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Sunday, January 26th 2025, 9:53pm

Author: TwinyGG

nouveau joueur

Hey man. You should definetely try out this game, its a bit old but still great to enjoy. Sub server (5€$ / a month) there is 0 real money stuff that gives your character any kind of preferance only pure costmetic stuff. there are 2 webistes who are player made for new players to have a guideline what this MMo is about. One is and other is

Tuesday, January 14th 2025, 12:31am

Author: TwinyGG

Freie Abos für jeden der den p2p mal testen möchte!

Schade das über die jahre hinweg nie etwas passiert ist um MEHR SPIELER zu gewinnen auf dem p2p server. Momentan sieht es jedoch ziemlich stabil aus. Täglich S3/ compass runs; BGs; Tägliche meta events ( Bsp. Hirkalla sind täglich nachbar. Raids gehen easy manchmal sogar mit 2x 12er gruppen ( beide fraktionen haben genug aktive spieler und mit dir könnte es ein weiterer sein! ) trau dich ruhig macht echt spaß am sub server.

Thursday, January 9th 2025, 12:31am

Author: TwinyGG

New Mini-Season (from Epic"purple" > legendary"orange")

I hope they have not forgotten about the poor EU players . hahaha :-D

Sunday, December 29th 2024, 9:55am

Author: TwinyGG

Findet Nihaz Plan heraus

Ehre. Genau so funktioniert es! An der Außenkante der AoE Fähigkeit stehen, sodas die Monster durch das AoE getroffen werden. 1-3 Hits killen die Monster, je nach monsterart. Gegebenfalls die "buffs" aufsammeln welche die Monster beim Tod fallenlassen. Stabil! GG

Saturday, December 28th 2024, 1:23pm

Author: TwinyGG

New Mini-Season (from Epic"purple" > legendary"orange")

Okai, thank you for the Quick reply :-D! So we just wait and relax until an annoucement is made. Thank you

Saturday, December 28th 2024, 5:57am

Author: TwinyGG

New Mini-Season (from Epic"purple" > legendary"orange")

Hallo all! Like the Title indicates already, I was wondering when the the new miniseason will start? Ive heared many different opinions ,but its no first hand information so I figured I will just ask on here. Maybe somebody can tell more Information on the matter! Yours bOnBoNiCa

Saturday, December 14th 2024, 4:42pm

Author: TwinyGG

How is the Situation on the P2P?

Empire side has Guild Legacy. Join us we are daily online doing stuff. We will soon start raiding! Also p2p server is basically the more you play the more ypu are rewarded for you online time. Ingame name. bOnBoNiCa

Sunday, December 1st 2024, 3:53pm

Author: TwinyGG

Regarding Battle Pass Campaign %Discount

Okai! Thank you for the Fast reply! Legendary. So then its just Fingers crossed and waiting... haha

Sunday, December 1st 2024, 11:27am

Author: TwinyGG

Regarding Battle Pass Campaign %Discount

Hallo Allods Online Family! I was just wondering IF there is gonna be another sale before this current battle campaign comes to an end. Is there anyone who can Tell me ? PS: I am asking for P2P (Smugglers Paradise).

Monday, March 26th 2018, 9:27am

Author: TwinyGG

Still possible to buy old collector pack (7.0, 8.0)?

Hey guys, I just now saw these collectors edition and wanted to ask if one can still buy them ? Thanks for your answers!!