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Quoted from "u_11064494" We need to drive the old allods again with the old upgrade amalgam system with the old astral where you drive to islands just the old as with the 47er patch then I miss the good old time it was fucking horny and now it's just all not like before everything is cap utt went in the present allods.. Yeah 47 patch was blast. Good old times.
I am glad there are many people around here that think same as me.
This game never worth to come back. There are way better options with better graphics, gameplay, etc... I had great memories from old times when servers are separated, even after merge I found new group of friends that we always played together in our small guild but let's be honest those days are gone. They all moved next thing. Tbh we should do that too. Let it all be a good memory.
I highly suggest you to check exchange rate on old server. After checking I invite you to join us on new server with people who has same starting. No 13 lvl 10 even 9 lvl runes. Fresh start for new player or old players who cant do anything on old server. Its funny that its less p2w than old server with exchange rate.
The one you can play. There is no point playing a class that is called best when you cant even play it properly.
I agree there is no point to add dwarfs when you have gibberlings. Dwarf is a cool race i know but allods trying to be different from other MMORPG's. Gibberlings added in order to fill that small race in game with niche idea. Still I wish gibberlings was 1 small furry character instead of 3 small furry character.
P2P server evet daha iyi ama sana galiba oyuncu bakımından sıkıntı çektiğini söylememişler. Aslında yaptıkları yanlış oyuncuları çekmek için yapılan bu davranış.(Söylendi mi söylenmedi mi bilmiyorum. Dediklerim söylenmediyse üstüne alınmalıdır.)
There is enough answers for how to get strong so i cannot stop myself saying this. Spoiler GIT GUD
Quoted from "freestile" Thing is irl i'm 100% for a communist system (and i think it's clearly the best option for all of us as life isn't a game I know it is not place for this but I'm not studying for 4 years (some people even more doctors) for garbage man can live same life as me. You can say it is selfish but it isn't i spend my life for better future, while some uneducated person don't even bother with it.
I would say its the same small community with a few newbies.
Race wont matter hugely its only cosmetic(there is racials but they wont make huge difference in playstyle). If you want my honest opinion either play on p2p server or quit allods because gold exchange for cash shop currency is high af. You have 1 week free sub for p2p server i would highly suggest to use it.
Allods is mainly endgame. If its discourage players to do harder content. I dont know what to say.
Biraz geç bir yorum olucak fakat. Allods hep p2w di. Eskiden şimdiki kadar değildi ama vardı yinede bende aynı level dergisinin verdiği cd ile başlamıştım. O zamanlar daha güzeldi. Arkadaşlar gene oyuncu kitlesi var diyolar ben en son girdiğim zaman ki kitle türk sunucusu olduğu zamanki kitlenin yarısı eder mi bilmem. Ben elimi ayağımı oyundan çektim. Soran arkadaş olursa p2p de başla derim. Kararsızsan ilk defa oynayacaksan 1 haftanıda kullan gir. p2p tek sorunu 40 lira allods için fazla. İndir...
Yeah this is really good guide for players who want to play support warden. Since it has all basics about the class. Definetly use this if you want to play warden pvp. Pretty close to what i use.
Yeah but no answer so far. Edit: I saw answer that was really helpful thank you.
Quoted from "Gladia" Hello, Quoted from "Ginko" No. Lets think what is Money hungry company. So rather than selling faction change they want you to spend more on expensive in game items. In conclusion have fun the faction you pick. has nothing to do with that decision. The Allods Team (Allods developers) removed the faction change ability from the game along time ago, and do not plan on putting it back again any time soon. Then can i ask another question? Why game has huge lag wh...
Yeah. I wish i could make atleast 1 reinc to other side. Atleast make it for priden or for new race.
No. Lets think what is Money hungry company. So rather than selling faction change they want you to spend more on expensive in game items. In conclusion have fun the faction you pick.
Yaptığın şeyler güzel ilginç fakat her seferinde yeni konu açmak yerine eskisine yeni şeyler eklesende olur
Last i heard melee was OK like it used to be in many patcher ago. If any experienced player confirm this I highly suggest play melee i remember it was so much FUN. Sadly cannot provide with talent tree and such.