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Friday, June 28th 2019, 10:09pm

Is it worth coming back?

I used to play empire when 75 was the cap and am looking to get back into the game but playing on the league side. Is it worth coming back? How long would it take to get back to all purple and some orange cs items? Im also a US player so would league be better for times or would empire.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "kyatsu" (Jun 29th 2019, 7:23pm)


Sunday, June 30th 2019, 8:54am

Some of those with runes level 6 are granted just for leveling if you created character after 10.0.
For rest - it depends on amount of cash you are ready to put in game.


Sunday, June 30th 2019, 4:32pm

To be honest not rly, in f2p thay added too many cs to catch up from time you played and thay add new thinks evry 2-3 months

If you back be rady to get two shot no matter how good you manage your def stats or def skills you use

Thay also added strong tear abilitis, whos in heand of max cs will shred tought all your def, and kill all your not cs 10-12ppl team by one button

It will be long way for you to catch up until your smart person with trading skill or extream farmer or until you top up

This game in curent state is only for veterans and hight cs ppl

And you will not get fun from 3x3 or 6x6 as ther join only strong pt you have not much chance even if your skilled, if cs advantage is too hight even you can't do much

But if you not care much pvp, and you like farming and this making you fun then yeh ther will be not problem even if you will have 6 runes as long as you geting fun from it you never losing your time
You can get fun even just be plaing with friends

But if you search more to get fun from pvp 3x3, or normal/hard obs i recomend you more p2p server cuz in f2p it will be very hart to find ppl to make more then normal mode in obs becose in f2p boss are harder (cus thay scaled to cs)

but even if p2p is solution to most problems, thay not care much for p2p server, thers not much options to buy costumes for euro, and cosmetic box or prophetic cards are rly rare compare to f2p, thay add max 1-3 prophetic cards per year what is rly sad
thay not organizing any forum competitions to win hidden curency to be able buy some prophetic card costumes any more :/
Last time thay added dropable bag from raid was 60lv umoir raid :wacko:
Same you have no option to buy addional quest log space for gold or increst your bank
And action house is dead, as thay not adding ant visual or cosmetic thinks to put ther
Also over 60-70% mounts are loced in p2p and never vvas added
And ship desings not exist here :pinch:

In my opinion you schold get fun from leveling and lore, and when you finish go play guild wars 2 or somethink else wher your skill more matter and thay add more costumes or cosmetc/visual thinks to game insted of cs or come play p2p

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Jun 30th 2019, 4:57pm)


Sunday, June 30th 2019, 5:52pm

Thanks guys... with that being said it sounds like ill probably just delete the game and go play bdo and gw2. Im not super into pvp but with my empire character i cant play since i changed him to psi before i quit and have no idea how to build or play one anymore so its no longer fun. Also leveling back to max with no cs items until high level is a pain in the ass. P2P wouldnt be so bad since i have mounts from ce but i dont have the time to farm the gold to get enough crystals to pay for a sub anymore.


Monday, July 1st 2019, 1:36pm

P2P wouldnt be so bad since i have mounts from ce but i dont have the time to farm the gold to get enough crystals to pay for a sub anymore.
5 euros/month maximum tho


Tuesday, July 2nd 2019, 10:11am


Friday, July 5th 2019, 1:32pm

ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER is a veteran players whos playing this game for many years.
You will never catch up to people like this, ever. untill you decide to donate crap tons of money. This game is long condemned to die, and there is no way back to it. Its getting emptier every day, and waiting for BG takes much longer.
This is no longer Allods as we used to know. This is a complete different game deprived of love and its soul it once had. This is a dirty mix of CS and scifi stuff, and features that do not belong into this game, and leftovers of what AO once used to be.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "RedCatCZ" (Jul 5th 2019, 8:34pm)


Monday, July 8th 2019, 1:50pm

ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER is a veteran players whos playing this game for many years.
You will never catch up to people like this, ever. untill you decide to donate crap tons of money. This game is long condemned to die, and there is no way back to it. Its getting emptier every day, and waiting for BG takes much longer.
This is no longer Allods as we used to know. This is a complete different game deprived of love and its soul it once had. This is a dirty mix of CS and scifi stuff, and features that do not belong into this game, and leftovers of what AO once used to be.
Stop talking like CS ruins eveything, p2p is still a thing with no CS at all.


