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Wednesday, June 18th 2014, 9:52am

Author: Llag

[PMB] Llag's in-depth paladin guide

Quoted from "azalin71" Gratz on 3rd place Llag! Good guide. Thanks so much! Means a lot Quoted from "rozetri" I most certainly approve of the job you've done here, Llag. Couldn't have put it better myself, apart from a few quibbling rubies here and there that I sometimes prefer. Thanks Rozetri! I certainly wouldn't have come this far without your guidance and without the help of Valiance. From the moment I re-rolled into a pally, all I wanted to do was to beat you in DPS... [img]

Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 3:00pm

Author: Llag

[PMB] Llag's in-depth paladin guide

Reserved just in case

Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 2:59pm

Author: Llag

[PMB] Llag's in-depth paladin guide

4.0 Additional Information 4.1 Reincarnations Upon finishing certain quests in the "Isle of Revelation" you will be able to create a reincarnation character. This character is basically an alt whic has the benefits of sharing most of the cash shop items on your main (bag space, extra rubies/talent points, mounts, runes, etc.). Reincarnations also provide your main with 1 specific class skill which can be used to your advantage. This section will briefly explain the most common reincarnations use...

Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 2:58pm

Author: Llag

[PMB] Llag's in-depth paladin guide

3.2 PvP Builds 3.2.1 PvP Holy Tank Discussion: I think I tend to change this up a bit every time I decide to PvP. I believe the core of the build is here and adjustments are made depending on what the person likes. For example, as shown above, I have taken both the Righteous Cause talents and rubies. This is mainly used to build wound complexity, however, as anger is kind of a gimp stat at the moment, a lot of people might not want to go down this route. If this is the case you can use these rub...

Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 2:56pm

Author: Llag

[PMB] Llag's in-depth paladin guide

3.1.2 PvE DPS (Physical) Discussion: This is my current Physical DPS build I use for raids, astral and Forlorn farming. This build sacrifices a bit of defence for more offence. I use a 2-hand mace to DPS as it is the hardest hitting weapon. With an energy steriod from "Righteous Cause" and energy regen from the "Vitality" ruby, you should have no energy problems. Make sure you don't forget to use your alchemy pots when DPSing as well. [Common Potion of Concentration] is a level 43 alchemy pot wh...

Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 2:55pm

Author: Llag

[PMB] Llag's in-depth paladin guide

Excel Sheet: First column: Ignore Second column (orange): total amount of offensive stats (includes stats from pots, elixirs, cash shop items, etc) Third column (red): Recommended proficiency Fourth column (green): Recommended brutality Fifth column (purple): Recommended determination Sixth and Seventh: Power function and Conditional DPSAt the bottom of your excel you will have tabs (yellow), this is where you will select your respective determination level. For example, if your average determin...

Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 2:55pm

Author: Llag

[PMB] Llag's in-depth paladin guide

2.0 Stats With the "Heart of the World" expansion came the implementation of a new stat system. What was known as strength, finese, expertise, agility and endurance is now something of the past. This section will briefly explain what each stat does and when and how to prioritise each stat. 2.1 Overview 2.1.1 Offensive stats Vigor Tooltip: Increases your damage and healing by a factor of XX. Comment: To be honest, I don't really know how effective this stat is when compared to other main offensiv...

Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 2:54pm

Author: Llag

[PMB] Llag's in-depth paladin guide

1.3 Recent changes to paladins "Heart of the World" Paladin Changelog With the new expansion, paladins had a few rubies rearranged to suit the new stat system. Also, paladins were hit by a nerf to their core AoE spell, "Anathema" and "Interdiction". The following lists the changes which occurred to paladins: Paladin“Divine Purpose” now increases Brutality by 3/6/9%. “Combat Inspiration”, instead of the old effect, allows the Paladin to parry attacks by one handed weapons with a chance of 5/10/15...

Wednesday, April 23rd 2014, 2:51pm

Author: Llag

[PMB] Llag's in-depth paladin guide

Pimp My Build - Llag's in-depth paladin guide (Complete) [LAST UPDATE: May 15th, 2014] Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction -----1.1 About me! -----1.2 Races and Racial skills -----1.3 Recent changes to paladins -----1.4 Upcoming changes 2.0 Stats -----2.1 Overview ----------2.1.1 Offensive stats ----------2.1.2 Defensive stats -----2.2 Optimisation of stats 3.0 Builds -----3.1 PvE Builds ----------3.1.1 PvE Tank (Holy) ----------3.1.2 PvE DPS (Physical) -----3.2 PvP Builds ----------3.2.1 PvP Hol...

Monday, April 7th 2014, 6:44am

Author: Llag

[fixed] Glyph quest bugged

i figured it out ty - check the astral quest for glyphs. can only take one glyph quest at a time