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Sunday, March 29th 2015, 5:03am

Author: Kalenian

[PMB] Long Range Scout Guide

Advanced Content: You lost me This last topic is about certain maneuvers and tactics that you can use as a Scout such as combinations of skills and a short guide to PVP against other classes. 1st Skill combination: Ranging Fire > Double Shot > Steady/Intuitive Shot > Double Shot Start this combination by using "Ranging Shot", follow using "Double Shot" and then "Steady/Intuitive shot" keep using "Steady/Intuitive Shot" until your "Double Shot" Cooldown is over. You might as well use "Tesla Arrow...

Sunday, March 29th 2015, 2:27am

Author: Kalenian

[PMB] Long Range Scout Guide

Build Guide: If you walk down the patch you believe it is right, you cannot be wrong. Build making is a very relevant factor in Allods online, even for a specialized ranged scout, you do not have enough rubies and talent points to max everything. However there are a few tricks to maximize your efficiency at your builds. 1st - Take this pre-made build as a guide: This one have set talents and rubies that I recommend you to get. They work great for both PVP and PVE. There are still plenty of Rubie...

Sunday, March 29th 2015, 12:43am

Author: Kalenian

Ofensive Skills Explanations

Ofensive Skills Explanations: You are already dead, you just haven't caught up yet. Those are your best skills when it comes to damage dealing, since this is your main role, make sure to optimize their use. Steady Shot and Intuitive Shot, both are your basic attacks, they have low energy cost and low damage however they can be used to reduce the cooldown of your Double Shot skill. It is based on your attack speed, so its energy cost, cooldown and damage depends if you are using a bow or a crossb...

Sunday, March 29th 2015, 12:22am

Author: Kalenian

Utility Skills Explanation

Utility Skills Explanations: You wanna kill me, monster? Very well. Come on, then, let's kill each other... Those skills can serve you in a variety of ways, use your imagination!. . . Or at least your teammates commands. Utility increases the target HP by 15~90%, being a must have in most group PVE and very usefull in PVP, it is one of the main reasons people are willing to accept scouts in their parties. However it only affects one player a time, so make sure not to re-cast it on you in such si...

Saturday, March 28th 2015, 11:47pm

Author: Kalenian

Defensive Skills

Defensive Skills Explanations: People Should Die When They Are Killed. Recoil and Somersault are your primary reallocation skills, they trow you backwards up to 25~30 yards depending on which is maxed, knock-backs the target for 3,2~4,0 seconds, have a small cooldown, adds 2 joker stacks and consume little energy. However they can only be used in melee range. Like Mage's "Flash" this skill closes your foes target selection window, meaning they will have to re-select you in order to use single-ta...

Saturday, March 28th 2015, 10:50pm

Author: Kalenian

[PMB] Long Range Scout Guide

The Scout: If you are a famous one, then you are not doing it right. Greetings, people of Sarnut! My character name is Tohno, I used to play on a foreign server before the merge. As the intro stands, I am a anonymous no-one, but a pretty good one! Maybe. That might be one of my favorite aspects of a scout, as a long-range DPS character, you should be quite inconspicuous when doing your role in group fights. =========================================================================================...