Monday, July 8th 2019, 6:41pm

@Dragaron Dont be ridiculous P2P is empty and it always been. Few players running around doing pve stuff does no count. CS would be ok by itself and I never was againts it, but now its too much and whats worse is that its ruining all what Allods used to be, its runing its immersion, its soul. Its like if Mass Effect invaded God of War. You clearly did not get my picture


Wednesday, July 10th 2019, 12:41pm


here you have compare to gw2 cs :

try find runes or items increting your dmg over 10-20% (as modificator)

i think it's no point to cover Allods or complain on it at this point in EU, even if it's fun game we love, you can get this fun only in p2p, for some ppl it's inaf even to play in 40-250ppl server (p2p) or 500-1k (f2p)

and in f2p you have big pay wall if your returning player or new player, even if you start now with 8 runes and full epic scrols etc, you still need "some" farm to buy perm water of death+live if you want manage your build/stats to perfection, witchout it you need pay 2-5 euro or spend time to farm 250-500bc

ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER have right you can first invest in yourself and make passive income from priv allods and when your inaf experienced player you can only earn by trading items doing maze and etc what make you fun, but don't expect it from returning or new player

Same in f2p main point of play is to catch up, you not play to play, but play to farm, you not come to bg to fight, but to collect dust, you not fight in domi, but you colecting relegar, you not go kill demons in astral for fun, but cuz you need get gold etc

If your good you can earn even more then 500-700bc per day or even more, but like mehhh, is it rly fun to play against players with more cash advantage then you?, is it fun to try 3vs3 only to get asc or legends to fight? is it fun to play all time more as support then dps (as you can't kill 1vs1)
well it's answer to yourself
You can compare it to survival game, when 100 ppl start and day by day 1-5ppl die
Same here 1-5ppl will lave cuz are casuals, and not good in farm, 5-10ppl lave cuz are inteligent as Arushieru, etc until 2% stay
Same if your full cs game starting be boring for you cuz you one shot most ppl, so you starting making competition to yourelf to kill more then 50 ppl in 1 bg or etc
and 3vs3 is frustraing as if your team mate make mistake your team die, and losing is not rewarding compare to bg or gb

p2p is fun and balanced but thay not taking care much about this serv, thers 70% of lock content, i don't understend why thay not add posibility to buy costumes or mounts to web shop or other visual thinks, and last dropable bag end on Umoir raid, and last dropable mount was in ferris it's show when thay stoped care, thay only added viwern to drop for last boss in obs like 1 month ago but rest is loced for f2p only
Same when mausoleum of sparks back, you culd not use skins to mounts (for exemple wraht) even if you bought it you can't use itcuz this skin "not exist" in p2p version xD like what support said :thumbsup:
Server got not promotet, and Allods is known from finance to play server only, so thers small number of new ppl knowing even about this serv, or don't want try p2p cuz got bad impresion from f2p, same veterans from f2p can't come p2p cuz thay invested too much in f2p to come p2p so server is like it is 3-4 time smaller then f2p

Then when you try diferent game it's rly sad when you start play and to 1 global event (to no much importent boss) coming more ppl then population in p2p server

Comparing to allods wher up to 85lv it's single player game even in f2p, go try find some ppl to kill global boss on ase-teph or diferent maps kappa :rolleyes:

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Jul 10th 2019, 2:17pm)


Wednesday, July 10th 2019, 2:35pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

Occupation: Destoryer of all things you love

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Even with all the cash I tossed at this game, literally thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands.....I would never return. I've got rune level 13s and 12s or something like that, I forgot, but I'd still feel behind. I read this forum every day, I have no idea why, I guess in hopes the game will return to gPotato some day and actually become playable again...but I'm sure that will never happen. No matter how much cash you toss at this game, you're forever behind and there is nothing AOP can say differently. You CANNOT play this game free anymore. Pay to play server was dead from the start because they started it too late (shoulda came out when gPotato was owners and it would have thrived), pay to play server is currently dead, pay to play server will always be dead. 6 to 10 players per guild in 3 to 4 guilds per faction is NOT an alive game. It's very dead. Sorry to break it to you.
I want to come back, as you can see, I've literally not played this game in over 2 years, yet have read the forum every single day since I left because I am still THAT attached to it. I have huge connections to this game and it's community. I literally found my wife through this game and 11? members of the game came to our wedding. But, my hopes are dwindling for this game to ever be great again. Literally since I've left, I haven't seen ONE good change through reading this forum, unfortunately.

Allods Online, you've been a huge part of my life and will never, ever be forgotten,'s time you RIP.


