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Friday, May 11th 2018, 5:39am



  • "quincyrn" started this thread

Posts: 5

Location: Brazil

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DPS/GS question

Hello everyone.

Yesterday, in astral, I've witnessed, for the second time in this patch, a character with 18500gs dealing literally TWICE the damage the rest of the party, where the average gear was 19500-20000gs, with not much of a difference in runes (r11-r10).

The classes were Psyo (in the 1st situation) and Warrior (in the 2nd) - we had other chars of the same classes in the groups in both of the situations, with much higher gear score, and yet dealing much less damage.

Have anyone here seen something alike? Is this normal? What's the little secret?

Pls share your thoughts. (sorry for the bad english :p)


Friday, May 11th 2018, 10:25am

Difference between warrior and psi (and some more classes) in dps compared to rest can be a pretty big deal.

But then again, there are A LOT of players out there that have either a) isssues with their build b) their rotation and c) their stats.

Also noteworthy is the fact that while someone got runes, they might not have as much CS. Stats, rubies etc make a huge difference in damage. The GS in any of these scenarios wouldn't matter much at all if you didn't know how to play properly or had very bad CS.


Friday, May 11th 2018, 10:34am

Experience in playing war and psi in short.


Friday, May 11th 2018, 10:59am



Aside from runes, as said before, stats are a bigger factor than runes, atleast when you talk about everyone having 10-11 runes. Games are all about math and math is purely all numbers. Whoever has the most numbers in their aresenal has the highest potential DPS.
Then there is also rotation.
If a player doesn't care about his rotation or being one of the better one, compared to someone that does care, then that difference is quickly seen among them.
Many in the game unfortunately don't care about quality gameplay and delivering performance, so they plain suck, not because they suck, but because they are too lazy to put in an effort their money is already doing.
Don't be a braindead and be a tryhard! People like tryhards! Endgame players like tryhards!
Please ask more questions if you have so :)


Friday, May 11th 2018, 2:50pm



Posts: 233

Location: Podunk, U.S.A.

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They're likely using a stat build that works better with this patch. Examine their gear and check for stats that their class doesn't come with rubies for. My guess is you'll see a fair bit of Double Attack running around, balanced out with Crit Damage and maybe Crit Chance. Now that the point requirement to gain full advantage of a special stat is so much lower, it's a lot easier to justify and gain benefit from including those stats in your build.
IGN: Rozetri
Class: Xadaganian Great Avenger - Lv.75
Guild: Ascendancy (Valiance)
Server: New Frontier (Tensess)
Ship: IndigoSky


Friday, May 11th 2018, 3:22pm



  • "quincyrn" started this thread

Posts: 5

Location: Brazil

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Hey guys,
Thank you all for the answers.

I did examine those guys and saw nothing much different in their builds (as said, some DA, CD, plus Det). It seemed strange because their damage output was fairly higher than what I see to be the "average" in these classes. I am usually top DPS (sometimes second for a mage or psy, but not for a huge difference).

And yes, I thought about the CS items, but except for the temporary ones and the Conclaves (waiting for the event :p), I have them all.

I am kind of a build-testing addicted (tryhard!! haha), and after that spent hours testing different combinations of stats trying to reach something alike, but had no success.

Let me put it in numbers: the guy from this week was dealing about 35k-40k single target dps (blue equipment sector, AoUMeter), while I can barely reach 28k with much more gs... AoE damage is a different story, because it's kinda harder to keep track.

Maybe there's something I'm missing. What do you guys think it would be an ideal ratio between Prof/Det/Brut for PvE?

