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Sunday, April 14th 2019, 3:57am

New player looking for answers

Hello, I just paid for 60 days of play time and was wondering if the p2p server is fairly populated or will it be like the p2w server where I spent over 4 hours playing and didn't see a single person :( I really like this game and want to play but I don't want to be completely alone. Is there a guild I can join with ppl that play?


Sunday, April 14th 2019, 8:44am

Leveling part of this game takes just several hours. Most likely you don't meet single person on leveling maps on both servers.


Sunday, April 14th 2019, 3:51pm

Avarice on league is active guild in p2p.
We're an international one. Unexpected is a FR guild on league.
Empire has Utopie has mixed guild, Forsaken Sword as FR guild.
Whisper me ingame if you pick league! :)


Monday, April 15th 2019, 6:59am

Join a guild while leveling and you won't be alone, otherwise you will be alone


Wednesday, April 17th 2019, 11:04am

As far as I know both Utopie and Unexpected are international. (maybe biggest difference is that all french fled from avarice?)

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