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Wednesday, October 12th 2016, 8:16pm

Author: Warrior113

Contest Entry

Name: Prosorcerer Server: New Frontier

Sunday, July 31st 2016, 8:37am

Author: Warrior113

Task Force: Discussion Only

Um, when do we get the rewards? Because its 31th july already and i asked someone to log in yesterday(i cant at this point) and there were no rewards or no mail with rewards.Also is there a deadline for redeeming our rewards?

Sunday, May 1st 2016, 5:16pm

Author: Warrior113

Cant Get Back to Pearl ring

He does not Give anything EDIT: Reinstalled and the portal to Irdrich: Demon hunters ship appeared. Maybe it was there all along and i did not notice but i doubt it. anyways problem fixed

Saturday, April 30th 2016, 9:39pm

Author: Warrior113

Cant Get Back to Pearl ring

Hello, so recently i got to pearl ring with my was a bit higher level than the starting place of pearl ring but i got there, and at the start when the ship gets destroyed in the astral and you end up on the shore i did 1 quest and used my Adventurers stone to get to Yaskers tower,without opening a portal or anything to pearl ring. Didnt think that this problem would occur then so now i cant get to pearl ring. Tried automoving to the quests there. Tried automoving from the Recommended qu...

Friday, October 16th 2015, 5:01pm

Author: Warrior113

Error 1.10

Quoted from "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" try press "repair" button or try complete reinstall when the game notifies me about the error it offers me to repair it. by pressing it the game redirects me to a blank browser page. how do i repair it?

Friday, October 16th 2015, 4:59pm

Author: Warrior113

Error 1.10

Quoted from "Kurtcobain" check your virus programm and the firewall, sometimes that blocks the game I had the game installed before. ran good. could the firewall or virus block it now?

Tuesday, October 13th 2015, 4:45pm

Author: Warrior113

Error 1.10

Hello, i encountered an issue. didnt play allods for long so i had to patch it. when i did and pressed play an error 1.10 appeared. I will submit a ticked but normally they dont help me. I ask help from the community. please help.