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Monday, November 27th 2017, 4:11pm

pve scout build

looking for a good dps scout build, thnx in advance


Monday, November 27th 2017, 6:37pm$rj6gpk0cpj0c8…0000::13ydj3:t3

This is what I use as pve scout dps, works really well for me.

AOE rotation, precast poison charms + explosive shot > fire charms + aimed shot > bombardment x 2 > Crippling shot. (Can use poison charm steel rose as well)
Single target rotation, poison charms + aimed > fire bombardemnt > poision explosive > poison bombardment x2 > fire aimed.
Use the abilities like recoil, steel rose and replinishment to get gear, if you have racial ability stick bomb, use that as well.
Stats as pve dps scout I run 80 prof 400-450 determination 500 swift 160 ele dmg

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