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Monday, February 13th 2017, 2:24pm

Author: The Allods Project

p2p server or f2p server

First of all, new frontier is pay to win, Second i have been asking for weeks to get in to utopie but nobody invites me

Monday, February 13th 2017, 10:13am

Author: The Allods Project

p2p server or f2p server

Yea and i can shit rainbows and unicorns... Everytimee someone says anything positive about the p2p server and somehthing bad about the f2p server then you cash spedning hardcore guys are always there to defend the f2p server Maby you are afraid that the p2p server will steel the population from the f2p server when people start to realize that runes has turned Allods into a joke! <edited>

Monday, February 13th 2017, 1:26am

Author: The Allods Project

p2p server or f2p server

Well if you manage to get lvl 10 runes, pat 5 and combat mounts witch are required to become even close to equal to other players on the f2p server, than maby yea. but nobody can achive that its impossible. And if you are one of those people who thinks you can get that with no cash then hehe, well you are allowed to think so! <edited>

Sunday, February 12th 2017, 10:20pm

Author: The Allods Project

p2p server or f2p server

So i was wondering for years if a was gonna switch to p2p server. and if anyone else is thinking the same as i did i can tell you how i feel. The server is low populated and there are costumes, holy weapons and other cool stuff that is missing here. But i can honestly say that after played on the f2p server since 2011 i will never return to the f2p server, even though "fun" moments are rare on this server, when they eventually come, they are soo much bigger than on the f2p server. Those moments ...

Saturday, February 4th 2017, 2:56pm

Author: The Allods Project

weapon skins?

So on the p2w server you have various holy weapons, runes and a few years back there was relics. How does that work here? can you even change the looks or is everyone runing around with the same weapons? if there are none then may i make a suggestion? what if the quality of the weapon changed the look of the weapon the same way runes do? So when u got epic they shine like 7 runes, leggy they starts to glow like 8 runes and fabled gear looks like 13 rune weapons? IIM a p2w player right now but im...

Monday, January 23rd 2017, 3:49pm

Author: The Allods Project

what if?

What if you play the game, you spend your money on runes, the years go by and when you finnaly reach lvl 13 runes. the developers decide to close down the server? What happends then?

Tuesday, May 10th 2016, 8:23pm

Author: The Allods Project

p2p server questions

Hey so long i've been interested in the p2p server since i cant afford to play on the f2p. The problem is that "there is no gear models" For those who played the game back in Vanila, you might remember that the game actuly had different looking gear and weapons when you leveled up. They have for some very dumb reason removed all those models from the game so you can no longer pick them up because fuck it. So i thought maby they stil have them on the p2p but i tried p2p and it turned out they did...

Monday, May 9th 2016, 10:03am

Author: The Allods Project

Cold North Lvl 15

Cold North After 2 years we finnaly reached lvl 15 yey we made som funny stuff for those who cares

Wednesday, April 27th 2016, 2:06pm

Author: The Allods Project

New expansion too easy?

man i wish there was 3 sectors, s1 is a playroom and s2 is hell on earth, i wish there was something between

Wednesday, April 27th 2016, 11:53am

Author: The Allods Project

New expansion too easy?

Well i didnt really tell you that the end game was easy, it was more of a question for why it was so easy. but then what is more effective? Green s2 or epic s1? what gives more crafting materials?

Wednesday, April 27th 2016, 11:39am

Author: The Allods Project

New expansion too easy?

Well that is a good point but the thing is we tried playing s2 blue with 3 70k + gearscore and we didnt stand a chance at all, s1epic seemed to be alot easier than s2 rare, so then whats the point? or did we do something wrong? Though i have another question, s2 drops more loot right? so does it require the same ammount of keys with more loot? or do they require more keys? if so then its just a way to burn the few keys you get.

Wednesday, April 27th 2016, 11:36am

Author: The Allods Project

How Does High End Endgame Gear Work? Bind On Pickup? Whats Cash Shop Like? Whats Community Like?

If you ask me Allods os the most Social mmo ive ever played ( i have not played wow that much) I have tried games like , Tera, Swtor, Rift, Skyforge, Destiny, Vindictus, Dragons Nest, Guildwars 2, And because thee is so much "Party searching systems" there are no players that really communicate with others because there is no need to. From my experience allods is the only mmo out there (fram what ive played) that require communication.

Wednesday, April 27th 2016, 11:16am

Author: The Allods Project

New expansion too easy?

Hey so i noticed that the new instances are very very easy, not only are thhere only 4 instances (wtf) when last expansion we had like 8 of em? but they are also so easy? me and my party just got to epic sector, we play with 66k gs and with a tank who still have some green gear. and to make the time go faster i am playing tetris... on the last boss.. and im the healer in my party and i barrely have to do anything? does the leggy serctor get harder in comparesing? I mean when the healer is playin...

Tuesday, April 19th 2016, 12:36pm

Author: The Allods Project

Kick from battleground

This Kick system is defenetly being spolied, you can stand a defend a flag in witch hollows and you get kicked for idling...

Tuesday, April 19th 2016, 12:36pm

Author: The Allods Project

Kick from battleground

This Kick system is defenetly being spolied, you can stand a defend a flag in witch hollows and you get kicked for idling...

Tuesday, April 19th 2016, 12:31pm

Author: The Allods Project

Falling damage

Dont forget Baba Jagas Pestel, its Immune too

Tuesday, April 19th 2016, 12:08pm

Author: The Allods Project

Collector Edition

WTF AND HOLY BALLS!?!?!? Thats like Twise as much as the colletors Edition it self?!!

Tuesday, April 19th 2016, 11:38am

Author: The Allods Project

Collector Edition

Hey, so i noticed that in the Collectors Edition you get a coupon for Lightning Bolt, i guess the coupon is just to be able to buy it, how much exacly does the lightning bolt cost after i purchased the collectors edition?

Sunday, August 30th 2015, 12:54pm

Author: The Allods Project

Allods Project: Announcement

We are happy to announce that another Allods Cinematic have been raised back from the dead and are ready to be rendered and uploaded. The movie is planned to be ready within 2 weeks, so keep your eyes open on the Creative corner

Wednesday, August 26th 2015, 8:49am

Author: The Allods Project

Allods review by MMOGrinder

Ye, i saw this review a long time age, and you can see my comment down bellow, the guy with the blue viking helmet as picture. As you may see then i do not agree at all. this guy only got to lvl 32.... wow. and he talkis about pay walls? what exacly is a pay wall in allods? you can play everything and get anything completely without spending any money at all. i have a friend to grinded full set of lvl 7 runes with in game gold. all expansions and veerything is completely for free, no subscriptio...