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So you didn't even get a chance on one of the rarer items after spending 2,500 PC?I don't recommend this at all.
I've spent like 2500 purple crystals and all the trash still show up, if you're willing to open for costumes or expansion token its maybe worth it, else than that save your money, this will amply strongly if you're among the f2p players then everything you pay is conversion with a ratio of 1.3 to 1 which come to think of the ticket price it self will be around 26 bc each with that being said the prizes value you get should be relative to the 26 bc which is mostly not, which bring us to the point that the ticket prices should be lower (IDK its price in the russian server but its reasonable to be lower).
what do you mean by usefull stuff? i'd like to know at what point do holy weapons or other nice stuff start to show up if anyone knows?
edit : btw is this sale permanent? haven't seen any dates..![]()
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "marty" (Dec 21st 2018, 5:34pm)