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Saturday, March 30th 2019, 8:55pm

Observatorium Tool

Observatorium Tool

Ich nehme an, dass das Tool dafür gedacht ist, dass sich dort jeder anmelden kann und für Randoms gedacht ist? Also die Theorie^^

In der Praktik sieht es aber so aus, dass man über 30 Minuten wartet, dann endlich reinkommt (man braucht es ja für die Relikte und Tunier des Blutes) und dann eine freundliche Stimme von einer großen Imp Gilde in Raid-Chat dir sagt, man solle den Raid verlassen, weil es ein Gilden-Raid ist, oder man werde gekickt.
Da fragt man sich doch, was dort gemauschelt oder verborgen wird, wenn man Randoms rauskicken muss? Und gibt es für Gilden nicht die Möglichkeit sich als Raid im "normal" anzumelden. :cursing:

Und das ist heute schon mal einem Gildi passiert.
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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Misbehavior" (Mar 30th 2019, 9:41pm)


Saturday, March 30th 2019, 9:03pm

ja einfach nur traurig was aus diesem game geworden ist


Sunday, March 31st 2019, 11:37am

I not see any problem with it, ppl prefer invite guild mates insted to take 3 randoms witchout concetration stats or incs, in f2p some not cash shop guilds can't do normal raids cuz of lack of skill/experience so thay join easy mode
I recomend find guild so you will have no problems like this, you schold not take it as offense and be pite of them
when i joined obs eazy in f2p, ther was alot problems with random ppl cuz of lack dps or strategy 1 pt culd not carry a raid sometimes, it's understandable not evryone know tactics and class from begining, but if you gather too many ppl like that you can't progres in obs ez in f2p

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Mar 31st 2019, 11:44am)


Tuesday, April 2nd 2019, 9:58am

Noah, that was a top CS guild doing it, So they have no problem in doing it, even if half of the grp would have had no clue, but they forced everyone in leave the raid or getting kicked with a 30min debuff, so wondering what they have to hide.


Tuesday, April 2nd 2019, 3:35pm



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Like Noah said, they failed doing it in Normal and they want to make sure everyone in THEIR raid gets it complete, It is a strategy which I also find acceptable, if ur random, and dont mind other randoms, just queue again, It pops every 10min if enough ppl are queued. What im trying to say is, they are making sure everyone they just spent "2h hours" raiding gets their loot, cuz queuing alone and always have randoms who dies is not funny and time consuming
I am PioPico


Wednesday, April 3rd 2019, 8:42am

What is acceptable with this? It is an open accessible raid (with the stress on the word "OPEN") and if some guild is too weak to do it in a closed normal/hardcore raid, then they should simply forget it or dont mind if there are some people in it which are not from their guild. Otherwise they are free to do the raid in normal mode to make sure that only their own people are in it.

BTW, dieser Beitrag war doch mal ursprünglich in deutsch, oder? ;-)


Wednesday, April 3rd 2019, 8:56am

Like Noah said, they failed doing it in Normal and they want to make sure everyone in THEIR raid gets it complete, It is a strategy which I also find acceptable, if ur random, and dont mind other randoms, just queue again, It pops every 10min if enough ppl are queued. What im trying to say is, they are making sure everyone they just spent "2h hours" raiding gets their loot, cuz queuing alone and always have randoms who dies is not funny and time consuming
Some randoms dying in easy mode will not lead to failing at bosses in easy i guess?... I can only judge from p2p and there easy mode obs is a walk in the park.

Easy mode obs is rather a way to farm transmute mats and you should not exclude people in that case in my opinion. Anyway, can't you queue als guildraid for easy mode obs just to make sure everyone gets in that you want in?


Wednesday, April 3rd 2019, 9:32am

Like Noah said, they failed doing it in Normal and they want to make sure everyone in THEIR raid gets it complete, It is a strategy which I also find acceptable, if ur random, and dont mind other randoms, just queue again, It pops every 10min if enough ppl are queued. What im trying to say is, they are making sure everyone they just spent "2h hours" raiding gets their loot, cuz queuing alone and always have randoms who dies is not funny and time consuming

Acceptable??? For who? This Raid don't pop every 10 min, most time you sit there over 30min and longer, while you can't queue for something else. It`s made by Allods that randoms can raid, so what gives your guild the right to kick us from the raid, waisting our time. There is no reason to do ,except you have something to hide that you don't want us to see.


Tuesday, April 9th 2019, 11:29am

It's Acceptable cuz of vote system, it's how democracy work, if thay are 10ppl and another 2ppl joined it's eazier to ask this 2 ppl to leave, or you prefer thay leave as 10ppl, so you stay in raid alone, it's like thay not join at all, so you still culd wait, this not change much, i no see why thay schold leave reward from boss cuz of 1-2 random ppl, maybe it's not look nice from your site, but you schold understend them from thay perspective as thay joined as more ppl

if you have problem with it, you have alternative to search ppl in zone, and then join as 8-10 ppl too, to be sure to avoid situation like that

Also if thay kick you, you not get any punishment, you still get boss revvard after you join again, and thay as guild have no other option, to join witchout que for ez mod, more blame a system, and try write ticet to support, describing your experience, so more ppl = more chance thay change system for que in future

This post has been edited 7 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Apr 9th 2019, 11:43am)


Tuesday, April 9th 2019, 2:55pm

What rewards drop again on easy obs?


Wednesday, April 10th 2019, 9:39am

It's Acceptable cuz of vote system, it's how democracy work, if thay are 10ppl and another 2ppl joined it's eazier to ask this 2 ppl to leave, or you prefer thay leave as 10ppl, so you stay in raid alone, it's like thay not join at all, so you still culd wait, this not change much, i no see why thay schold leave reward from boss cuz of 1-2 random ppl, maybe it's not look nice from your site, but you schold understend them from thay perspective as thay joined as more ppl

BS's a tool for random people, if you kick somebody because he is acting idiot and/or makes raid wipe, well I understand, otherwise it's inacceptabe that you steal my time waiting another hour to open again.


Wednesday, April 10th 2019, 1:54pm

well it's your opinion and will left it like that

thay not waste your time, cuz if they not join it would not pop, so without them, you prob was still in que until another random ppl join


Wednesday, April 10th 2019, 2:09pm



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

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Just as their oppinion if someone in raid is in support aspect with 5k dps while that just is absurdly low and they want to finish the raid and not be in there for 30min-45min like last patch when I queued alone. "If u want to kill a boss, do u take ppl with u who brings u and ur team down" ? and I like what u say waiting for another hour, I have never seen you world shout or trying to make people queue Obs easy so OFC u will have to wait a long time when ppl dont think anyone is queuing :S dont jut sit in queue, make an effort trying to make it pop is all im saying, everytime i world shout it pops either then next 10-30min
I am PioPico


Sunday, June 30th 2019, 7:35pm

Besser spielen, dann wirst du auch nicht gekickt.

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