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Thursday, January 3rd 2019, 1:18pm

Author: Artakha

Sale: Radiant Strongbox of the Jeweler and Black Friday offer! - 23/11/2018

Can you phrase that differently? Because I want to know what you're saying but this sentence makes zero sense to me. EDIT: Nevermind, I get it. They originally announced to give out the exact equivalent of what we spent in premium crystals but then quickly installed a cap of 3K premium crystals max so we wouldn't profit too much. The announcement was edited to reflect this a few hours later.

Tuesday, January 1st 2019, 5:18am

Author: Artakha

Sale: Radiant Strongbox of the Jeweler and Black Friday offer! - 23/11/2018

The premium crystals still have not been sent out. This is pretty unnerving, as I wanted to spend them on the trader's fair ticket sale event. It would have worked if we'd have gotten them around Christmas, as was announced! I hope they will be sent out today.

Saturday, December 15th 2018, 1:19pm

Author: Artakha

The New Fair of the Free Traders

Well, they DO explicitly recommend to keep turning the wheel when you want something rare. It sounds like you always spun once or maybe twice and then grabbed the price, so I guess the system, albeit maybe not generous, isn't making false claims either.

Saturday, December 15th 2018, 12:42pm

Author: Artakha

The New Fair of the Free Traders

Quoted from "PunisherSy" I don't recommend this at all. I've spent like 2500 purple crystals and all the trash still show up, if you're willing to open for costumes or expansion token its maybe worth it, else than that save your money, this will amply strongly if you're among the f2p players then everything you pay is conversion with a ratio of 1.3 to 1 which come to think of the ticket price it self will be around 26 bc each with that being said the prizes value you get should be relative to t...

Monday, December 3rd 2018, 10:19pm

Author: Artakha

Sale: Radiant Strongbox Of The Inventor - 03/12/18

Quoted from "popcorn" I found the drop rates pretty decent on these. As a returning player I found out this sale to be good. Yeah, turns out I was wrong on the droprates and needn't have been upset. The adaptive shell goes for like 1to 1,5K BC, not 10K. The individual shells are also at the same value right now. The only expensive shell is the new Exarkh model. It is a decent sale that streamlines the whole assault shell business a little. It was actually not a bad idea.

Monday, December 3rd 2018, 6:17pm

Author: Artakha

Sale: Radiant Strongbox Of The Inventor - 03/12/18

So if I am reading this correctly, this Adaptive Shell is a new customizable assault shell which can look like all previous shells (similar to Kelpie), but in order for it to be actually useful, you have to disassemble at least 2 entire assault shells for two selectable upgrades? This is downright insane. Find an item that is going to be worth about 100 bucks, but pay 200 more bucks for it to be actually useful. I hope I am wrong. The ridiculous loads of cash grabbed by these RNG events better i...

Thursday, November 22nd 2018, 4:44pm

Author: Artakha

News from Ru server: Update 10.0

Because of the feedback after their PTR weekend, the devs are taking more time to develop WARP. WARP and Allods 10.0. were originally meant to be a joint release, but now Allods 10.0. comes earlier, and WARP will be delayed a few more months. Interestingly enough, there is no mention of new zones for AO. There will be powerful world bosses and collectible pets though. And level cap will be raised to 85. Apparently, Dragon Aspect will also come back. Regarding WARP, the devs have created a poll t...

Thursday, November 22nd 2018, 4:31pm

Author: Artakha

News from Ru server: Update 10.0

Quoted from "RedCatCZ" One question: Why the hell did they kept aoidos race..? Literally the only and the ugliest playable race that does not even fit into his world. I guess they were easy to implement in regards to action combat? Literally just humans with horns and arches and whatnot... I actually like the concept of the Aoidos race, and I was thinking about rolling Aoidoi ranger. But yes, they seem a bit off in this new world. Lore-wise it makes sense that they are there, but atmosphere-wis...

Wednesday, November 21st 2018, 3:40pm

Author: Artakha

reset my aoidoi

Quoted from "raga76" it is at max level and i have already cleared storage and bag ... What exactly do you mean by reset? To change class or what?

