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Thursday, January 31st 2019, 11:53am

Firocious (community request)

It is a bit bothersome to w8 for this oversized mutated lizard to spawn so why shouldn't we make it easier?

I have simple suggestion/request:
Can someone participating in the hunt post msg in Notice Board (General) when it died (UTC time)?

Thank You


Thursday, January 31st 2019, 12:56pm



Posts: 162

Location: Germany

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That is a good suggestion!

I will try to mark it on the Notice Board whenever I notice it.
In-game: Poloo • Faction: League • Server: Evolution
Best regards,
Allods Online Moderator Team


Thursday, January 31st 2019, 4:47pm

I have better idea

lets make addon for it somethink similar to RBG for astral

If someone call "Firo Spawn" in world or univerce your addon vvill catch it and display in top of screan in yellovv collor vvith time

if someone call "Firo Dead" in world or univerce your addon vvill catch it and display in top of screan in blue collor vvith time

Also in 10.0 thay vvill add 3 global boss so having addon for it culd be rly nice

If someone create addon like this (simply editing RBG) let me knovv, so vvill send small donate vvith bc :P


Wednesday, February 13th 2019, 4:13am

Posts: 14

Location: Purgatory

Occupation: Cleansing my sins

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I have better idea

lets make addon for it somethink similar to RBG for astral

If someone call "Firo Spawn" in world or univerce your addon vvill catch it and display in top of screan in yellovv collor vvith time

if someone call "Firo Dead" in world or univerce your addon vvill catch it and display in top of screan in blue collor vvith time

Also in 10.0 thay vvill add 3 global boss so having addon for it culd be rly nice

If someone create addon like this (simply editing RBG) let me knovv, so vvill send small donate vvith bc :P
This ^


Wednesday, February 13th 2019, 9:11am

I've sent a ticket asking them to add a timer till it spawns, all they told me was they would send it to the right department, that was many months ago haha.


Monday, February 18th 2019, 11:21pm


Tuesday, February 19th 2019, 9:12am

Posts: 131

Location: Nederland

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or.. they just add it to calander?
gaat niet bestaat niet

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