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Thursday, August 13th 2020, 4:32pm

Author: u_182810950

Are bots allowed in this game?

Quoted from "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" according to user-agreement it is not OK realistically, noone can really tell regardless, spamming will make you annoying and players will place you on ignorelist forever to get rid of the aol mail login spam (right click name of spammer and select "Add to ignorelist") Thanks for the reply AllOds. Im planning to add few bots anyways.

Saturday, August 8th 2020, 8:52am

Author: u_182810950

When will broken PVP get a fix?

Quoted from "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" TL; DR pls: fix HP numbers fix healing ~~~ Healing not effective even in fullheal and too high damage with too little HP ruin PVP pvp feels like playing counterstrike, bam bam bam dead - within like 2 seconds (those who know me are aware i understand enough of this game to be able to build tanky pvp builds so this is definitely not a problem based on low effort / low knowledge playerwise) what is this if even a full geared paladin breaks like a wineglass falli...