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Sunday, January 15th 2017, 3:15pm

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Allods community. For the P2P server

Quoted from "Quinz" Wow, threads like this really makes a new player wanna start playing this game... I think some people in this game should really find a new game to play. I think the main reason that this game is dying is not actually the developers fault, it's the players. Well this game is designed for it's actual target audience. If a game is being developed, that focusses on direct confrontation between players that much, like Allods does, and also transfers real worlds capitalism mechan...

Sunday, January 15th 2017, 10:50am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Allods community. For the P2P server

Nice Video, I like your Bladeareaeffect, Kr****, how many mobs u hit with it ? Why you change the target, even before your first target is dead ? Not even now Kr**** has grown some balls to confess it ? Nice how he favours his own advantage over his guilds reputation. It seems like "Brotherhood" is a name they like for their own guild, because it fits so well ! *preparing more popcorn*

Sunday, January 15th 2017, 8:13am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Allods community. For the P2P server

Quoted from "Bluescarlet" yeah but ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER thats one of the reasons why p2p server is dead ofc you find assholes everywhere in every game but usually they are like trash swimming in the ocean its not nice to see but it wont bother you much but now its not an ocean on p2p but rather a small pond and when there is too much trash you dont wanna get in there cuz its full of it Did not know you are playing on the aboserver, i thought the trash concentrates on the f2p, maybe that is the ...

Saturday, January 14th 2017, 4:38pm

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Allods community. For the P2P server

So the reason for this topic is, that the Guild "Brotherhood" can't leech anymore from Tank Khualeppi ? Without him they no more have any progress ? LOL !

Saturday, January 14th 2017, 3:58pm

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Allods community. For the P2P server

Quoted from "bloodonice16" shaffou. no i would not like a invite to your toxic guild. i agree with the Op. your a jerk some times <removed image link> Then stay in Guild "Brotherhood" instead, nobody cares !

Saturday, January 14th 2017, 3:53pm

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Allods community. For the P2P server

Quoted I thought to shine a light on this toxic guild and person. I know many people would love to make a post about this. But have not because they fear of what she and her guild would do. Please leave a comment on your thought Well that clearly counters your dilettantish disguise by calling that guild "Utopic". If too many Bunnies populate the environment, we need to hunt some to keep nature in balance.

Friday, January 13th 2017, 6:03pm

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Sharing knowledge about builds (off topic from summoner builds request)

I gave you a build which is really 100% OP, if you don't like my help ... no reason to flame, but it is still entertaining me *throwing popcorn at your head*. Quoted as I'm wasting my time and patience in responding to this useless topic Instead of reading skill and ruby descriptions to figure it out by yourself

Thursday, January 12th 2017, 9:15am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

build for PVP Support DPS and Build for astral support DPS

Sry but all those builds are not really good enough for your personal needs I think. So I made one that fits you a lot better :!4!333..33…tgxgf/KEJPBBPBV I am glad I could help.

Thursday, December 29th 2016, 7:15am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Fragen zu Allods

Pizzatoni ?

Thursday, December 22nd 2016, 11:24am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Bets on Server availability after Patch 8.0

Hi, let's play a game, everyone can make one guess, at what time the Server will be available again. As they started already 2 hours later, than announced, 8 hours later it will be 7pm. So my guess is, the Server will be available at 1:30 am again. Now it's your turn to guess.

Thursday, December 22nd 2016, 10:25am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Population on P2P December 2016

Awesome, you have a whole town for yourself !

Thursday, December 22nd 2016, 4:23am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Why not ?

I don't think so, but if so, then I must be the good guy. But tbh, I am from the other side of the Planar Rim, where neither personality nor individuality do exist. You can say, I am only a reflection of your own mirror image, which you never saw before. Cheers, your friend Zapp.

Thursday, December 22nd 2016, 12:20am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Why not ?

The ammount of ppl you don't like is probably the same percentage of ppl you don't like on the pay2win server or even less. Most ppl on Pay2 win Server never play with more than 20 ppl, it is only that you have more people blocking your way and farming your spot. I decided to play on the cheap server, means the one with abo. If I know how to behave, I can have fun with even a small ammount of players. It just does not matter how many, and also the people know that we don't have much of a choice,...

Friday, November 11th 2016, 7:40am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Addons ?

Hi, gibt es eigentlich noch Addons für Allods ? Bei Curse findet sich nix scheint mir. Irgendwelche Links am Start ?

Friday, October 21st 2016, 12:42pm

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Rassensklills Biestlinge

Ach stimmt, da war sowas ... lange nicht gespielt. Danke für den Hinweis, also ist es wumpe. Mein Acc is eh futsch mit Gpotato ... werde bald auf dem P2P Server neu anfangen. Wollte mich halt schon mal vorbereiten, allerdings erst mal die Spielzeit die bei WoW noch frei ist ausreizen. Bis dann und danke !

Friday, October 21st 2016, 2:28am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Rassensklills Biestlinge

Danke, leider steht aber nicht bei, welche Rasse zu welchem Skill gehört, sondern lediglich der Name der Klasse. Dafür fehlt mir auch gerade die Übersicht um Deinen Link aufzuschlüsseln. Ach herrje, wurden tatsächlich alle Rassenskills ersetzt ?

Thursday, October 20th 2016, 11:10am

Author: Zapp Brannigan

Rassensklills Biestlinge

Hallo, leider finde ich nirgendwo eine Liste mit den Rassenskills, die Biestlinge verwenden. Wo kann ich eine Liste finden oder welche Rassenskills nutzen Biestlinge ?