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Monday, May 27th 2024, 9:57pm

Author: Mahir

I cannot equip a second earring item.

Could it because I never equipped a level I item in that place before?

Monday, May 27th 2024, 9:54pm

Author: Mahir

I cannot equip a second earring item.

Hello there! I've been trying in the last 2 days to upgrade my gear from I to II and I had a green earring item and now I crafted a level II, allthough I can equip one earring level 2 I cannot equip the second am I missing something with the mechanics of the game? When I try to equip the earring it says the place is blocked. <img src="" alt="h82pVxy" title="h82pVxy" style="font-size: 0.8em;" />

Sunday, October 16th 2022, 10:00pm

Author: Mahir

Imparatorlukta yalniz Maceram sonucu cikarimlarim

Imparatorlukta az kisiyiz... Kimin umrunda! Bir zadaganli olarak ulkemden gurur duyuyorum /walk yapip dim dik yuruyorum, ork kardeslerimin ghettolarinda onlarla kapisip goblinbol oynuyorum, zamani geldiginde yukselen dayilarla muhabet ediyorum, tarih politika derken muhabettimiz akip gidiyor, imparatorlugun bize sundugu temiz ve korunakli sehrimizde rahat bir hayat yasamak epey bir mumkun, her ne kadar da askerlik ve vatana hizmet zor olsa da imparatorlugun huzuru bununla beraber tutuluyor, aske...