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Burada Allods Online'ın diğer kategorilerine uymayan konular hakkında sohbet edebilirsiniz.
P2P Serverda Beraber Oynayacak Kişiler
By OynuYorum (Dec 18th 2024, 2:53pm)
Burada oyunun oynanışı hakkında sohbet edebilirsiniz.
[] akaEHA Detaylı Kabuk Rehberi
By user_40509350 (May 15th 2023, 8:59pm)
Burada sınıfınız hakkında sohbet edebilirsiniz.
By caphich (Dec 5th 2018, 2:05pm)
[PMB 11.1] Cleric/şifacı Fullhealer/tamamen şifa ZemWarrior
By freezz (Mar 26th 2021, 2:47pm)
[PMB 11.1] Ferekonda Detaylı Büyücü Rehberi
By reRetribution (Nov 22nd 2023, 6:27pm)
[PMB 10.1] Tapınak Şövalyesi ''TANK -DPS(PVP-PVE)'' Rehberi Yapılandırma [Altayhan]
By salamigottenberg (Jan 3rd 2021, 11:20am)
[PMB 11.1] Mistik PvP - ArmilosCompan
By user_177667156 (Jan 28th 2021, 11:26pm)
[PMB 11.1] OneAutumnLeaf Mühendis Rehberi
By karnifeks (Jun 8th 2021, 8:33pm)
[PMB 11.1] Tooooker PvP savaşçı rehberi
By Jinn (Dec 19th 2020, 12:32am)
14.0 pagan dps ve heal buildi rehberi
By mursels (May 13th 2023, 12:46pm)
[PMB 11.1] BloodFlory / Casus Rehberi
By UgrOzcn1902 (May 12th 2021, 8:26pm)
[PMB 11.1]İblis Bilimci PVE/PVP/TANK Rehberi HeroNero
By Shelva (Dec 13th 2020, 5:29pm)
Türk Oyunculara Yardım Ve Rehberlik
By user_227404371 (Nov 20th 2023, 7:27pm)
By zollot (Apr 3rd 2014, 9:21pm) |
26 | 35,052 |
By alamutkalesi (Nov 5th 2017, 6:40pm) |
By greenarrow (Apr 4th 2014, 3:54pm) |
8 | 10,353 |
By peliyeke (May 8th 2014, 11:25am) |
2 threads - 36 posts (0.01 posts per day)