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Thursday, January 7th 2016, 8:27pm

Author: Mielita

about "Fair Play"

Quoted from "VashBOG™" I get the same reply at odd hours, I'm beginning to think this is an automated response that sends the ticket to trash or something =\ I understand that they are full of work ofc they are banning all mmose user but at least i expect a decent reply for an hack like this DONE BY MODS. As u said ppl in russia didnt even reach this LVL at the end of the patch dunno which one is the lvl in nobility of ascendacy or minc or whatever but i guess is lower then 70 and u all got lik...

Thursday, January 7th 2016, 8:14pm

Author: Mielita

about "Fair Play"

An easy reply: when euro are involved SUPPORT CARE and ban as fast as possible; when we get ppl using hacks in game like this support says: "We have received your inquiry and have transferred this ticket to the appropriate department for further review. Please allow time for our specialists to investigate into this matter and we will respond directly to this inquiry as soon as possible."

Thursday, January 7th 2016, 6:38pm

Author: Mielita

about "Fair Play"

The fun fact was that, the tread u are talking about was REMOVED by the cm of the community that actually got for no reason the Lvl 70 nobility and Also was closed u know for what? For trolling, like saying that some important ppl are cheating is a troll XD Can say only that some ppl want to hide the truth. Anyway we know already Who Will win the gift for Beeing the 1st nobility Lvl guild at the end of this patch if no1 Will do anything about it.

Monday, December 28th 2015, 7:18pm

Author: Mielita

80% discount for the beginner backpack

Quoted from "sway87" 102 incenses?? lol Mie, gimi I hate the incense run. Lol xD Easy to do but basicly now its like that from months cos too buisy to play xDDD

Monday, December 28th 2015, 8:50am

Author: Mielita

80% discount for the beginner backpack

That's really nice to know! I sent a ticket too when I got this coupon cos even if I clicked on it I could buy nothing from boutique. Thanks JRoss for the reply!

Sunday, December 27th 2015, 6:38pm

Author: Mielita

80% discount for the beginner backpack

U know? Cos we dont xDDDD We dunno even if the items works on mains, so we didnt try yet xD

Sunday, December 27th 2015, 6:24pm

Author: Mielita

80% discount for the beginner backpack

Hello! It can prolly be a stupid question but me and some other friends were asking each other about this item xD U can buy with it an item in boutique for 1200 crystals with inside a lot of things.... The doubt we got is mostly about the purple note on it: "if u used an ark instead of runes u will get crystals". We all never used an ark (not on main and not on reinc) but since we lvled up a reinc to get this coupon we will get runes and all the stuff inside if we buy the item in boutique or nop...

Thursday, April 2nd 2015, 10:20am

Author: Mielita

[PMB] Mielai Guide

Every kind of bosses,mobs etc in allods MAKE critical damage if u have a dps meter u can check (Def meter part) that most of the hit that almost oneshot u its not an aoe effect but a critical that mobs or bosses do on u. As i said most of the time i got a pala dps or a warrior in my pt so actually i dont really feel comfortly wasting 6 rubies into that. (i have fod and when i will see that i dont have ferocity in pt i can take it if i really want to), and i totally still cant change my idea, Gre...

Monday, March 30th 2015, 10:34am

Author: Mielita

[PMB] Mielai Guide

Quoted from "WinterH." build is pretty ok, but i'd recommend For pve dps:-fero+ rubies (they're more of a must , than a preference) -great hunt and it's rubies----kinda bleah (more like 6 talent points and 5 useless rubies) -calculating mind r1 and lethargy potion r2 more than enough -and i'd take all bark shield rubies, and maybe det, instead of those 3 that reduce crits on pet(but that's just me) For heal pve:- det rubies, 9%det ~18-19% more heals at 100% , bosses do a lot of aoe, that+renew ...

Friday, March 27th 2015, 3:57pm

Author: Mielita

[PMB] Mielai Guide

Rotation Druid its totally a rotation class and i will show u here the perfect rotation: Lightning Strike/Flash +Maul/Grab!+Vortex+Shredand repeat this all over all the time, while this rotation u will need to use Great hunt that will increase the pet basic damage by 100%. The most boring thing about druids its that u have a pet that need energy all the time or he wont use any pet skill (and so your overall dps will be bad), so most of the time your will need to use Pet's Aid (racial spell) that...

Friday, March 27th 2015, 3:56pm

Author: Mielita

[PMB] Mielai Guide

Hi everyone! My name is Mielai and i'm a druid from like 5 months, before i was a bard but i got tired of it so i changed into a class that i liked more and i can say that i need to thanks my friend Ziobel that learn me everything i know about druids. Currently i'm in the guild Warsong and i'm one of the top dps in raids. By the way i like this class because its an interesting class, and u can have fun all the time and as i said its really nice and relaxing (except when u run out of mana and u s...

Sunday, November 9th 2014, 4:58pm

Author: Mielita

Dominyon Videoları

Good BABA!

Friday, October 31st 2014, 4:22pm

Author: Mielita



Wednesday, September 17th 2014, 6:28pm

Author: Mielita

5.0.2 Class changes-Translated

This is actually an incomplete translation because inside the RU patchlog there are more information for example the less healing of the druid by 33%.... btw this is the page u should translate, it will be more completed xD

Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 8:55am

Author: Mielita

New Frontier unavailable

Can u tell us what is about this error?

Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 8:47am

Author: Mielita

Ok allods wtf

Ok they post it New Frontier Technical Maintenance 09.09.2014 New Frontier is currently unavailable due to an unexpected error. We’re working on eliminating the problem and getting the server back online! Allods Team

Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 8:47am

Author: Mielita

Cant get on?

New Frontier Technical Maintenance 09.09.2014 New Frontier is currently unavailable due to an unexpected error. We’re working on eliminating the problem and getting the server back online! Allods Team

Tuesday, September 9th 2014, 8:41am

Author: Mielita

Ok allods wtf

As ppl said we should get the merge with arabs today no? i guess its for that but i'm not kinda sure about it maybe as usual they screw up...