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Wednesday, April 24th 2019, 8:45pm

Elephant in the room

you may not have heard the footsteps but..
everytime the game gets closed to death, it makes up another leap to live another year..
no patchnotes (except the russian version)
made up extra no-meaning quests
made up skill sets
made up dragon skills (game has become 1 skill only activities, who shots first wins)

made up bag consuming consumables, bound items, quest items with no use
same old, same old gearing system
cigar n booze becomes cheaper compared to this

here's a cool idea for you if you are empty after loooooooong (count the "o" you'll see)
divide servers, over shoppers can go and be "competitive" (if you dont get the irony, come take a class from me)

and normal players might enjoy more of the game, and maybe begin the spend because it is worth it..
now only your small precious small group of players are cashing in, sane & smart ones see the unnecessarity of over-spending and play like it is
cheers to all
just dont become overly attached
try to think pleasure / money ratio


Thursday, April 25th 2019, 1:05pm


Thursday, April 25th 2019, 11:30pm

try p2p, f2p is only demo version of game ;)

in p2p also ults not hurt you that much, and your def skills do somethink ;)


Sunday, April 28th 2019, 12:46am

Posts: 24

Location: Norway

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I've been stalking this forum for about 2 weeks now, and gotta say god damn its dead in here with aproximatly 1 post each day?
So is the game dead aswell?


Sunday, April 28th 2019, 2:34am

yes, but you know, it's inaf to have 50ppl in game to do any content in allods, thers no 24 ppl raids anymore, and bg pop from 10-12ppl,same another activitis

This post has been edited 13 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Apr 28th 2019, 6:37am)


Sunday, April 28th 2019, 1:04pm

Why you guys in almost every thread in the forum have to shift the subject somehow to "go play p2p", this non-paid advertisement is annoying at the least... There are other major problems that aren't even solved even in p2p... But still you shift the whole subject to p2p, now what does p2p offers as change in tear skills, patch notes, gearing mechanics, etc... ? nothing. Yet, you ignore those listed problems and go straight to the point that "f2p sucks just go play p2p". I know that you guys seek more population and it's totally fine, but don't go overdoing it by giving people a fake image of p2p as it is the utopia. I'm sure that the current "healthy" population of the p2p server doesn't even match any of the previously merged servers into f2p, which they were merged mostly due to low population. So stop over-exaggerating about p2p.

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?


Sunday, April 28th 2019, 1:10pm

I've been stalking this forum for about 2 weeks now, and gotta say god damn its dead in here with aproximatly 1 post each day?
So is the game dead aswell?
yeah forums in general are kinda old-school now, you can find more activity in the Allods discord server. But there are many people who regularly checks the forum and replies/answer on anything asked.

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?


Sunday, April 28th 2019, 3:20pm

Why you guys in almost every thread in the forum have to shift the subject somehow to "go play p2p", this non-paid advertisement is annoying at the least... There are other major problems that aren't even solved even in p2p... But still you shift the whole subject to p2p, now what does p2p offers as change in tear skills, patch notes, gearing mechanics, etc... ? nothing. Yet, you ignore those listed problems and go straight to the point that "f2p sucks just go play p2p". I know that you guys seek more population and it's totally fine, but don't go overdoing it by giving people a fake image of p2p as it is the utopia. I'm sure that the current "healthy" population of the p2p server doesn't even match any of the previously merged servers into f2p, which they were merged mostly due to low population. So stop over-exaggerating about p2p.
You seem upset, try p2p!


Friday, May 3rd 2019, 7:07pm

Agreed. Its not purely cash shop. Runes, +talents, +wizard talisman, +rubies are not visible so they dont bother to much.

Its out of place content, and features (certain CS items included), that ruins the whole experience for me. Robotic battle mounts (bikes, howerboards, dragons, wraith, assault shells, certain wings cosmetics, lame skill trees, aedos race and its existence in this game in general, ...and even tho pridens race looks fine, I dont think it belongs to this game as a playable rase.

This is not Allods that I remember and loved. This it out of place. Total mess. But it last so long that I dont even know what is out of place and whats not.
I rely on Warp at this point even tho I will miss this current world so much. I will miss League and Empire world and its ever lasting war.


Friday, May 3rd 2019, 7:14pm



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Warp lol
I am PioPico


Saturday, May 4th 2019, 8:35am


Why you guys in almost every thread in the forum have to shift the subject somehow to "go play p2p", this non-paid advertisement is annoying at the least... There are other major problems that aren't even solved even in p2p... But still you shift the whole subject to p2p, now what does p2p offers as change in tear skills, patch notes, gearing mechanics, etc... ? nothing. Yet, you ignore those listed problems and go straight to the point that "f2p sucks just go play p2p". I know that you guys seek more population and it's totally fine, but don't go overdoing it by giving people a fake image of p2p as it is the utopia. I'm sure that the current "healthy" population of the p2p server doesn't even match any of the previously merged servers into f2p, which they were merged mostly due to low population. So stop over-exaggerating about p2p.

but it's true p2p have no 90% of that problems he listed
so be teling "come p2p" it's mean "come p2p and see is it will be better for you with no problems you listed before you leave game"

it's true mage ult can be problematic but will be nerfed soon to oblivion, same as demon ult will be reduced, but in p2p you can survive them be presing your def abilitis/heal pots or with help of your suport/ or bariers from pala
even if you no use any def it will take 5-6 (mage) 4-5 (demon) hits before you die, cuz no runes, adional stats, or artefact adional stat + vigor, or fatality adional stats, or amulet +250prof, or + 5% profincy form lighting sparks, or 10-15% from adaptive armor lv 7-8 or 10-15% from p5 :whistling:

