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Hey dear Allods Team, can you please restore my P2P league character Taleron...i deleted him but now i want to Play again! Thank you! Greetings Taleron
How many ppl play on P2P at the moment?
Hey Laany, I have no intention of going RU. I cant understand russian language. If anything i am still angry at allods team for not caring about this server. Its a damn shame that this server has so less ppl. In any way its a good option after all to play on p2p. For an old p2p player like me its kind of annoying to read that guilds moved to p2p and stopped playing again. Mercaneary guild, turkish guild anka and ascendency there are many examples to set. Greetings Taleron
Hey Taleron here, how is the population on the p2p league. How many players ? I am playing with the idea of playing again. Thx all Taleron
Playerbase is growing to a state where you can make PVP. Its a good development looking back to the days where it wasnt possible on P2P.
Well said, Frowbro. The Last hope seems to be the P2P Server. I played on P2P for a Long time. There was a time where as good as no one played there. At this time it was nearly totally empty with less than 20 active Players on the whole Server. But nowadays what i see from the Pictures posted by active pay to Play members its better now. For nearly 2 years there was no BGs Pop. Now there is. But there is still a lack of Players in the starter zones. Nevertheless Population grows Yes and its true...
Taleron here, there is no goblin servant needed. You can go on pretty well just with the loot helper. Greetings everyone.
Due to Katas is PVP, the question of pvp has been solved because most ppl only speaking of BGs but dont consider KoE, Katas und Astral or Melting Ice. Genereally speaking i find the main City raids very good in Allods. They make tons of fun . In other MMOs you always fail by searching ppl for it and Main City raids is PVP too and available on P2P too .
You do all well. Dragagon, i thought about many ways of making advertisement for allods in whole and p2p. I made up a Facebook Group with many People once played on p2p. I advertised in my Forums. Even made an article about pay to Play allods back in 2014…umenia-1145170/ I even was running trough my City with allods Flyers haha. I even nailed it on the black wall of my every University in Berlin xD. I was spreading Flyers for 2 weeks on Brandenburger Tor....
A P2P Channel is a very good idea. I think the Forum is already too crowded with threads regarding the p2p that People sure want to to speak with People playing there instead of just chatting with them. I feel thats a more deeper way to get up to date on p2p Status as well. Greetings Taleron
It´s Taleron I have activated my Basic account. Now i will have in future the ability to switch the sides whenever i want . Cheers!
Man i loved allods really much but i dont like this patch, the changes they made with GC, classes, the gear system and there still is the population problem on p2p. The overall lack of advertisemnt is a curse. Allods is all the way more superior to Rift i am with now. I like some aspects in Rift too though. Right now Rift is my lover but my heart will always stay here. Greetings Taleron
I cant understand avarice and the decrease of ppl on league p2p. It was all so nice and they moved to WoW ofical Servers that are ptw....yeah But Allods always showed up with a high potential of self destruction sad for the new Player son league so Empires turn i think
Hallo, mein Problem ist Server hat die Verbindung getrennt....5 sec nach dem einloggen ich brauche Hilfe ... Danke ! Taleron
Hey Support i have the internal Service error and cant resubb....pls help me thx in advance THX Taleron
Hallo, Yomy oder Kurt, wenn ich das seht. ich habe immer noch den gleichen Fehler, wenn ich wieder Abo machen will Oh ich will unbedingt wieder spielen. Hilfe .... Grüße Taleron
Ja wie Bluescarlet schon gesagt hat scheint ne Menge los zu sein. Ich selbst werde wohl nächsten Monat wieder in Erscheinung treten. Bis dahin viel Spaß Taleron
Well thats pretty cool a real improvement They cant look worser than in earlier patches
Hey guys i want to know if you are happy with how the weapons in endgame look now and if there is a greater variety/ choice of weapons u can take in endgame since there are direct drops now . 6.0 and ealier it was pretty boring because there was no variety in weapons to choose and the look was mehhhhh. If possible post pics of your current weapons and maybe armour so i can make myself a imagination thx for your kind posts in advance Taleron