Wednesday, July 10th 2019, 3:17pm

Posts: 131

Location: Nederland

Occupation: Pro Slacker

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play since open beta, and spend about €50 alltogether i gues.. getting beaten by cs players sometimes socks yet mostly i just laugh about them for spending so much money at it.. i paid 50 due is normal if buy a game is about same,in my opinion. time on depends seizons with me, in spring grow seedlings, summer take care of em AND sun and terasses, autumn and winter im most active in my hibernationstate of allods. and also then, when the beating gots to much im of a few days or just gquests or such... most important part of the game to me is the community around it, made new friends etc etc
gaat niet bestaat niet


Thursday, July 11th 2019, 8:34pm

@Dragaron Dont be ridiculous P2P is empty and it always been. Few players running around doing pve stuff does no count. CS would be ok by itself and I never was againts it, but now its too much and whats worse is that its ruining all what Allods used to be, its runing its immersion, its soul. Its like if Mass Effect invaded God of War. You clearly did not get my picture
Honestly if less people like you cry about f2p being great but no longer because of the CS, and you'd regret going p2p just because of what you spent so far - no one cares if it's dead or alive, just play wiht friends and it cannot get better - the server will be big and alive. It would be the allods everyone dreams of. Yet push against p2p out of remorse and fear for all the money that would have gone to vain if you really abandoned f2p.


Friday, July 12th 2019, 2:45am

Even with all the cash I tossed at this game, literally thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands.....I would never return. I've got rune level 13s and 12s or something like that, I forgot, but I'd still feel behind. I read this forum every day, I have no idea why, I guess in hopes the game will return to gPotato some day and actually become playable again...but I'm sure that will never happen. No matter how much cash you toss at this game, you're forever behind and there is nothing AOP can say differently. You CANNOT play this game free anymore. Pay to play server was dead from the start because they started it too late (shoulda came out when gPotato was owners and it would have thrived), pay to play server is currently dead, pay to play server will always be dead. 6 to 10 players per guild in 3 to 4 guilds per faction is NOT an alive game. It's very dead. Sorry to break it to you.
I want to come back, as you can see, I've literally not played this game in over 2 years, yet have read the forum every single day since I left because I am still THAT attached to it. I have huge connections to this game and it's community. I literally found my wife through this game and 11? members of the game came to our wedding. But, my hopes are dwindling for this game to ever be great again. Literally since I've left, I haven't seen ONE good change through reading this forum, unfortunately.

Allods Online, you've been a huge part of my life and will never, ever be forgotten,'s time you RIP.
Hey hcl how are you doing.

A lot of us still have fun with allods, me personally has much if not more has 5 years ago in our american server,
i dont know why so much hate towards the game that found you the love of your life but i still have huge amount of fun in allods and ofc i could survive without allods it defitenatlly wouldnt be the same thing so plz dont wish the end of allods for us we didnt do anything wrong to you if u wish the game end just go somewhere else cuz from wat it did for you it does not diserve that back from you .

Have a good day spiderpig miss ya


Friday, July 12th 2019, 5:00am

@Dragaron Do I rly cry about CS, or did you just misunderstood the whole point of what I wrote 2x in a row, becouse it triggers you when somebody even mentions CS?
I dont mind CS, and also I spend my whole salary on this game, yet I dont play anymore, becouse of this god damn thing happened, and I cant take it any longer:


Friday, July 12th 2019, 4:15pm



Posts: 233

Location: Podunk, U.S.A.

Occupation: Plucky Comic Relief

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Even with all the cash I tossed at this game, literally thousands, upon thousands, upon thousands.....I would never return. I've got rune level 13s and 12s or something like that, I forgot, but I'd still feel behind. I read this forum every day, I have no idea why, I guess in hopes the game will return to gPotato some day and actually become playable again...but I'm sure that will never happen. No matter how much cash you toss at this game, you're forever behind and there is nothing AOP can say differently. You CANNOT play this game free anymore. Pay to play server was dead from the start because they started it too late (shoulda came out when gPotato was owners and it would have thrived), pay to play server is currently dead, pay to play server will always be dead. 6 to 10 players per guild in 3 to 4 guilds per faction is NOT an alive game. It's very dead. Sorry to break it to you.
I want to come back, as you can see, I've literally not played this game in over 2 years, yet have read the forum every single day since I left because I am still THAT attached to it. I have huge connections to this game and it's community. I literally found my wife through this game and 11? members of the game came to our wedding. But, my hopes are dwindling for this game to ever be great again. Literally since I've left, I haven't seen ONE good change through reading this forum, unfortunately.

