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Wednesday, May 15th 2019, 10:40am

Upcoming Allods Online updates


With great regret, we must tell you that there are deep-seated problems in «Destination Horizon» that prevent us from installing this update on the game servers in the near future. The development of its new activities and mechanics will be frozen until it is possible to find a solution to the client-server synchronization problem, which threatens the original idea and concept of the «Horizon» combat system.

However, that does not mean that we will stop all development in general. On the opposite:
  • Instead of Horizon, we will roll out content for AO quicker
  • At the end of May and the beginning of June there will be a patch that will fix many class bugs in the game
  • We will accelerate work on 10.1 patch "Chaos Games"

More information.


Wednesday, May 15th 2019, 12:53pm

Honestly really excited on the mini games in the holy land!!
The nobility which officers and above can see to track inside guild growth, is it only after guild lv100 and before that you can only see guild prestige like we have now?
And for the tactical bonus stats for dominions, can you have offensive AND defensive bonus stats active at the same time or is it only one at a time?


Wednesday, May 15th 2019, 1:03pm

Does this mean no Allods WARP/2.0/however you want to call it in the next few months?


Wednesday, May 15th 2019, 1:28pm


Friday, May 17th 2019, 12:58pm



Posts: 553

Location: A galaxy far, far away

Occupation: Magic tricks

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Does this mean no Allods WARP/2.0/however you want to call it in the next few months?
No, Warp will not be coming in the next few months, there's too much Allods content that needs to be finished.
Allods Online Administration


Tuesday, May 21st 2019, 4:13am

The nobility which officers and above can see to track inside guild growth, is it only after guild lv100 and before that you can only see guild prestige like we have now?

Yes, after level 100.

And for the tactical bonus stats for dominions, can you have offensive AND defensive bonus stats active at the same time or is it only one at a time?

Don't know yet as my RU guild hasn't reached that stage yet. But according to the plural wording of the dev post i'm thinking its one def one attack stat.
Name: Kappa Server: Evolution Faction: Empire Guild: Ascendancy (Nezeb)

Discord: Kappa#0262




Wednesday, May 22nd 2019, 12:44pm

Where is the patch notes of :sleeping:


Thursday, May 23rd 2019, 9:42am



Posts: 521

Location: Sweden

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Not Out yet, but there is Russian ones u can check
I am PioPico

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