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Friday, January 3rd 2025, 2:38am

Author: Rayofsshadow

New Mini-Season (from Epic"purple" > legendary"orange")

Should have been Yday but I guess they forgot to enable it in game

Saturday, October 5th 2024, 6:17am

Author: Rayofsshadow

New player experience

I would always suggest joining the official discord to ask or pm individuals on discord u can also search about allods online on youtube and see who are the people playing this game to see who to ask and other stuff

Tuesday, August 13th 2024, 7:56pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

dps/universe meter

If you want the UniverseMeter which is better than AoUmeter, go into alloder pro and just redownload the latest one which is working. Version 2.5.1 for your info.

Friday, December 23rd 2022, 9:02pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

Please, Bard Build!!

You need to stack 3 Disharmony before u dancing blade, and dancing blade is always first .> Disharmony-> Solo/Requiem -> Disharmonyx2 ->Crescendo-> Dancing -> Disharmony-> singing -> flying -> redo. And if u want to burst more u put Expression after the Dancing blade , and Always Tunes of war before u crescendo.

Saturday, December 3rd 2022, 10:11pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

Astral Keys became obsolete?!

this is only implied to p2p eu where u get T3 easily from MI and people doing Nihaz, while 70% of the server on f2p are not doing Nihaz or MI(or get hunted by top guilds in MI not getting their chests). They need T2´s. Maybe play on a polulated server so you dont gear as fast.

Monday, August 8th 2022, 7:56pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

Task Force Event

Name : PioPico Server : Evolution Completed Tasks Killing Khigo - 10p Dance on Raid Boss Corpse - 10p Give beggar coin - 10p Salute class Trainer with Class outfit - 10p Divorcing with Champaigne - 10p Wave/Salute Gorluxor in his Tower - 10p Participate in Race kirah/wandering isle - 10p htt...

Wednesday, March 30th 2022, 11:39am

Author: Rayofsshadow

Uro boros reset after 50m

some ppl atk it and afk on pad, and it keeps em in combat and makes u have a stack, just watch for it , if u get one stack be rdy if that last person gets out of combat or goes into car for a reset

Wednesday, March 23rd 2022, 4:29pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

Uro boros reset after 50m

doesnt matter, if a person goes into a car u lose that stack , so u need ppl being on mount/running after in combat for it to have the stacks, and one is enough

Tuesday, March 15th 2022, 10:18pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

Uro boros reset after 50m

It resets when there are no participants stacks, make sure not everyone mounts a car, and that someone is mounted and shoots it and runs after it on mount. the Arm icon, like Power needs to be 1 or more It has been spoken about on Discord and also proven that, thats the issue.

Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 10:11pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

DON'T take mercenary at astral! :)))

Mercs also scale off the runes of the player who hires them

Thursday, February 11th 2021, 4:36pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

"New Dawn" Streamer Marathon - voting has begun!

I think its a bit missleading too, u say pitching a player with few months vs a 10+ year veteran + tons fo money? what stopped you on new dawn from cash shopping runes? Well whatever you say here is just not gona do anything since its copy paste from what russians do. You also say they will never get 13´s if we merge, It can go both ways either they stop since they get stomped, or they get 13´s faster lol you just want a easy road to the top with 12 ppl on a new f2p server which also was like 80...

Tuesday, February 2nd 2021, 10:34am

Author: Rayofsshadow

his vocation quest

I ont think it has been an issue before, the 3 packs before last is doable why not the last one?, u dont have to aggro all mobs at once either since the npc can tank one for example, and I cant remember if u put BL on itd help u heal some from skill but Idk, was a long time since I did it.

Wednesday, December 23rd 2020, 3:17pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

"The New Dawn" Streamer Marathon - Registration

1) PioPico Allods Online 2) 3) PioPico on Evolution server

Tuesday, October 27th 2020, 3:14pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

Gold in mail deleted O_O

isnt there always message that it has content inside it before u delete, I have that

Tuesday, October 27th 2020, 3:14pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

"No connection to server"

well I doubt allods can do much about it since its servers to servers communication I bet depending on country and connections

Wednesday, October 14th 2020, 9:02pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

Stats in 11.1 Luck effectiveness

determination stacks more easily now, u can get 100 in 1v1

Sunday, October 11th 2020, 2:50pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

Stats in 11.1 Luck effectiveness

brutality is for everything tbh BUT its conditional, like in pve I run example ( 800 prof 801 deter 800 brut) for long fights because it scales good when bosses goes lower and lower, but for dailys or s5 where mobs die fast brut isnt rly needed, for pvp it depends on your role, pressure class like summy n psi n scout(scout dont need to be pressurer ofc) dont rly need brut since ur pressure is just that good, but then again brut helps when targets are low so it rly depends on what u want ur role ...

Sunday, October 11th 2020, 2:45pm

Author: Rayofsshadow

[PMB 10.1] OshiMoshi's PvP DPS Warrior

I heard u have to use rapid blow aswell now, Idk much bout warrior dps so I cant help