Wednesday, November 21st 2018, 2:31pm

Author: Artakha

News from Ru server: Update 10.0

Quoted from "Instinct" What about orcs? I mean they looking same or better/worse? The races are mostly the same, except a tad more defined/high-rez, and their faces have better animation this time around. Looks more crisp, but not as innovative as could have been. The body lock is likely because of limitations with their action combat system. On the Russian PTS, Elves, Orcs, Humans and Aoidoi are playable. I think there should have been a new array of cosmetic options, but maybe they're reservi...

Tuesday, November 20th 2018, 3:35am

Author: Artakha

Make the current Crystal Chips sale available for boutique crystals please

Quoted from "Aionwen" helloo, i have a question... i dont understand why is the price higher after conversion? didnt u get minimum same amount of premiumcrystals for boutiquecrystals? i thought they changed ratio so u get more premiumcrstals out of fewer boutiquecrystals... in advertise they wrote 60% rabatt, shouldnt it be 60% either both currencys? 60% is good imho, did they fail again or is this new business art... ? thanx for any clou ps: yesterday i thunderstroke some guy in new battlegrou...

Sunday, November 18th 2018, 5:09am

Author: Artakha

News from Ru server: Update 10.0

Quoted from "RedCatCZ" Now live in Russia I don't understand Russian, but the gameplay does not look particularly enticing. I thought they would be introducing an event system, but this looks more like WoW's world quests - as a primary form of progression. Am I seeing this right?

Tuesday, November 13th 2018, 1:08pm

Author: Artakha

Black Friday Mega Sale – 2018!

Quoted from "Lisad" There will be a Costumes Sale soon Yay!

Tuesday, November 13th 2018, 12:36pm

Author: Artakha

Black Friday Mega-Verkauf – 2018!

Ich erwarte recht spannungsvoll den Tag, an dem mal wieder die Outfits und Mounts der vergangenen Prophetenkarten-Ak tionen zum Kauf angeboten werden.

Monday, November 12th 2018, 6:25pm

Author: Artakha

10.0 hints by Mysterious Wanderers

While I generally agree with your statements, I would remain cautious about reading too much into those texts. You mention things like a fresh start or eradicating past deeds, and you interpret it (partially?) as a statement from the devs: "We went wrong with the game, there was too much P2W and we acknowledge that it cost us a lot of players. So now we're starting anew and hopefully our mistakes will be forgotten." I do not think they would put that in these quest texts. I think the deeds refer...

Tuesday, November 6th 2018, 3:52am

Author: Artakha

Halloween Pumpkin Challenge

Quoted from "levibuba" Mine is bad I dont get any support No, it's great! Your pumpkin deserves second place in my opinion!

Monday, November 5th 2018, 10:49am

Author: Artakha

character immediately at 65 as in the F2P server? WHY NOT?

Quoted from "fxnoob" I am 56 in 4 days, is ok. I came back after a very long break, I am very old gpotato user (closed beta and open beta). They removed the level boost and the other gifts with a recent update. You have to level by other means now. (e.g. timeless space)

Saturday, November 3rd 2018, 6:33pm

Author: Artakha

News from Ru server: Update 10.0

Quoted from "RedCatCZ" I like the idea of not being a hero. Also Allods 2 is closely related to current Allods, and I am sure we will fight with Nihaz there in the future, as they (the devs) say that Allods is only on the begining of its story. But who are we fighting againts aside from monsters? There are no factions. We need some real human opp. Blue team / Red team again? Oh cmon, pls no. U can do better than this! Hopely there will be no lobby like skirmish, cuz this is just lazy and lame a...

Saturday, November 3rd 2018, 1:32pm

Author: Artakha

News from Ru server: Update 10.0

Quoted from "RedCatCZ" Vityaz/knight is basically warrior. So its 4 classes, not 5. Knight, Scout, Witcher, Mage. Maybe its even 3 classes, if we got it wrong, and witcher is replacement for mage. Oh, so that's how it works. A pity. I thought Witcher would be the darker mage, and Vityaz the "brighter" warrior. Like they 're filling niches that the OG 3 classes maybe don't. Thematically and mechanically. But I somehow feel that you are right. Which means we are still getting an update on the sco...