And, just because I know how immature some Allods players are, for the ones who are reading this thinking of calling me names, please f off. If you're not willing to help, find someone else to bully. ;)


Friday, May 11th 2018, 3:43pm

this is related to PVP but except for the healing / willpower- things these factors also apply to PVE…&threadID=11557
Everytime we read only about gear, runes and items... but there is more

today i want to show a full list of the factors which influence the outcome of a battle

Gear (Including Stat-Distribution)
Items (Runes+everything else)
Spec (Including Reincskill)
Skill (input + correct reaction to situations on the battlefield)
Internetconnection / Hardware

Potions Offense
Potions Defense

PVP-Alcohol (+10% OFF)
PVP-Meat (10% DEF)

Food (+HEALTH)

Alchemic Potion (offensive bonus)
Alchemic Potion (defensive bonus)

Guildbonus (Tabard)
Guildbonus (Guildtalents)


Other alchemical potions (Astral vision,negation etc)

Martyrs Skills

so to achieve the FULL potential of a char, all these things should be considered
the guildrubies which heal while under CC certainly have the strongest impact at all by far because they often make recieving CC's something desireable for the target and also render all those who rely on CC's chanceless

so for PVE i add the orderbonus "+100 Determination" (when the old thread was crated there were no orders :P)

and yes, warrior and psi are superior to the other classes in every aspect atm

also... was there a bard/engineer in the group?
a had a newer player who was shocked by the amounts of PVE-DPS he saw but the reason were the buffs :P

everyone likes discussions about dps, max dps, how to do it and all the other theoretical stuff <3


Friday, May 11th 2018, 7:12pm



Posts: 233

Location: Podunk, U.S.A.

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Hey guys,
Thank you all for the answers.

I did examine those guys and saw nothing much different in their builds (as said, some DA, CD, plus Det). It seemed strange because their damage output was fairly higher than what I see to be the "average" in these classes. I am usually top DPS (sometimes second for a mage or psy, but not for a huge difference).

And yes, I thought about the CS items, but except for the temporary ones and the Conclaves (waiting for the event :p), I have them all.

I am kind of a build-testing addicted (tryhard!! haha), and after that spent hours testing different combinations of stats trying to reach something alike, but had no success.

Let me put it in numbers: the guy from this week was dealing about 35k-40k single target dps (blue equipment sector, AoUMeter), while I can barely reach 28k with much more gs... AoE damage is a different story, because it's kinda harder to keep track.

Maybe there's something I'm missing. What do you guys think it would be an ideal ratio between Prof/Det/Brut for PvE?

And, just because I know how immature some Allods players are, for the ones who are reading this thinking of calling me names, please f off. If you're not willing to help, find someone else to bully. ;)
Post your stats, class, and build if you feel comfortable. It should be relatively easy to analyze from there whether you're missing something that can be (relatively) easily adjusted or if the problem is more related to practicing rotations. As for Prof/Det/Brut, the ratio used to be 2/5/2 for close to optimum DPS, but that was back in the 8.0 era. I'm not sure if 9.0 changed those numbers, too.
IGN: Rozetri
Class: Xadaganian Great Avenger - Lv.75
Guild: Ascendancy (Valiance)
Server: New Frontier (Tensess)
Ship: IndigoSky


Friday, May 11th 2018, 9:55pm

as for prof / deter / brut distrbution i would rather recommend

0 prof (free potion gives 40 all the time anyway + trinket adds a lot also, if you want more get alchemy potion - dont waste statpoints here)
full determination ( remember this is PVE, in most cases you change target quickly+ once its HP are low it wont last long anway as almost every class has base-brut already!)
0 brut (most classes get 90 as a base from rubies anyway, but this is more a "PVP-stat" - the once and only exception for PVE would be for a raidboss which gets some problematic buff once his HP are far below 50% but this is a special case we should not care about in a general view)

(but it shall be noted you cant do huge errors here, i gave many variations a try like full brut, full prof, eually shared and the difference wasnt THIS huge, actually it was so small i only remember it does not really matter but full deter was the best)


Monday, May 14th 2018, 10:53pm

No problems here as war dps, especially on bosses, every class struggles keeping up with me. Usually do 35-50% dps.


