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Sunday, February 25th 2018, 6:11pm

Heal sucks? Or is it just me?

Hey folks,

it might be just me, but is someone out there that also has the feeling that all heals suck?^^

Especially in support specc, my reanimation heals for like 400 (!!!) hp...

Stats i am using in support specc:

- 250 luck
- 120 holy damage
- rest 50/50 brutality and proficiency

Or am i missing an extremely important ruby?

Thanks in advance for your help!


Sunday, February 25th 2018, 8:16pm



Posts: 54

Location: Finland

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In p2p when I play summoner i use Searing and blood ties and keep always at 50% hp in pvp with full caution defensive. If i go full healer then I have no problems dark renewal is OP


Sunday, February 25th 2018, 8:24pm

Ye, as fullheal I dont really have problems too, using Dark renewal as strong HoT + Bloodties for blood + Searing for regular "bigger heals"... However, in PvP Support i experienced that all of the 3 above suck. Same goes for reanimation... I have the bad feeling it is because of my stats since i cant be THAT wrong with skills/rubies tbh...

What stats do you use for support PvP build?


Sunday, February 25th 2018, 8:38pm



Posts: 54

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I have a bout 300 for profi bruta and crit chance at the moment. like 50/50 split for profi bruta. with 45% reduced dmg taken when below 40% with caution its enough to heal with blood ties and searing for me.


Sunday, February 25th 2018, 8:49pm



Posts: 326

Location: Ruhrpott NRW Germany

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Heal gets better with equipment. I played my heal last patch and it was the same as now. With green equipment you can't heal everything with one click.


Sunday, February 25th 2018, 11:28pm


Monday, February 26th 2018, 2:45am

Alwyas you can try find pickpocket sup engi/bard to boost your heal ;)


Monday, February 26th 2018, 6:36am



Stats seem awfull wrong. Holy dmg is a total waste. Especially since 9.0, dmg type stats only offer 0.12% per stat point used, making it useless.

softcap is at 250 for all secondary stats now too, so dont go above 250 crit chance for now, especially since u gotta be efficient on your stats with green gear. Use crit dmg aswell because it does boost your crit heals.
Then run about 300 bruta v 200 prof, something with that ratio.
400 is the softcap on defensive stats. So run 400 caution > vitality > survivability.


Friday, October 5th 2018, 4:56pm



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250 is softcap on defensives too, just that 400 caution gives 50% (while 250 gives 40%) and Caution scales better for PvP
I am PioPico


Saturday, October 6th 2018, 11:57am

Heals were severely nerfed to about 1/3rd of previous values if I recall well. I have tested cleric (aka priest) and decided no matter what I do I can't outheal matron in PvE... mainly because I am human and my reaction time is longer than her:)
Healing other ppl is tough job now, every single boss has nasty specials and healer has to avoid all of them and keep an eye on pt members at the same time. It is VERY taxing and takes great amount of skill (simplified training grounds for that are BGs).

I have not tested summoner but from my experience I know they can handle healing a lot better than cleric and at last the same as warden.

P.S. If someone in pt/raid dies it is always healer fault... You are going to be insulted a lot before You get skills needed to keep pt/raid alive, be ready for that:)


Saturday, October 6th 2018, 1:39pm



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

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Well, getting insulted in Easy mode raids , dont pay it any attention, means they have bad stats and are not prepared.
I am PioPico

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