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Ya i know of 4-5 other people who are not receiving the Gpots after payment has been processed.
I remember when Gpotato got rid of all our GM's/CM's, all cept pio......looks like game is continueing downhill.
No, each character has it's own keys.
Would be nice to get an answer.....shouldnt have to wait 2 weeks for every ticket/question that is asked.
Can a GM/Mod confirm if this is permanent, or a possible mistake made?
Wraith everyday players que up for skirmishes in aod/bg's and such. They are allowed to afk, leave right after joining, or just not help at all. As a player who is trying to do the skirmish this is very irritating. If I say anything about in the wrong. But they receive no punishment. I am sorry if you dont agree but simply put THATS F******* REDICULOUS.
Same here was never warned just muted. Which is back to a point I made prior. As an NA player im automaticly wrong even before I do anything in the eyes of Mail.Ru.
Wraith what you fail to understand is as a player of the game I AM SICK OF PEOPLE QUEING SKIRMISHES, to afk/walk around/being waste of space, and DO NOTHING that they should be doing, ON TOP OF HAVING NO GEAR. It's rediculous that you guys punish players who speak out, plus we are punished by these shitty/intentional players purposely hurting their team. is sadly one of the worst companys I have even seen when it comes to this ( international) server, time and time again I seen NA players punished instantly but others go unseen. I love how if an NA player says something in world they are in the wrong. When you do Arena of Death the idea is the have 2 teams of equal gear going, not these losers with blue lvl 51 gear ( FROM 2 <snip>PATCHES AGO) getting invited to be there. It's MAIL.RU'S FAULT this is happening, so stop muting players when...
Ticket Number: MVT-284-61300 Proof of not exploiting was sent and there is still no sign of my account being unbanned. How long am I going to have to wait when others were unbanned instantly, I am being further punished for a wrongful ban. I sent proof...why am I still not unban?
Looks like Zit headquarters
Good thing you posted this...since half the <cut> server got banned. Now we know what we are missing due to failure we call, should rename to Gpotato. Now now.. you really have to include that word? - Zurion
Well anyone else invest in a piece of property n planet nexus?
So its against the terms of game to spend your crystals how you want to spend them? Seems like it's ok to spend money on crystals but if you plan to use them...then they must ban you.....what a joke.
Just like gpotato, they will wait several weeks to answer any tickets by then ppl won't care and will be playing on planet Nexus, Just shows this company is no better then the 2 before it. Players were banned for spending their real money, what kind of logic is that? Do i need to come to your office with Crayons and paper, and explain how you continue to ruin a good game?
Could we get some Gm attention plz, this is complete bs......How do you have any proof of something that DID NOT happen?
Your not alone, a ton of us from NA server were banned, I am at a loss for words...I didn't even do Trade route, I'm a Cs player. Really Confused.
Any information on how things are going?
Will we ever be able to get the Old vanity from Prof cards again? Several of us did it back when it was limited to 1 per account and had several toon's ( not rein's). I would like to get a chance at unlocking some of the lost vanity.