Monday, May 14th 2018, 11:40pm

No problems here as war dps, especially on bosses, every class struggles keeping up with me. Usually do 35-50% dps.

When I play warrior in PvE i do maybe 5 % of the damage in single target. I run full brutality. Help

Just kidding, however, some boss fights spawn ads (monsters), and if you are a real tryhard you pop all your AoE and make sure to boost your dps on the scoreboard (dpsmeter) as much as you can. So game knowledge/boss knowledge will increase your dps a lot.

Also what the players above say is good advice follow it.

For stats in PvE, your special stats is determined by the class, but the Primary stats I always run around this ratio: 100 prof, 450 Deter, 100 Brut. Works well :thumbsup:


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 4:18pm



Posts: 233

Location: Podunk, U.S.A.

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No problems here as war dps, especially on bosses, every class struggles keeping up with me. Usually do 35-50% dps.

When I play warrior in PvE i do maybe 5 % of the damage in single target. I run full brutality. Help

Just kidding, however, some boss fights spawn ads (monsters), and if you are a real tryhard you pop all your AoE and make sure to boost your dps on the scoreboard (dpsmeter) as much as you can. So game knowledge/boss knowledge will increase your dps a lot.

Also what the players above say is good advice follow it.

For stats in PvE, your special stats is determined by the class, but the Primary stats I always run around this ratio: 100 prof, 450 Deter, 100 Brut. Works well :thumbsup:
You may want to specify whether those primary stats are with or without pots/elixirs, although you might use those spaces for impacting special stats, too.
IGN: Rozetri
Class: Xadaganian Great Avenger - Lv.75
Guild: Ascendancy (Valiance)
Server: New Frontier (Tensess)
Ship: IndigoSky


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 10:19pm

I didn't say I was gonna say stats/build I run lol xD
I just mentioned I have no problems.

But either way, no problems here single target and most aoe packs.


Tuesday, May 15th 2018, 10:56pm

Quick Intel on Special stats i gathered based on Patch so far from Aspect of Assault Experimenting

  • Classes with Critical Damage as main stat (Bard-Warrior-Warden) 250 crit dmg - 250 double atk - Rest Determination
  • Classes with Crit chance as main stat (Summoner-Psionist-Demonologist) 250 crit chance - 250 crit dmg - Rest gear on Double atk
  • Classes with Double attack as main stat (Mage-Healer) 250 Double atk or can go up to 300 to get the dmg boost for 100 points of double atk 250 crit chance - Rest Crit dmg
  • Classes with Swiftness as main stat (Engi- Paladin) I didnt really play these classes yet so i have no info on the balance of stats for them.

Atm i am using as demonologist 0 prof 310 dete 90 brutality and special stats 250 crit chance 250 crit dmg and around 135 double attack while running 2 gears with determination.

My thoughts on this patch considering the new lower special stats scaling is that considering even if top players share their stat balance with the rest of the people the dps outputs will be different cos of perfection scrolls leggy and fabled that boost dps, runes and vigor from guild tabard.

I hope i help some people out with this post and if you got any comments, concerns or suggerstions feel free to reply. :)
Keep calm and pvp hard :thumbsup: 8)


Wednesday, May 16th 2018, 1:01am

Although most of the stuff written above is true, people seem to have forgotten it's not really the DPS player who wins the top place.

It's bard, who decides which of the DPS players deserves to be first.


Wednesday, May 16th 2018, 3:14am



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Not rly, I buff those who are Frequently Top dps, I dont make someone top dps, You earn top dps by knowing your class more than the other knows his.
I am PioPico


Wednesday, May 16th 2018, 11:10am

Sure sure. But OP said that normally he's doing top DPS and doesn't lose much to anyone if he is second. Ofc, it might have been the case he saw the best-player-ever on that certain class that time.

Or it was just the bard who made the difference much higher than it would've been otherwise.

Or it was bard and that other player in TS timing their buffs+bursts properly. Ofc this also means knowing your class good and all, but mostly it means bard.

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