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Es gibt 3 Dinge, die du grob gesagt machen kannst mit dem Ticket. Das erste sind sogenannte Chainquests, wenn du diese machst bekommst du zb eine Tracht, einen Waffenskin oder einen versteinerten Kern für 60 Tage. Du musst alle Quests (jeweils 10) erledigen, um das Objekt der Begierde zu bekommen. Du kannst hier etwas kaufen, um eine dieses Aufgaben zu Überspringen, kostet vorm Rabatt 2,5€. Das zweite, was du durch das Ticket bekommst sind gewisse Preise z.B. 3-Fach Replis, Meistergoblins Kataly...
Al Rihat was one of the 4 Level 60 Farmzones to farm the opener for the boxes and of course to farm the universal glyphs
I know I suck but still better than so many others but ye lets talk about the makros from Asce
Its true the ... CS kill the Game and then People are wondering why none is Playing this Game. For me it seems like. The Person who put the cs events thinks oh how we can destroy the Game more? oh easy lets put a Fable item so pretty rare in it what gives you 8% more Stamina and Vigor and oh lets let them stack up so we can have this buff for 4 Years or more One more thing lets let the "best" guild in this Game be full of Account buyers and Makro users so they summon their clones or whatever eve...
well I remember when SB was here, it was "fair" 23 people with similiar gs just 300 less in the attacking team its nice if its a real fight but most of the time 1 team was just destroying the other one
Hello, Well its true you get rekt by some guilds. Euforia Asce and TW. I think there is a easy possibility to get the box for the Sparklvling stuff. This is called asking the People if its ok to get 1 Box or get a better Crew and Ship. I choose the first Option and asked Ottomatic after this entered AS with a decent ship. In TW there are many useless ppl who just get carried by a few People like Nuarb and many many others. People who carry are like Rustysebo or Beaverius. I also have to say that...
Allgemein ist es immer Ratsam sich mit einem Spieler zu Unterhalten der den englischen Client hat, da gibt es viel Weniger Probleme, bzw falsch Übersetztes Skills, dann dein Englisch nicht gut genug ist. Kannst du mich auch theoretisch auf New Frontier anwhispern dann kann ich dir da helfen
Du spielst auf dem Deutschen Client, da hat JEDE KLASSE Übersetzungsfehler. Entweder du baust dir deine Skillungen im Englsichen Client oder du testest es
Well if we can update it doesn't mean we can play. In the Past it was often like this we could Download the patch earlier than we could play in the End
Jagut, kann passieren. Ich hab das letzte Carnifex Event nicht verfolgt Im Normalfall gab es bisher keine Lotterie bei Schatullen ohne Sammlermünzen
Carnifex, Waffenskinkisten oder eben die Balsam Kisten hatte noch nie Sammlermünzen oder eine Lotterie, aber darauf wird immer hingewiesen. Man kann es auch selbst herausfinden, wenn man die Kiste VORM Kauf sich durchliest
why does a mod delete my post? I didn't was offensive or anything The currenct 3vs3 system is shit same with 6vs6 and its not reasonable how the first place can have 1,5k points and some others arround the same amout amount, some are in this case 2 other ppl that they didn't got boosted Last thing I don't think asce fight each other btw I forgot to say that Deer stopped signing 3vs3 ranked after he met Woltiz and the others, if you deserve the title you should fight as well and if you say you do...
if you put it, league would be dead League is already dead but after it you could stopp playing league side
Funny this ranking first it was online for some months then you (Support, technical service or whoever) killed it. Then it takes months to "repair" it GS: Like my Main or ANY of my chars are in this List Second Option you really this is up2date? xD just a troll Maze: Same Shit as the GS stuff this list is Just a Troll nothing else, Some People are not even Listed, some are wrong listed and so on? What was the Plan? to relaunch something what is still broken? Typical Allods Online Best Regards Ka...
well its funny. I wrote a ticket today to the english Support and I got instant the answer (2h max) Same for a friend he wrote the ticket about his bought account today BUT NOW THERE IS THE MOST F.... USELESS SUPPORT EVER. THE GERMAN ON SINCE NOW 3 DAYS I WAIT FOR AT LEAST A ANSWER BUT NOTHING so I ask the mods, the Admin or whoever read this how useless canbe this Support. If you don't wanna Support the german Language then close this Support instead of wasting time here. its not only me who wr...
Hallo, ich hab nicht alles gelesen, weil es mir zu viel Text war, aber ich bin der Meinung man kann gut gold auch so machen, klar muss man etwas investieren. Wenn man schlau investiert geht das aktuell, nehmen wir das letzte CS Event die Konklave. Da hast du sicher alles für sagen wir 80-90€ bekommen (Leggy 50, Sagi 25, und der rest kostet nicht viel). Dann zum Thema farmen, ich hab mache alleine durch meine eigenen Inseln am Tag min 140k Gold, nur die Füllhörner gerechnet und das auf der niedri...
ansich muss ich zustimmen, aber was erwartet ihr von einen so inkompetenten Support? Seit wie vielen Jahren schon wisst ihr, dass der Support hier sch... ist? Für mich schon seit fast 6 Jahren Die Leute sind sogar zu faul zu übersetzten, wie die Namen, der Glücksmomente sind. Gibts dazu noch was zu sagen?
I guess you wanna troll the People why are you so brainless and start it now when not even all are unbanned. ye lets support ppl who top up at <illegal website> and got unbanned great idea
don't forget its the allods Support, they get tons of money and can't or lets say don't wanna pay more ppl I don't wanna underestimate the money you need for the server for the programmer and other stuff but I think with the top up event in the last 2 Days they got enough money to work for some time and ye I think the owner of is a stock company otherwise they would invest more in the Support. I think it wasn't at all a good idea that you banned so many People but ye it seems you wanna ki...
I don't get it what does it take so long? and even the funniest part is you unbanned ppl who bought 1000% sure at mmose and they already can play hurry up I wanna play