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Who still remember my Name??? May i come back to the Game
Quoted from "user_1413752" I followed this race, and how could the second place go to b erat33eren44 , I mean its good, but nothing creative in it. Tauau and LeSoldatMort was the best, and after that levibuba's or orvix's, but everyone has different opinions. its just weird haha If you ask me (and its my Personal opinion) is it Hard work to carv the Name into the pumpkin and it takes time to be done with that. Congratz to the first 3 winners. Good work and cool scary pumpkins
good question Sideer but i cant imagin that
Did you checked your wardrobe? Maybe you clicked them but missed it..... If they are not there write a Ticket pls. Sad but thats All help i can give you right now. * no need to apologize silver
Will ask but i cant promise a answer today. The Office is closed. Pls stay tuned and if others have issues too, use this thread to write pls Greetz Kurt
I didnt say anything about giving a compensation or not!!!!! To make that 100% clear All i said was: Mods and devs are reading this Thread but there is no answer to give atm. And thats why i wrote: we cant Post anything in the one direction or in the other! Thats why i closed with: stay tuned
Quoted from "dojoo1251" So I see most of us agree that it was a good idea to give free gifts to new players, but we believe old players should get the gifts aswell. Sad to find that Allods staff dont seem to share our vision, since they dont even bother to give us a answer. No worries, we read the thread, devs aswell but atm there is no answer to give thats why we cant post anything in this direction I would say: stay tuned. Have all a nice weekend Greetz Kurt
Hey Sheller, Thanks for Posting
Nandita the guildportal was a extra Service from webzen aka gpotato, decided to quit it for what ever...... Was a good thing and a nice savespace for help Videos pictures and what ever...... And the ning memorys coming over me Maybe there is a chance to get it back
Cant see the item you need You should have a Ring to transform if i remember right
Morgen Nolifeking, ich bitte zu bedenken das auch wir Mods Wochenende haben und wie jeder andere auch diese Zeit nutzen um Dinge zu erledigen die in der Woche liegen geblieben sind Werde es weiter geben, sollte gefixt werden da es verwirrend ist, denke nicht das die Übersetzung fehlerhaft ist, aber man weiß es ja nie
Nope you can create your demonolgist when ever you want, it' s not like Aiodoi
Exchange on Equilibrium should be implement now
Alles gut, kann passieren Schließe den thread dann jetzt
Hallo, Stehe hier selber grade in der Akademie aber im Tausch gegen verfallende Partikel kann ich keine Astralnuggets erwerben. Lediglich Schattierungen für Mounts etc, das selbe gilt für anormale Emanationen. Der Tausch wie er sein sollte den Laany beschreibt geht allerdings
Let me get that right: You are upset that New players or New chars get a Ark and a bit of cheap cs stuff, cause (and only "cause") this stuff is better then what you have after 7 YEARS of playing? First of all: the same stuff or call it special Gift Event runs on russian Servers and so they decided to Do it in EU and NA Second: ppl always complaining about no New players. This is a real great Event to bring new players to the game! Third: if your Main char dont have that minimum cs items i have ...
Also "theoretisch" kann man sich alles erspielen. Ja wenn man ein paar Stunden am Tag Zeit investieren kann. Das macht aber AOPs Aussage nicht unwahr. Daher ist es eine Frage Eurer Zeit und Eures Willens entweder f2p zu spielen oder p2w und auch als Mittelklassespieler kann man an dem Spiel und allem was es bietet Spaß haben. Denn den Druck der Beste sein zu wollen macht sich jeder selber!
Yes it will made any Update you missed, not the whole game again