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Friday, February 3rd 2017, 10:29am

Author: jihadmaster

Usage of Physical Damage

Useless for single target pve dps better get holy to 200 and rest stats. Boosts your aoe dps but who has time to change stats on an allod. For pvp 200 physical and 200 holy. At this point with low stat points more physical than holy works better for me in group fights.

Monday, September 5th 2016, 3:48pm

Author: jihadmaster

Circle Of Equals 2016 - Rankings & Round II

Can we get practise fights please? why arent they on anyway

Friday, September 2nd 2016, 8:19pm

Author: jihadmaster

Circle Of Equals - New Schedule

why dont you keep practise fights open?

Sunday, August 28th 2016, 1:53pm

Author: jihadmaster

Circle Of Equals - New Schedule

can we get some news as to when we will be able to actually practise?

Sunday, August 28th 2016, 1:26pm

Author: jihadmaster

Circle Of Equals - New Schedule

yea theres not much point in even having it open without 3 v 3 popping

Monday, May 9th 2016, 12:11pm

Author: jihadmaster

My take on class changes

When the patch first came out, I was very pleased with the changes. I play a psioncist and it seemed to have everything. Good single target dps, good aoe dps and good survivability. The only thing that bothered me was the lack of self heal but it didn't seem like that much of an issue for the first week or so. It seemed like other classes were completely powerless against the mighty psi in pvp. Even players with much higher cash shop than me died surprisingly easily. Now my view on the matter is...