats/talents? Which class do you play as?

Thursday, June 16th 2022, 2:01am

Author: user_218798707

Questions about faction, class, and race costumes (P2P server only)

Ok so I'm wondering about these things on the P2P server: First question - When you create your character you can view them in 3 different type of equipment, which you can purchase for anniversary coins when you get to your factions city. Starting equipment --> "starter" (available at level 10) Medium level equipment --> "canny" (available at level 30) Top-level equipment --> available at max level? which is? and how do you get "greatness" Second question - If I have a League character, can I ma...

Tuesday, June 14th 2022, 12:54am

Author: user_218798707

Looking for guilds

Does a faction change exist or would I have to start a whole new character?

Monday, June 13th 2022, 5:23pm

Author: user_218798707

Unique costumes of the past

Under prophetic cards, the unique costumes of the past- how do you get those? I haven't yet seen any when using prophetic cards? Is there a certain event? Are they available on the p2p server?

Monday, June 13th 2022, 5:12pm

Author: user_218798707

Weekly reward symbols?

What are weekly reward symbols and how would one get them on the p2p server?

Saturday, June 11th 2022, 6:21am

Author: user_218798707

Looking for guilds

I'm a newbie and looking for a guild to join, it doesn't have to be super active or anything but maybe like just there to say hi and run dungeons/raids now and then or smth. I'm a lvl 37 empire priden on p2p server.

Tuesday, June 7th 2022, 3:23pm

Author: user_218798707

Ancient compass dailies question

Quoted from "Dragagon" The Holiday comittee NPC's, at the little houses. Is this in f2p only? I play on the subscription server and I don't see any dailies... Or does it have something to do with level? I'm lvl31 right now and don't see it.

Monday, June 6th 2022, 2:54am

Author: user_218798707

Customization options? Very limited?

Are the customization options for pridens (or all races rly) only the one available then you create your character or are there other ones that can be unlocked or purchased or smth? I'm coming from gw2, where you can buy other looks (hair/skin/fur/eyes) once you get to the main city or whatever. The choices just seem limited- I'm not complaining I'm just a lil curious XD.

Friday, June 3rd 2022, 7:48pm

Author: user_218798707

Ancient compass dailies question

Who gives the daily quests for the ancient compasses? Unless I read wrong and you can only buy them?