Also p2p offer you to find ppl for hard content eazier cuz no cash wall reqired to do stuff with top skilled ppl, and it's eazier to carry 3-4ppl(vith avangarde gear/skill) for hard mode obs

But ofc understend why you can take it negative, as Dragagon spam with it too much on evry post like vendors with ads for taking credit from bank


Robotic battle mounts (bikes, howerboards, dragons, wraith, assault shells, certain wings cosmetics, lame skill trees, aedos race and its existence in this game in general, ...and even tho pridens race looks fine, I dont think it belongs to this game as a playable rase.

well i not see problem with it, Lighting bolt was made be Catarina reactor Technology, Aoidios got created after Battle of Gods, thay have "lore" explanation

This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "Noah1" (May 4th 2019, 9:12am)


Saturday, May 4th 2019, 9:00am

If You are a veteran (game playtime, experience, friends) F2P is playable. Each guild has it's own forum usually and official forum is rarely used due to that reason imho.
It is easier for new player to start on F2P now but it won't change the fact that being in top is reserved for ppl with big wallet... or those living in EUR/USD etc zones- those players can afford paying like 100-200EUR/month and are also target customer group for F2P server.

I've been on P2P server and tested it. It actually feels like demo version of F2P both due to population and limited content which I think is the main reason it is not very popular.

If I were asked by new player about advice which server to choose my answer would be:
1. Try F2P, see if u like game mechanics, story line and which class You like the most.
2. If You like the game think how much money would You like to spent on it. If it is like 10EUR/month best choice is to use P2P server. If it is like 200EUR F2P is best choice for You.

I've seen lots of post saying how easy it to farm gold for CS stuff but farming in game now is possible only if You have proper "base"- a result of long playtime on F2P server.


Saturday, May 4th 2019, 9:30am


I've been on P2P server and tested it. It actually feels like demo version of F2P both due to population and limited content which I think is the main reason it is not very popular.

you got bg mostly evry day, and have inaf ppl to do hard content, i can say Unexpected guild was bit overpopulated and we needed manage 2 hard obs raids evry 7 days, so some ppl created Revolution guild for more pvp duels, and to manage that another raid

limited content? whos content is limited?

3 boss hard mode
last boss hard mode


Saturday, May 4th 2019, 10:02am


well i not see problem with it, Lighting bolt was made be Catarina reactor Technology, Aoidios got created after Battle of Gods, thay have "lore" explanation

It does not matter that it has explanation. Every kid can explain things on go, and change game rules as he like. Bikes? *puff* There was Catarina. And it does not matter how Aedos were made. Its like Simpsons appeared in Family guy universe. Its so out of place. Its possible to add anything and then explain it.


Saturday, May 4th 2019, 10:16am


I've been on P2P server and tested it. It actually feels like demo version of F2P both due to population and limited content which I think is the main reason it is not very popular.

you got bg mostly evry day, and have inaf ppl to do hard content, i can say Unexpected guild was bit overpopulated and we needed manage 2 hard obs raids evry 7 days, so some ppl created Revolution guild for more pvp duels, and to manage that another raid

limited content? whos content is limited?

3 boss hard mode
last boss hard mode
No extra rubbies, talents, quest log expansions etc. Whole CS in general- those items should be in P2P too just not for BC (quests etc). With that in mind P2P is really limited (which is why I said it is like demo of F2P). After playing for like half-year You will probably end up with lots of gold and not many things to spend it on...

Based on Your words it looks like population increased a bit (like 3x to what I remember) but still is low when compared to F2P.


Saturday, May 4th 2019, 12:31pm


No extra rubbies, talents

what ?
Stop spread false information pls


After playing for like half-year You will probably end up with lots of gold and not many things to spend it on..

what ?

toys from obs hard, pets, costumes, new guild tabards (shoulders soon), ship tier, morphers, maze ...

but yes, you no need that much gold compare to f2p, i personaly wasting all my gold to test stats/build to increst dmg by 1-5% or think what i can change to do better, prop in f2p i culd spend that gold only to buy missing cs insted of get gut


Based on Your words it looks like population increased a bit (like 3x to what I remember) but still is low when compared to F2P.


for what you need that many ppl

it's like comparing 150-200 ppl to 400-500, in f2p you have only x2 bg same time more often cuz of it
i'm not proving p2p is better, but it's not bad like you think or your experience was from 1-2y ago and most information you got are outdated


It does not matter that it has explanation. Every kid can explain things on go, and change game rules as he like. Bikes? *puff* There was Catarina. And it does not matter how Aedos were made. Its like Simpsons appeared in Family guy universe. Its so out of place. Its possible to add anything and then explain it.

it's your taste, can't argue with it, i personaly not see problem with it, got only once laught when thay added bastion armor shell in f2p who was that big like a mount :pinch:

This post has been edited 8 times, last edit by "Noah1" (May 4th 2019, 12:59pm)


Sunday, May 5th 2019, 9:19am



Posts: 134

Occupation: Professional Procrastinator

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You can get many cash shop items on P2P with the currency, Mark of Accomplishment which is only obtainable via forum events. You can see what you can get with this currency from here. I don't get why people are speaking when they have no idea about P2P.


Sunday, May 5th 2019, 10:02am

You can get many cash shop items on P2P with the currency, Mark of Accomplishment which is only obtainable via forum events. You can see what you can get with this currency from here. I don't get why people are speaking when they have no idea about P2P.
It wasn't my intention to spread false information. My knowledge comes from playing on P2P in the past. Anyway ty for providing correct information. P2P server looks more interesting now:)


Sunday, May 5th 2019, 1:59pm


If it is like 10EUR/month best choice is to use P2P server

yep and it's actualy 5 euro per month or 10 euro per 3(if you will get 50bc somehow) :thumbup:

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