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Search results 1-20 of 156.

Thursday, March 2nd 2017, 5:14pm

Author: Randir


May be get any Patchnotes for today? Version

Tuesday, February 28th 2017, 8:01am

Author: Randir

In case if you wonder if there is still live on p2p...

The problem is not only the cummunication, also the localisation. They should just merge us in!

Wednesday, February 22nd 2017, 5:00pm

Author: Randir

Sale: Radiant Strongbox of the Devout Pilgrim - 22/02/17

On Smugglers Paradise we could farm it on the winter event. For free Have fun spending 100€ for that one.

Wednesday, February 15th 2017, 2:36pm

Author: Randir

Builds From Players (Contribute Please)

Dont listen what U_103... Posted, Take this:!6!333....…PZOW!yrf/RWVOVC The Rotation is very important. You have to find that on your own.

Thursday, February 2nd 2017, 5:55pm

Author: Randir

Patchnotes 02.02.17

Can we please get Patchnotes? It seems that Astral Difficulty got changed, but without any warning.

Monday, January 23rd 2017, 10:32am

Author: Randir

The best way to get gold?

Sector 1/3/5 with Mercs for free without keys and sell items. 4.000 per Island. Anomalous Sector: Sell the Matter for BG emblems. 1 Run up to 30k Gold! You need about 10 Chests for that.

Thursday, January 19th 2017, 11:12am

Author: Randir

Diference between F2P and P2P.

Imps have enogh players to do BG´s on their own and we can build raids. Its working. But sadly, league is very small atm

Thursday, January 19th 2017, 8:56am

Author: Randir

Summoner healing?

The overshields over the HP. Summy can keep those up with Bloodlust and Concentration.

Wednesday, January 4th 2017, 3:24pm

Author: Randir

Inka Spells

Hey Guys I was recently searching for a list of all inka spells and how usefull they are. Sad story, there was no good source for that. Can we put them together here? Spell: X , Is bad, beacuse deals low damage... I will update this list with your answers. Thy very much! Mage Spell 1: Flash: Move forward ~25 yd, dispelling all slowing and I think immobilizing effects currently active. Spell 2: Snowstorm: Low to middling damage targetable AoE, channels for ~6s, all affected enemies slowed 50%. Pa...

Monday, January 2nd 2017, 7:52pm

Author: Randir

CTML+M => Game Crash!!

The Bug is back! Right after maintance! And the FPS is totally borken. Reverse whatever you did!

Monday, January 2nd 2017, 3:48pm

Author: Randir

Inka Spells

Hey Guys I was recently searching for a list of all inka spells and how usefull they are. Sad story, there was no good source for that. Can we put them together here? Spell: X , Is bad, beacuse deals low damage... I will update this list with your answers. Thy very much! Mage Spell 1: Spell 2: Pala Spell 1: Spell 2: Summonder Spell 1: Spell 2: Bard Spell 1: Spell 2: Warrior Spell 1: Spell 2: Priest Spell 1: Spell 2: Engineer Spell 1: Spell 2: Scout Spell 1: Spell 2: Psionicist Spell 1: Spell 2: ...

Monday, January 2nd 2017, 9:09am

Author: Randir

Help Incoming

Add me up Know a lot about the Game and ready to help. Randir

Sunday, January 1st 2017, 12:40pm

Author: Randir

Worth a return?

Amazing! Would be cool to revive the league and do some astral!

Wednesday, December 28th 2016, 6:51am

Author: Randir

Worth a return?

Allready 65 and still kicking. We could organize some BG´s on good evenings. Just talk to the empire

Monday, December 26th 2016, 3:06pm

Author: Randir

Worth a return?

Yes you are right. I played Summoner for Ages, then Psy and Paladin. I will come online soon. Gonna pay 1 month and give it a shot. Anyone there for a helping hand? All the new stuff etc?

Monday, December 26th 2016, 1:09pm

Author: Randir

Worth a return?

So sad -.- This was our best moment Server first Tep ;P Or when we crashed CREW

Monday, December 26th 2016, 10:48am

Author: Randir

Worth a return?

Hey guys, Randir here. I was once a very active player and best Pala on League. We where a very active international Guild. Once we crushed the only empire Guild so hard, they left the PvP. Then we had nothing to do and our Guild left aswell. The servers where basicly empty. Was around the time when the P2P server started to cost money. My question is: Is it worth to return? Are there like 3-4 Guilds per side for awesome pvp and active Raiding into endcontent? Would like to give it another chanc...

Saturday, May 31st 2014, 6:24pm

Author: Randir

Skies in Sarnaut - Season 1

Then it needs to be Coldberg near Sminderville with View to the South.

Saturday, May 31st 2014, 4:15pm

Author: Randir

Skies in Sarnaut - Season 1

I guess Frozen Frontier south or Siveria on the North close to the ship to FF.

Saturday, May 31st 2014, 2:24am

Author: Randir

Pimp My Build – Die Gewinner!

Das alte System mit neutralen Jury Mitgliedern aus der Community hat besser geklapt. Vllt gabs ein wenig symptatien aber die Richtigkeit der Beiträge war viel höher.