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A feedback after this first day of fight : Enjoying a lot the fights because for the first time since a long time, there is challenge and good parties are all there to compete. The problem is mostly that even if I enjoy playing agaisnt good parties that push you to improve and get better, the russians teams will take the rewards for the International server players. But I don't have any ideas about you guys can do about it. To be honest if this kind of server could stay, connected with russians ...
Hello, can we have the ranking somewhere after this first day ? |Edit] Nevermind
Quoted from "sibotx" Problem is as engi we dont see his stats. He's not geared, not using any potion, not even using a food, so we are talking here about 300 stats less than people full geared compared to him. 1st wave you can see he's doing 224, you can see his real level. 2nd wave, he's not even going that fast, not even using the proper speed potion, and losing so many times. But the exploit we're talking about is for the 3rd wave, where you can kill mobs real fast due to a bug. We're not go...
Quoted from "Rayofsshadow" Well its a known exploit, we will see after exploit is hotfixed if its the same after =) Then explain us the exploit here, cause I don't see anything wrong with what Vicky is showing on both of his videos.
Good job Ascen ! Btw did you guys tried the last one ? I guess we have to run with 4 healers because for the moment, the DOT from the boss deals 5K each 2 second and the adds are dealing 3 to 6K per hit. So basically, healer have to heal 4/5K per second on each raid members. That's too much through the actual state of healers. Anyone have any idea about this one ?
Always go for 4 on the left (5 if you have a LOT of gold dust from prophetic cards or else). It's the best ratio between cristals cost and gold dust cost in gold.
Quoted from "theberliner" What def stats do you currently aim for in PvP and PvM? 250 caution is obviously a must-have in pvp, but what to do with the rest of the defstats? Next question: Do you feel that bloodlust is valuable for PvM? (in PvP I consider it not very useful...) Cheers in advance for your answers For end game pvp, 300 caution atleast, 250 survavibilty since heals are pretty weak this patch, gotta help the mto keep you alive. Then all the others stats on Vitality. For Pve, Only 15...
Quoted from "levibuba" Yeah that's the solution.. But Titanium has a point, Why would anyone buy the strongboxes after this ? They will lose a couple thousand $ there You know that people who open the strongboxes aren't the one who need the items but the ones doing business and just want to get the temporary item right ?
Quoted from "user_4016614" Every patch we have this problem and never a solution, some peoples who really deserve the 3v3/6v6 title don't get it, because of some people that fight against reincarnations/friends or pay someone to help them. So i wanna ask the staffs, is it legal ? It isn't. But you can't proof that they are boosting, unfortunatly. Like you can try to proof that someone have 0 win and 53 loses, signing with no gear scores at the same time as others players but it won't be a proof...
To be honest, I don't agree with you all. Crabs are perfect to do quick run and spend your keys. This way, you have more time to do compass runs. On compass, you need huge dps, good tank, good healer, a support who understand strategies and a good communication inside the party. If you go compass you will be able to have 115% on every stuff you have. But I see so few with it. 115% on every fables stuff is almost as you have 2 more stuffs available comparing to random with 100% (speaking of stats...
Quoted from "Mr Barett" micht have been Gale, saw a video about him doing some fights on KOE about a year ago,was a pretty good psi. he sadly enouch deleted his Youtube when he quited the game Yup, it was Galewyn in one of his Koe video
Quoted from "Lumi" Quoted from "HIppycrates" Yo tout le monde. Je fais partie des quelques ligueux ayant été debann très rapidement (requête jeudi 21h / debann vendredi 14h). Je n'avais pas eu le temps de faire de requête avant (boulot..). Mais j'ai anticipé le problème des supports. Comment ? En passant directement par le support anglais. J'ai switch la langue, et est rédigé mon ticket en anglais. Boom, debann. Le truc c'est qu'ils ont l'air d'avoir un support exclusivement en anglais. Les all...
Yo tout le monde. Je fais partie des quelques ligueux ayant été debann très rapidement (requête jeudi 21h / debann vendredi 14h). Je n'avais pas eu le temps de faire de requête avant (boulot..). Mais j'ai anticipé le problème des supports. Comment ? En passant directement par le support anglais. J'ai switch la langue, et est rédigé mon ticket en anglais. Boom, debann. Le truc c'est qu'ils ont l'air d'avoir un support exclusivement en anglais. Les allemands se plaignent aussi de n'avoir reçu aucu...
Quoted from "dragagon" YOOOOO YOU FORGOT THE EPIC PERMA TEAR, AGAIN!!!! 2ND SALE IN A ROW OF THIS AND YOU SKIPPED EPIC TEAR TWICE. jeez dudes whats going on, temp temp temp temp temp, it's all u peeps selling anymore. This aint f2p anymore this is a built-in subscription shit. give us the perma shit back! da heck seriously >.> I agree with you. I'm full cs now just lacking a tear (having the blue one atm ...). Why don't you guys make the permanent epic ones back :'( ? Or even the temporary legg...
... 5 real respond without trolling. Nice score, atleast this topic wasn't toxic right from the start ... Seriously can't we just speak without being salty ?
Quoted from "1aussieonly" Best: Bard: Xophy Summoner: Woltiz Healer support: Tauau Healer FH: FlowerBottom Warden FH: FlowerBottom/ Discordia Engineer: Only one player to pick here so Synestria Paladin: MeiaMorte Warrior: idk Mage: FlowerBottom Scout: Ottomatic Psi: NayNayrb How yeah, this topic is active AF in russian, to get it there ! In my POV : Bard : Xophy Summoner : Hard to tell. I will say Greyy but he stopped during the patch. So Woltiz / Penance Healer support heal : Kissaki Healer su...
Quoted from "Mockery" are you kidding? battle armor is not a game changer? really?!! it means +50% hp ++50% regen. 75% more hp in total. regen is auto for premium accounts. That's full bullsh*t. A armor have like 3/4 Million hp, and you are hp base from just your character is around 20M. So basically, maximum 20% more hp if you play with almost no stats points in vitamlity. Even less if you play with high vitality. Even if you count the healing it will be around 35/40%. Strong, but far away fro...
Quoted from "freestile" nothing worth playing it competitively anymore imo You tell that like ever was a end-game competitor x). 9.0 looks exciting for sure. When you watch russians videos and you go on the russian forum, it gives you the old level 55 vibes. It looks like in 9.0, only warden healer and engineer support are weak but every others class seems playable. This bullshit META we have since 7.0, where you need to have the same composition as everyone else because you will be weaker than...
Quoted from "nightfury" None of the rankings are working lol, support told me that they will look into it, which was October last year HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. And looky, nothing has been done about it or no information given xD Sadly yeah, that's why I want a answer about this. On last season MoS (7.2 I think ?) we didn't had ranking too but the competition was still active. Let's wait for a answer for GM on this topic !
Dear GM, Can you inform us if this competition of compass is working on our server ? And if yes, is there any way to have a look to the ranking ? Really hope you will respond so I will know if I need to continue to farm compass or not ! Ty by advance !