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Search results 1-20 of 101.
Yeni Yıl'ın Konstrüktivizmi • 1. Sıra • Kattia - 8.000 Kristal Kuropatva - 8.000 Kahramanlık İşareti • 2. Sıra • Sule - 4.500 Kristal pasidaips - 4.500 Kahramanlık İşareti • 3. Sıra • Strelka - 2.000 Kristal Dragagon - 2.000 Kahramanlık İşareti • Özel bahsetmeler • DarkTom, Akili, Thernote & Zaptus - 500 Kristal
Bunu Böyle Yaparız • 1. Sıra • Scavenger - 4.000 Kristal Phaerl - 4.000 Kahramanlık İşareti • 2. Sıra • Zaptus - 2.000 Kristal Dragagon - 2.000 Kahramanlık İşareti • 3. Sıra • Mazzot - 1.000 Kristal Hirteliin - 1.000 Kahramanlık İşareti • Özel bahsetmeler • Titanium - 500 Kristal
Zencefilli Bodur • 1. Sıra • Zaptus - 7.000 Kristal Manna - 7.000 Kahramanlık İşareti • 2. Sıra • Titanium - 4.500 Kristal Phaerl - 4.500 Kahramanlık İşareti • 3. Sıra • Strelka - 2.000 Kristal Kuropatva - 2.000 Kahramanlık İşareti • Özel bahsetmeler • SonZhangLao, Pinda, Muezzin, Sule & Scavenger - 500 Kristal Goracepapu, pasidaips & Dragagon - 500 Kahramanlık İşareti
Zayan'ın Galerisi • 1. Sıra • ElCasino - 9.000 Kristal Lamingtons - 9.000 Kahramanlık İşareti • 2. Sıra • Strelka - 5.000 Kristal Phaerl - 5.000 Kahramanlık İşareti • 3. Sıra • Ludovic - 2.500 Kristal pasidaips - 2.500 Kahramanlık İşareti • Özel bahsetmeler • Noelvil, Astafieva, Compendium & Zaptus - 500 Kristal Rave - 500 Kahramanlık İşareti
Sevgili arkadaşlar! Kış Yaratıcılık Olimpiyatları sona erdi ve katılan herkese teşekkür ederiz! Çok sayıda katılım olmasından memnun olmakla birlikte yeteneğinize ve yaratılıcığınıza da hayran kaldık! Şimdi nihayet bu yılki yarışmanın kazananlarını duyurma zamanı! Kış Yaratıcılık Olimpiyatları 2020Sonuçlar Kazanan herkesi tebrik eder ve ödülleriyle iyi zaman geçirmelerini temenni ederiz! Adınızı kazananlar arasında bulamazsanız üzülmeyin, belki bir sonraki sefer daha fazla şansınız olur. Katılan...
Neujahrs Architektionik • Erster Platz • Kattia - 8.000 Boutique Kristalle Kuropatva - 8.000 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Zweiter Platz • Sule - 4.500 Boutique Kristalle pasidaips - 4.500 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Dritter Platz • Strelka - 2.000 Boutique Kristalle Dragagon - 2.000 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Besondere Erwähnungen • DarkTom, Akili, Thernote & Zaptus - 500 Boutique Kristalle
So wird das gemacht • Erster Platz • Scavenger - 4.000 Boutique Kristalle Phaerl - 4.000 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Zweiter Platz • Zaptus - 2.000 Boutique Kristalle Dragagon - 2.000 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Dritter Platz • Mazzot - 1.000 Boutique Kristalle Hirteliin - 1.000 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Besondere Erwähnungen • Titanium - 500 Boutique Kristalle
Lebkuchen Gibberling • Erster Platz • Zaptus - 7.000 Boutique Kristalle Manna - 7.000 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Zweiter Platz • Titanium - 4.500 Boutique Kristalle Phaerl - 4.500 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Dritter Platz • Strelka - 2.000 Boutique Kristalle Kuropatva - 2.000 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Besondere Erwähnungen • SonZhangLao, Pinda, Muezzin, Sule & Scavenger - 500 Boutique Kristalle Goracepapu, pasidaips & Dragagon - 500 Zeichen besonderer Leistung
Zayans Gallerie • Erster Platz • ElCasino - 9.000 Boutique Kristalle Lamingtons - 9.000 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Zweiter Platz • Strelka - 5.000 Boutique Kristalle Phaerl - 5.000 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Dritter Platz • Ludovic - 2.500 Boutique Kristalle pasidaips - 2.500 Zeichen besonderer Leistung • Besondere Erwähnungen • Noelvil, Astafieva, Compendium & Zaptus - 500 Boutique Kristalle Rave - 500 Zeichen besonderer Leistung
Liebe Freunde! Die Kreative Winerolympiade ist vorüber! Wir sind glücklich über die große Anzahl an Einreichungen und waren fasziniert von Eurem Talent und der Kreativität! Nun ist es endlich an der Zeit die Gewinner des diesjährigen Wettbewerbes zu verkünden! Kreative Winterolympiade 2020Ergebnisse Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle Gewinner und viel Spaß mit eurer Belohnung! Sei nicht traurig falls du deinen Namen nicht findest, vielleicht hast du ja mehr Glück beim nächsten mal. Wir sind dankbar ...
