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This kind of post should be in the issue sub-forum The game doesn´t has support for Linux systems, the anti-cheat that comes with the game has some problems dealing with it since I remember. The devs don't have a prevision for when they will launch a support for linux (but I would love to have support on it). Currently I use a dual boot pc to play it, I guess a Virtual box could handle it also (but the game would lose performance).
It would be nice if the game supported translation files. If it enable us to edit the text files used to load HUD, NPC conversation and options etc. It would allow us to translate the game for our native languages, I was working in a addon some time ago to translate HUD and NPC conversation, but it was a bit hard since I needed find the component and change the text through script, it also doesnt work very well. Since the game has a global server, it would be great if the community has the optio...
@Dragagon thank you for your add
You need to talk with Alice in Novograd or Nezebgrad to got to Suslanger, there you need to finish the story quests to get the quest to go to Eden. You also can level up with different ways as Astral allods, Distortions (press ctrl+M and go to Dungeon tab) battle ground pvp(same window as Astral allods, but go to skirmishes tab).
This allod is locked down due to a illness on the city, you will need to find your way to enter the city. To do this you have two options, one is the sewage hole in the entrance of the city, other is a hole pipe out of the city. Inside the sewage, you`ll find sewer rats, plague rats and undead, take care with the undeads, they jump on a player randomly and start giving damage, you can stop them by using CC skills. The first boss will be Hur the Boiling [Lord of the Gutters]. He throws pestilence...
talk with alice in novograd to went to Suslanger, finish the quests on there with eladia to go to eden
Quoted from "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" i would have loved to be able to read guides like this when i was new in this game, good work there feel free to add tips for this xD
The allod is home of creatures as Hungry Wolf and Burning Sparks, nothing to worry about. The first boss is Kuzmich [Drunken Forester], it`s a orc that throws barrels on the party members, on the place where the barrel fell, a fire circle will appear giving damage to everyone that stays on there. He also summons some minions that give damage to party members, don`t let they crowd you. After kill him, you`ll receive the skill to throw a bottle that creates a circle of fire. On the path you`ll see...
Ctrl+M and go to the dungeon tab, it`ll have time void
In Lab Complex, there`s a picture of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857-1935) a Russian rocket scientist who was a pioneer astronautic theory.
the right path for steam is [Installation Drive]:\Steam\steamapps\common\Allods Online\13_505\data\Mods\Addons In game launcher you can click on the down arrou near Play button and click on the "Open game client folder" option, it will send you direct to the right folder, so you just need to enter ion data\Mods\Addons from there
try: Al Rihat quests KoE dailies Umoir - Foul Dale dailies Irene Dailies Distortions
it has a wild pet version, but its green
Try to see if you have quests to be done in lower city or wellebel preserve (the quests on wellebel send you to foul dale)
You'll arrive there through the story quests, you get there near lvl 85
Tropical Atoll is back and with it the minigames, but it loks some people are having problems to understand how the Sailboat works. Here I'll show you how to sail: To sail you just need to rise your sail and point it to the wind direction. If you turn it in a 45°angle with the wind direction you get more speed. Here we can see the graphic effect showing the wind direction, its the blue effect, it flows to the wind direction. Here is the sailboat controls, you can turn the sail to the left or rig...
Quoted from "user_218798707" Are the customization options for pridens (or all races rly) only the one available then you create your character or are there other ones that can be unlocked or purchased or smth? I'm coming from gw2, where you can buy other looks (hair/skin/fur/eyes) once you get to the main city or whatever. The choices just seem limited- I'm not complaining I'm just a lil curious XD. It has some customization options that you can unlock, but i don't know how yet.
Quoted from "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" mobs are easier to kill on paymentserver until you would have better runes than level 5 which happens pretty fast plus there is no pat 5 on payment server so you can definitely say on paymentserver mobs are harder to kill in total on paymentserver you can get a default horse for some gold from horse-selling-NPC and later other mobs, on free server you get various progressively faster mounts from a chest over time with a fast 160% speed mount as the final gift ...
Quoted from "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" had it today fixed by updating launcher (help - about program - update launcher) did you've downloaded by steam of from the site?
The tent doesnt rendered correctly