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Friday, December 14th 2018, 10:02am

The New Fair of the Free Traders

As promised, Fair of the Free Traders is coming back in a completely new form! No more of those useless tickets and ticket parts; only valuable rewards this time, including runes (up to level 11!) crystal chips, Holy Weapons, pets, and many others.

Click on the link to learn more about the details.


Friday, December 14th 2018, 6:42pm



Posts: 184

Location: Dark Realm

Occupation: At Ancient labyrinth

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yeah and its only for the purchasers
while other players can watch
without enjoying any single event
of this selfish game :thumbdown:

I’m the heavy cruiser

originally from the

first oriental fleet

[ Fleet of Fog ]

Mental Model [ Takao ]


Friday, December 14th 2018, 9:12pm



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

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loan the 2k premium crystals get 100 tickets, u can get bunch of stuff for free, and then work on paying back loan, its not hard
I did it, got 2 costumes you´d normaly get from card sale after 3k points (6-7k bc) ofc u get stuff inbetween the 3k points, but some only opens to get the costumes and in that aspect this is much better.
I am PioPico


Friday, December 14th 2018, 10:14pm


yeah and its only for the purchasers
while other players can watch
without enjoying any single event
of this selfish game :thumbdown:


you can buy 20 premium cristals for 26 bc, you have nothink to pay for


Friday, December 14th 2018, 10:17pm



Posts: 184

Location: Dark Realm

Occupation: At Ancient labyrinth

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if I loan 2k euro
that's mean I need 8k AED
that's to much expensive

I’m the heavy cruiser

originally from the

first oriental fleet

[ Fleet of Fog ]

Mental Model [ Takao ]


Friday, December 14th 2018, 10:22pm


if I loan 2k euro
that's mean I need 8k AED
that's to much expensive

you can pay back from bc you farm, or if you not like loans, go have 2-5k bc before event by farming or donate

you have problem managing your finances or something?


Friday, December 14th 2018, 11:39pm


if I loan 2k euro

2k crystals, not 2k euro
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Saturday, December 15th 2018, 12:48am



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Gladia these are ppl who dont even play regularly so they dont know game mechanics, all they do is come forum and complain :D
I am PioPico


Saturday, December 15th 2018, 12:50am



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

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at 50 tickets u start getting some usefull stuff and more and more the higher
I am PioPico


Saturday, December 15th 2018, 3:14am


Gladia these are ppl who dont even play regularly so they dont know game mechanics, all they do is come forum and complain :D

if you read Arushieru post history his post are 70% about complain, 20% about teling someone have bad manners, and 10% are about another complain :thumbup:


Saturday, December 15th 2018, 4:13am



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yeah :(
I am PioPico


Saturday, December 15th 2018, 12:29pm

I don't recommend this at all.
I've spent like 2500 purple crystals and all the trash still show up, if you're willing to open for costumes or expansion token its maybe worth it, else than that save your money, this will amply strongly if you're among the f2p players then everything you pay is conversion with a ratio of 1.3 to 1 which come to think of the ticket price it self will be around 26 bc each with that being said the prizes value you get should be relative to the 26 bc which is mostly not, which bring us to the point that the ticket prices should be lower (IDK its price in the russian server but its reasonable to be lower).

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?


Saturday, December 15th 2018, 12:42pm

I don't recommend this at all.
I've spent like 2500 purple crystals and all the trash still show up, if you're willing to open for costumes or expansion token its maybe worth it, else than that save your money, this will amply strongly if you're among the f2p players then everything you pay is conversion with a ratio of 1.3 to 1 which come to think of the ticket price it self will be around 26 bc each with that being said the prizes value you get should be relative to the 26 bc which is mostly not, which bring us to the point that the ticket prices should be lower (IDK its price in the russian server but its reasonable to be lower).
So you didn't even get a chance on one of the rarer items after spending 2,500 PC? 8|


Saturday, December 15th 2018, 12:57pm

By good stuff I mean those that appear when you 1st try to open the trader box, like the shell. I did get a chance to get some bat and maybe other costume but i went for megaphones and expansion tokens and once you take a prize the value of the prize will be reduced from your total spinning stacks which you get by just spamming next and hope for the best.

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
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Saturday, December 15th 2018, 1:14pm



Posts: 522

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as i said u start getting alot of mounts at 25 or something. At 50 u get alot of costumes + mounts and at 60 u can get 3 10´s, for 30days which then turns into 4.8k cc (good for those without high runes) I never went up to 100 yet But It should unlock more rewards
I am PioPico


Saturday, December 15th 2018, 1:19pm

Well, they DO explicitly recommend to keep turning the wheel when you want something rare. It sounds like you always spun once or maybe twice and then grabbed the price, so I guess the system, albeit maybe not generous, isn't making false claims either.


Saturday, December 15th 2018, 5:44pm



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

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Yeah sale soon which will prob be like a pack with 10 premium per ticket or 12 or something
I am PioPico


Monday, December 17th 2018, 8:31am



Posts: 868

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at 50 tickets u start getting some usefull stuff and more and more the higher

what do you mean by usefull stuff? i'd like to know at what point do holy weapons or other nice stuff start to show up if anyone knows?

edit : btw is this sale permanent? haven't seen any dates.. :huh:


Monday, December 17th 2018, 12:40pm

what do you mean by usefull stuff? i'd like to know at what point do holy weapons or other nice stuff start to show up if anyone knows?

edit : btw is this sale permanent? haven't seen any dates.. :huh:

A guild-mate told me that he got a weapon after 95, and yes its permanent, some people used to get a stack of trader tickets and could never use them, so its an old in-game feature that got activated just now.

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?


Friday, December 21st 2018, 5:29pm

After I had counter on 160 I was able to get mythic weapon. After 190 I got mythic weapon to be able to take it but I refuse because I wanted to get assault shell. After 210 still not even able to see the assault shell. I would say that this is not worth to play it at all. Even with the old version of Traders you were able to at least have a chance to get the best mount (in my case it was always like reach the reward after it changed to piece of cake but at least there was the possibility to get it sooner).

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "marty" (Dec 21st 2018, 5:34pm)

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