New Year's constructionism • First Place • Kattia - 8.000 Boutique Crystals Kuropatva - 8.000 Marks of Accomplishment • Second Place • Sule - 4.500 Boutique Crystals pasidaips - 4.500 Marks of Accomplishment • Third Place • Strelka - 2.000 Boutique Crystals Dragagon - 2.000 Marks of Accomplishment • Special Mentions • DarkTom, Akili, Thernote & Zaptus - 500 Boutique Crystals
This is how we do it • First Place • Scavenger - 4.000 Boutique Crystals Phaerl - 4.000 Marks of Accomplishment • Second Place • Zaptus - 2.000 Boutique Crystals Dragagon - 2.000 Marks of Accomplishment • Third Place • Mazzot - 1.000 Boutique Crystals Hirteliin - 1.000 Marks of Accomplishment • Special Mentions • Titanium - 500 Boutique Crystals
Gingerbread Gibberling • First Place • Zaptus - 7.000 Boutique Crystals Manna - 7.000 Marks of Accomplishment • Second Place • Titanium - 4.500 Boutique Crystals Phaerl - 4.500 Marks of Accomplishment • Third Place • Strelka - 2.000 Boutique Crystals Kuropatva - 2.000 Marks of Accomplishment • Special Mentions • SonZhangLao, Pinda, Muezzin, Sule & Scavenger - 500 Boutique Crystals Goracepapu, pasidaips & Dragagon - 500 Marks of Accomplishment
Zayan's Gallery • First Place • ElCasino - 9.000 Boutique Crystals Lamingtons - 9.000 Marks of Accomplishment • Second Place • Strelka - 5.000 Boutique Crystals Phaerl - 5.000 Marks of Accomplishment • Third Place • Ludovic - 2.500 Boutique Crystals pasidaips - 2.500 Marks of Accomplishment • Special Mentions • Noelvil, Astafieva, Compendium & Zaptus - 500 Boutique Crystals Rave - 500 Marks of Accomplishment
Hey, yes, 12 is the maximum Number of Horns of Abudance you can have on one private Allod. You can create a private Allod on every of your Reincarnations and on each Allod you can have up to 12 Horns. Embrium can be used for a variety of useful Items, like Equip of the current sector, Insignias, Gold and many more. Also some cosmetics like Titles and Pets. You can also recieve Embrium through Mazes, if you successfully plunder them, so Charakters that do not have the main Allods can also recieve...
Sevgili Arkadaşlar! 2020 Kış Yaratıcılık Olimpiyatları bugün başlıyor! 24 Ocak'a kadar, bu fırsatı kullanarak yeteneklerinize meydan okuyun ve yaratıcılığınızı ortaya çıkarın! Tüm yaratıcı oyuncularımızı bu etkinliğe katılmaya davet ediyoruz! Kış Yaratıcılık Olimpiyatları 2020 Eğer çizim yapmayı, pişirmeyi, kısa ve komik videolar yapmayı veya ellerinizle bir şeyler yaratmayı seviyorsanız bu etkinliği kaçırmamaya çalışın! Zayan'ın Galerisi Sanatçılar ve illüstratörler için bir yarışma. Amaç, Allo...
Liebe Freunde! Heute beginnt die kreative Winterolympiade 2020! Bis zum 24. Januar habt ihr die Gelegenheit, eure Fähigkeiten zu erproben und eurer Fantasie freien Lauf zu lassen! Wir laden alle kreativen Spieler dazu ein, an diesem Event teilzunehmen! Kreative Winterolympiade 2020 Wenn Ihr gerne malt, backt, kurze Videos erstellt oder mit euren eigenen Händen bastelt solltet Ihr diese Gelegenheit nicht verpassen! Zayans Gallerie Ein Wettbewerb für alle Künstler. Das Ziel ist es basierend auf Al...
New Year's constructionism Contest ended. English This competition is for everyone who likes to craft with their own hands. Your goal is to replicate one of the buildings from Allods Online. Post a photo of your finished creation under this thread. The Architects of the greatest replication will be awarded with up to 8000 crystals Rules: It has to be a replication of an existing Allods Online Building.Provide a good quality photo of your creation. The rules of this competition strongly forbid u...
This is how we do it Contest ended. English Make a 10-30 seconds video about your character celebrating Christmas or spending their winter holidays, and share it by using a popular video sharing service like COUB or YouTube. Submit 1 to 3 of your videos under this thread. The authors of the most beautiful and funny videos will be awarded with up to 4000 crystals Rules: It needs to be recorded in Allods Online. You are free to add Cuts and Effects afterwards.It needs to be related to the Winter ...
Gingerbread Gibberling Contest ended. English You love baking during the christmas time as much as we do? Then this is the perfect competition for you! The goal is to bake or create any kind of biscuits like cookies, a cake or whatever comes to your mind! It needs to look like something related to Allods in shape, decoration or other recognizable ways. Unfortunately we cant rate the taste of it, but we trust you there. Post a photo of our finished creation under this thread. The Confectioner of...