Allods Online, you've been a huge part of my life and will never, ever be forgotten,'s time you RIP.
Hey hcl how are you doing.

A lot of us still have fun with allods, me personally has much if not more has 5 years ago in our american server,
i dont know why so much hate towards the game that found you the love of your life but i still have huge amount of fun in allods and ofc i could survive without allods it defitenatlly wouldnt be the same thing so plz dont wish the end of allods for us we didnt do anything wrong to you if u wish the game end just go somewhere else cuz from wat it did for you it does not diserve that back from you .

Have a good day spiderpig miss ya
I doubt it's hate that he has towards the game, it's more like extreme disappointment and probably a certain level of disgust. The problem Allods has ALWAYS had since Gipat is the level of P2W it requests of its players in order to keep up with the purchasable power curve. Sure, you CAN earn these things with gold farming and using the AH/BC vendor, but it's a LOT of work because the devs don't WANT you to be able to. They want you to earn enough to keep up a little bit, but not enough to keep up all the way. Otherwise, you won't spend money on their loot boxes, and they have LAYERS of systems in place to encourage you to participate in that particular online casino.

And sure, just because someone else has bought all the P2W items doesn't mean they WILL win against you... but you do have to work much, much harder for a victory. That's not accounting for the fact that some people who play this game really are just VERY good at it. Penance, or Otto, or any number of other players are VERY good at Allods. Even if you match CS with them, you are going to have to play exceptionally smartly to defeat them, and if you don't match CS there comes a point where you actually cannot win, no matter how skilled you may be. The same can be said to varying levels with other lesser-known players in the game, so you have to play keep up if you want to remain competitive. To make matters worse, your keep up payments aren't even a one-time thing, now that we have so many items with expiration timers on them. It's a never-ending battle and the only real way to fully keep up with the best of the best is by paying into the gambling boxes.

It's frustrating because at its core, the game was quite good back in the day. Part of your main gear progression was through the end game content raids which were extremely difficult, in some cases excessively so, but doable and gave a real sense of accomplishment and prestige without creating such a huge gulf between max geared and near-to-max geared players. At that time, there wasn't so much CS available that you had no chance against the best of the best. Even through Umoir, when the CS level had gotten pretty rough, but not impossibly difficult to bridge with enough effort. Every patch since, though, has seen fresh new layers of P2W added on top of the previous ones. As soon as timed items got added to the game, the writing was pretty much on the wall with the direction the devs intended to go in. It's a bad one and people really shouldn't be supporting it... but it's hard to leave behind a community and a game that you've enjoyed and gambling is an addiction that is very easy to inflict on people.
IGN: Rozetri
Class: Xadaganian Great Avenger - Lv.75
Guild: Ascendancy (Valiance)
Server: New Frontier (Tensess)
Ship: IndigoSky


Saturday, July 13th 2019, 5:51pm

there is not such a thing as too much items, there is only not enough time to play :P
no, im serious

i realize it myself. if business in RL consumes more time than you wish it did, your playtime becomes like 10 minutes some days. no way i can go through the gearup-progress and find time to enjoy this gear in battleground then. leave alone farming-sessions i enjoy so much

money / items / cashshop are not a concern to most adults. it is time in general which is critial
now of course you could reduce your worktime but after achieving a certain point and a certain income, dropping orders it is not something you would like to do, even for your beloved allods (and i REALLY LOVE this game and playing it)

so this results in having few time to play; its like:

- check auctions
- do personal allod daily (gain embrium)

if a bit more time than 10 min:
- do not a day without agift daily
- do weekly astralrun for spark exp
- do weekly bg for spark exp

- level reincarnations (if not done)

if you have "a day off" in office cause no customers need you and paperwork has been done:
- do bg while beeing undergeared

when the busy times are over one can freely spend as much time on this game as needed and enjoy, gear up normally and clear all the daily content, spend remaining time wit BG and farming :love:
the acutal gearupsystem welcomes returning players, ever new miniseason (colorchange of gear) is a valid entrypoint to catch up in the gearup progress
if orange gear gets released you can come back and be on par with everyone else after clearing "al-rihat" catchup-zone

i really LOVE this new sytem with gear

regarding temporary items: i am not a fan of those (as i am not a fan of all temporary things) but the really usefull ones are anyway only 2: the trinket-healing for 1 year and the carnifex-executioner-effect for half a year. both can be obtained by pocket-charge of an everage player
so its a bit like gear (which also could be considered temporary item) but it lasts way longer

