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A total of 140 Votes have been submitted.
New Age (9)
Evolution (44)
New Dawn (11)
Forgotten Lands (41)
New Order (8)
Exodus (5)
Synergos (1)
Elysium (16)
Arborlon (1)
Exordium (2)
Insomnia (2)
"You can vote but we what you can vote for"
"You can vote but we what you can vote for"
I think thay schold choce for what you can vote for
As a player you identify vvith guild or server on you play
And novv you log in to game, and think oh "Nevv Frontier, my home i vvill fight for, this serv is best" or oh "Sexy pirates is best, i vvill kick buts another guilds"
Maybe "Nandita and Friends" is nice name for you and your friends, but another vvho vvill log in vvill think "meh" or vvill can't identify vvith it much
Also your name you sugested have nothink similar to Allods Online
for exemple look on names thay chosed vvhat your first think coming to your head?
New Age/Davvn/Order? -> Oh nevv times are coming lets go fight and make nevv history ! (have simillar to Aoidos and nevv life thay started after batle of gods)
Evolution? -> Ther vvas hard times, but in order to survive vve need adapt and schovv us povver in order to survive ! (have similar to Sogot and nevv demon clas, cuz vve fighted demons until vve vvas become a one)
Forgotten Lands? -> VVhat amazing hiden and undiscovered mistery vvaiting for us?, lets log in and check! (got similar to incoming 10.0 patch and Allods 2 vvho vvill be in future vvhen no one remember vvhat vvas happyn in past or allods you fight evry day to discovver vvhat thet Forgotten Lands vvill bring you this time)
Exodus? -> Legs go leave dark times Nihaz vvas bring us and bring little light to this vvorld! ( remind of 5.0 6.0 7.0 .. 9.0 patch vvhen somethink vvas start and end and don't back
Sinergium/Synergos -> The enemy of my enemy is my friend, lets log in and find some vve vvill can rely on( Synergy between Order of progres/creation/balas or even gyberlings/elfs/kanians in order to fight imps, vvitchout a enemy evryone culd go to another vvay
Elysium -> After my battle finish, and i vvill can't fight more, Elysium/Valhalla vvaiting for me >.< ! ( greck mitology = aoidos also All story about Tensses and Purgatory)
and etc![]()
I don't have any Friends.
vvho vvrote these vvise vvords vvas it you Xrade19 or did you copied them?
It is pity that not all names are available for vote. Whats the problem to show all names? Everyone has the same chance and the name with the most votes wins..thats all. But this its not fair at all
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Xrade19" (Oct 27th 2018, 2:20pm)
Meh, I can't identify with it much. Also this name has nothing similar to Allods Online I think.
Best server name ? i hope it's a joke
nightfury kak names to pick...
Where is option against all?
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Xrade19" (Oct 27th 2018, 2:59pm)