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Announcements & important threads

By Discotech (Apr 28th 2014, 3:32pm)

78 38,315


(Jan 15th 2021, 7:36pm)

By Discotech (May 2nd 2014, 12:21pm)

60 32,493

By averiess

(Sep 25th 2018, 11:40pm)

By user_1322796 (Dec 4th 2017, 8:39pm)

12 7,618

By Omergs28

(Feb 12th 2018, 2:28pm)

By Discotech (Jan 6th 2016, 6:03pm)

2 4,101


(Jun 9th 2016, 12:51pm)

By Discotech (Oct 6th 2014, 5:32pm)

53 29,044

By KenanReyiz

(May 28th 2016, 1:28pm)

By Karavul (Nov 8th 2014, 4:31pm)

21 12,954

By KenanReyiz

(May 24th 2016, 1:38am)

By Discotech (Nov 27th 2014, 11:59am)

16 7,455


(Mar 3rd 2016, 10:01am)

By Discotech (Jan 6th 2016, 6:12pm)

2 3,842

By Avey

(Feb 24th 2016, 4:07pm)

By Karavul (Oct 9th 2015, 7:16am)

6 4,255


(Feb 24th 2016, 11:34am)


By user_227404371 (Nov 20th 2023, 7:27pm)

0 20,688

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By caliskan (Feb 19th 2023, 3:07pm)

0 3,941

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By quentana (Feb 15th 2019, 1:41pm)

3 5,503

By user_198404215

(Oct 16th 2022, 10:00pm)

By u_177199774 (May 3rd 2020, 1:22pm)

9 10,047


(Sep 20th 2022, 8:16pm)

By u_9244023 (Dec 26th 2020, 12:16am)

2 3,324

By u_191148325

(Dec 26th 2020, 11:57pm)

By KenanReyiz (May 24th 2016, 1:33am)

10 6,176

By user_16627466

(Nov 22nd 2020, 7:37pm)

By UgrOzcn1902 (Nov 3rd 2020, 7:15pm)

1 3,249

By quentana

(Nov 7th 2020, 7:29pm)

By quentana (Oct 15th 2019, 9:39am)

0 2,283

No reply

By Rheme (Sep 22nd 2019, 10:35am)

3 3,793

By u_40109910

(Sep 23rd 2019, 6:52pm)

By VAPTUS (Sep 8th 2019, 8:33pm)

1 3,181

By quentana

(Sep 9th 2019, 5:22pm)

By Charmie (Aug 5th 2019, 5:10pm)

1 3,702

By Discotech

(Aug 6th 2019, 12:35am)



126 threads - 742 posts (0.19 posts per day)