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Jul 13th 2019, 6:04pm)


Sunday, July 14th 2019, 8:55am


- check auctions
- do personal allod daily (gain embrium)

if a bit more time than 10 min:
- do not a day without agift daily
- do weekly astralrun for spark exp
- do weekly bg for spark exp

- level reincarnations (if not done)

if you have "a day off" in office cause no customers need you and paperwork has been done:
- do bg while beeing undergeared

yeh like mentioned not play to play but play to farm if someone like it's ok but problem is not evryone geting fun be it
also experience you provided is be person who have most thinks so YOU need only 10-15min

returning person or new player need tryhard way more then 10-15min as he have no finance, pasive income, contacts/friends or ah worth knowlage

Thay are forced to catch up in order to practice in

- hard/nightocre maze
- normal/hard obs raids
- heroics islands
- arena of heros

Only gear not inaf for it on f2p server

ofc you can come bg "only to get doost" insted of play as you die be 1-2 shots ( first hit full of cs for 1/2hp, secound hit for burst of brutality stats)

but not for evryone play to farm insted of play to play is fun

like if you compare for exemple to this cs in diferent game

All you need care is to geting better and improve yourself

Insted of play to farm, and pay 250bc evry stats/build change until you buy perm water of life/death blocing your progres

when i played in low/medium cs guilds it was big problem to do any harder content, as most ppl was bad at class or had not balanced stats/builds becose of that
and medium/hight cs ppl ther was not inaf good to progres harder content too becose thay had no one to look for improve as most good players was in hight cs guild, so witchout strategies and etc thay was same good as no cs ppl :|

Even when i was inaf despair one day and took leadership to manage 25+ ppl, pay for thair water of life/deaths, found build for them, pay for blue/epic srcolse thay miss (it was before thay started give free 8 runes to new ppl) in order to at last do normal obs
I personaly made myself a army
but like if you need take care for 25ppl like that it's more play a kindergarden and consume alot of time and monay/bc
it culd be alot ezier to help ppl like that if not all this cs shit

Like ok, one time i helped 1 women with 6 runes, and after that she cry, cuz she finly culd do koe/ai-rihat alone, and cry after she culd tank 4-5 mobs same time in ai-rihat as paladin cuz before she fight with one hended weapon and shield, also not knowing vvhats concetration bloodlost stats are for, and if you do dmg, thats stats keep you alive
and it was fun to see her smile
but still

your lucy you play alone and skip that hard content
ppl like you are like 2-5% same in real life

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Jul 14th 2019, 9:42am)


Tuesday, July 16th 2019, 8:43am



Posts: 64

Occupation: PvP Artist

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I read this forum every day, I have no idea why, I guess in hopes the game will return to gPotato some day and actually become playable again...but I'm sure that will never happen.
I want to come back, as you can see, I've literally not played this game in over 2 years, yet have read the forum every single day since I left because I am still THAT attached to it. I have huge connections to this game and it's community.

This. I'm here because of watching Mercenaries vs Sharlazz it gave me nostalgy
You just can't escape the memories. I'm just waiting for "Allods 2.0" to arrive, to see if I get to meet good old friends.

NA Warden - Mercenaries

2010 NA King Warden


Tuesday, July 16th 2019, 3:56pm



Posts: 233

Location: Podunk, U.S.A.

Occupation: Plucky Comic Relief

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I read this forum every day, I have no idea why, I guess in hopes the game will return to gPotato some day and actually become playable again...but I'm sure that will never happen.
I want to come back, as you can see, I've literally not played this game in over 2 years, yet have read the forum every single day since I left because I am still THAT attached to it. I have huge connections to this game and it's community.

This. I'm here because of watching Mercenaries vs Sharlazz it gave me nostalgy
You just can't escape the memories. I'm just waiting for "Allods 2.0" to arrive, to see if I get to meet good old friends.
Unfortunately, there is a very close to zero percent chance that any "Allods 2.0" will be any better than what we currently have. The game may change, the systems in place may alter, it may even become an action combat game as has been previewed in Warp instead of a WoW-like. But at the end of the day, it's still all run by, which has already shown it has zero issues with pushing things directly into P2W. The exact same problems are going to come up all over again.
IGN: Rozetri
Class: Xadaganian Great Avenger - Lv.75
Guild: Ascendancy (Valiance)
Server: New Frontier (Tensess)
Ship: IndigoSky

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