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Saturday, May 13th 2017, 8:06pm

Author: Bluescarlet

Which would you pick?

actually i think they just recyle teps next patch anyway so maybe with next patches you also will see other raids

Saturday, February 25th 2017, 3:22am

Author: Bluescarlet

In case if you wonder if there is still live on p2p...

wow has to be nice to have nobody bothering you in enemy capital

Wednesday, February 22nd 2017, 11:52pm

Author: Bluescarlet

3 Little orders

the higher you are the more you get from the order npc and you get special titles

Wednesday, February 22nd 2017, 11:51pm

Author: Bluescarlet

Sale: Radiant Strongbox of the Devout Pilgrim - 22/02/17

also it costs 20 euro or somthing on f2p server and thats only first day so it gets cheaper as time goes by cuz nobody needs this shit

Wednesday, February 22nd 2017, 1:19am

Author: Bluescarlet

3 Little orders

@dala wait this doesnt work right? if i understand you rigth you mean to lets say make 950 score on engi and then switch to warden who cant get this score ever then it would count for warden? i dont think this works as i have a few ppl in my grp who only change class for blood trials every 2 weeks

Monday, February 20th 2017, 1:46am

Author: Bluescarlet

3 Little orders

i think i read in a future patch they will take away the prestige from koe or something so no more farming there (even tho this is how its supposed to be right? you farm = you get high place not that i complain as i hate farming and if this is getting taken out i will get high place without doing anything ) as to bloodtrials iam not sure if i understood you right there but you complain how some ppl change class to an easy one where is less competition right? well as long as the morphers are stil...

Sunday, February 12th 2017, 3:53am

Author: Bluescarlet

Which one is the most annoying enemy for YOU? (PVP)

shields bring you barely any noticable defense... i mean they bring you what 1-2k amor? only works against physical dmg

Monday, February 6th 2017, 3:59pm

Author: Bluescarlet

ı need a build for warden pve

basic pve dps build!5!331.3.…xbhypc/EDOBXVCB

Sunday, February 5th 2017, 9:14pm

Author: Bluescarlet

Character deleted after 3-4 years without playing

it was probably the transfer beetween webzen and mycom i think you need to send a ticket

Thursday, February 2nd 2017, 5:01pm

Author: Bluescarlet

How to use (Honor)?

you get per dominion fight (both champion or regular ones) a certain amount of honor (double for a win) you start with 100 every week and can earn up to 500 (btw raid dominion gives quite a lot too) honor always is spend on thursday and the more honor you got the more realgar you will get

Thursday, February 2nd 2017, 4:57pm

Author: Bluescarlet

Diference between F2P and P2P.

well you do something for money so thats working in a sense which means you earn it but anyway if what you said is corrent thats 333 euro a month with daily time invest of 14h?

Wednesday, February 1st 2017, 8:51pm

Author: Bluescarlet

Diference between F2P and P2P.

wow spending 3 month of your life to earn 10 euros? wowie

Wednesday, February 1st 2017, 8:48pm

Author: Bluescarlet

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! Add these to the game!

well its a russian game and russians aint black

Saturday, January 28th 2017, 4:45am

Author: Bluescarlet

Is the maze good?

build a group of 6 ppl and sign via the battleground tab you can get granit to build your own maze, corals to build factorys which produce gold on your own island, dragon tears which makes you ultimate abilitys stronger or simply a big chunk of gold

Thursday, January 26th 2017, 4:11pm

Author: Bluescarlet

7.0 Solo Warrior Build Guide

survivability only affects healing and shields warrier barrier is no shields in the game

Thursday, January 26th 2017, 4:09pm

Author: Bluescarlet

Any improvements on (Allods Online)?

honestly never felt any threat/danger from cheaters in allods ? yeah sometimes a buguser here and there but this gets fixed with time so i dont rrly see any point in wasting already limited resources into this