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Search results 1-20 of 162.
Hello there Artixnok! First of all welcome back! There are enough players on the F2P and also on the P2P if I´m not wrong to do content like raids and PvP. On the F2P it´s easier since BG pops quite a lot especially in the evenings. There´s Sunday 6v6 Domi and Wednesday 12v12 Dominion. For the topping up it kinda depends on what you want in game. Like if you want to be top player yes you would have to top up. If you just want to have fun with friends and play casually you don´t have to. There wi...
Hello there! It doesn´t matter which side really. There are Guilds on both sides which help League side has some more people I guess and more little guilds but Empire side has some Guilds too! Just go on the side you´d prefer to play at! Greetings!
Hello there! There is no Prophetic card event going on atm. When the Event will be up again there are 2 daily quests to get Compasses and you can buy them in Cashshop also. Greetings!
Wie gesagt ein Ticket schreiben mit Video evtl. im Anhang damit da genau gesehen wird welcher genau das ist etc. Seit 10 Jahren hat sich im Supportteam bestimmt was getan und ich bekomme eigentlich immer eine Antwort und habe auch von keinem anderen gehört, dass es da keine Antwort gegeben hat auf ein Ticket! Werde aber ebenfalls noch einmal darauf hinweisen. Grüße
Hallo Aionwen! Das Problem ist bekannt und auch schon weitergegeben worden. Hoffentlich wird es demnächst behoben! Grüße
Hello Blogosphere! In general most people playing in the afternoon/evening (Server time). But I´m not playing on the P2P Server so can´t 100% confirm. Maybe someone else will soon! Greetings!
Hello there! There is a Ship which takes you to Mondovi Fortress and from there you can take the June Ruins to the Lookout Isle. It´s the last ship on the very right when you look at the map! Greetings!
They haven’t don’t worry But with the holidays (in Russia they are later than for us) maybe one of the reasons it got delayed
Hey Manyachella! We don´t get those Infos you´ll have to follow the news Channel in Discord for news. Greetings!
Hello there bOnBoNiCa! The layers are around 10 weeks usually. So Leggy sector should open around the beginning of January! But in general there aren´t any fix dates for it and it will be announced usually 1/2 days before patch! Hope that helped! Greetings
Hello TwinyGG! Usually there are always two discounts for the Battle Campaign. The second one usually comes very close to the end. So it should be available soon! (No promise tho!) Greetings!
Hello there! I honestly don´t have a clue about that sorry! If you solved it, maybe you can share how you did for the future!
Hey Aionwen, Werde es weiterleiten aber es würde mehr Sinn machen ein Ticket darüber zu schreiben und entsprechende Screenshots beizufügen. Grüße
Hey Patty19896! Ja man kann einen 2ten und sogar 3ten Beruf erlernen. Du musst den Ruf für die Berufe dafür hoch haben und dann kannst du ein Item kaufen damit kannst du dann einen 2ten Beruf erlernen. Und im CS unter Handwerk kannst du ein Item für das Erlernen von einem dritten Beruf kaufen! Grüße!
Hello there! I´ve just entered Tep and Dead City with my Main and also with a reinc which just turned max lvl (and had still the raids as a quest open too) but I didn´t have this buff at all. So with both chars I was able to kill at least first boss of each raid. (Didn´t try to go further ) Maybe you can add a Screenshot of that Buff? Otherwise you maybe can ask some other people (in guild or zone maybe) to help you! Which Server are you playing on and which faction so maybe I can help you with ...
Hello Mondegreen! I´m sorry that you have experienced this start! It´s not like this all the time for sure! But sometimes people just don´t want to help anyone sadly. Which Server are you playing on (P2P or F2P) and which side (Empire or League)? Usually there are many exp guilds which would help you to level up faster and on League side for example on F2P there are many world shouts about it and you should get invited kinda fast if you´re in Novograd. The "is it worth to play?" question is alwa...
I`m glad you´re enjoying it! Especially with the right people it really is fun! If you need any help with anything or have other questions don´t hesitate to ask here or even in the Allods Discord! Greetings!
Hello FaeXHeart! Most people are max level and doing endcontent so you might not be able to see too many people running around through lower level areas. On the F2P Server are more people. There´s plenty of quest content. Max level is 110 now For a bit faster leveling I would recommend you to join an exp guild. Ask for it in the Capitals (Novograd / Nezebgrad) and usually there´s always someone who invites you into one! I hope you will have fun and enjoying Allods! Greetings!
Maybe delete the addon again and redownload it. I don´t have any issues and it´s usable just as before!
Hello there Natureswrath! The old one didn´t work for me either but there´s one working which is called AoUMeter. Greetings