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Tuesday, October 23rd 2018, 11:10pm

Author: Astralier

New server name competition!

Name: Thatos Server: New Frontier Suggestions: "Exordium" "Extinction" "Downward" "Eternal Abyss" "Dark Void" "Gloomy Paradies" "Pirate Bay" "Wrath of Tep" "Realm of Gods" "Kevin"

Saturday, March 24th 2018, 7:16pm

Author: Astralier

Skipping zones

Yes you can Buy extra incarnations for 1 Platinum coin during the Anniversary event and yes sometimes you get a "Iridesecent Jar" from the Allods team, mostly during the Anniversary Event.

Wednesday, March 21st 2018, 7:07pm

Author: Astralier

Skipping zones

You doesent need 10 Days for the Reincarnation Questline anymore, all of them are permanently repeatable so you can complete it within one Day. You cant unlock more then 5 Incarnations on the P2P Server at the moment and Shellerowski there isnt a thing like a "Boutique" on the P2P Server. ;-)

Saturday, December 9th 2017, 10:42pm

Author: Astralier

Reduktion der Schneeflocken

Nun ja aber der Serverpopulation auf Equilibrium zufolge zieht dieser "permanente Glücksmoment" nicht gerade die Leute an. Also finde ich das eher weniger schlimm.

Friday, May 12th 2017, 11:44pm

Author: Astralier

Name The New Server Contest - Entry Thread

Name: [Thatos] Server: [Smuggler's Paradise] Suggested Name: RealmOfKings New Eternity Goblin's Dancehall Pirate's Bay The mighty Construction worker