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Friday, September 20th 2019, 12:46am

To all of you money struggling hardcores and casuals on f2p

Hey, I am Dragagon, and I am here to recruit and advertise for p2p.
Don't close this thread yet, keep on reading. here's my story on why I post here this and now.

I used to be like you, on f2p. Happy with my small CS here and there, a mount of 80 euros, good for a few weeks to be proud on. Upgrading runes on sales where I think I got them cheap. Next sale where I can get more temporary stats again to compete somewhere. Not to be just someone somewhere in f2p like everyone else.
Working my weekends every week so I can spend them in f2p to get nice things. Meanwhile studying throughout the week and trying to keep up with the work for school and balancing it with the love and passion I have for this game.

Getting good money at the end of the month cause of all the weekends I worked so I can spend about 3/4th of that for satisfying CS mounts, temp items, core sales, new trinkets, new shells, and so it repeats. Each half year you spend the same earnings on the same items.

Life of a student for Allods Online is hard, and empty. Empty and futureless.
it drains you from everything you tryhard so hard on, this is my story.

I was realising that this can no longer continue, looking back at all the money I made and looking at how much I have left now, wondering where it all went.

It's a game, it's part of the f2p game, but money shouldn't get mixed up with games. Not that much money for sure. Not for me.
I was lucky enough to have found myself the p2p server. Others are not so lucky. Others just give up, quit and move on.
I want players to be aware that there is a p2p server. A server just like f2p, without the cash competition. Without the pressure to spend so damn much to feel good to sit on that mount that other player has. Or to look as good as the other cause costumes that cost tons of euros. Nothing ingame, purely euros. Or getting beaten all the time by those players because they spent so much more, knowing that if you had equal CS, if you had equal, you would win. You lose, because they spend more.

There is p2p, my dear reader. It's the same game you know from f2p, with pleasant surprises. Ingame drops as it should be. Mounts from raids, not boutique. Bags from raids, not from shop. Permanent blessing, not from shop or the daily chore quests. Replicators from astral, not from shop. Insignia's that you NEED, NEEEED to be flexible on your stats. These are core items in gameplay, gained by gameplay. In f2p it's ONLY from boutique. All of f2p is mixed up with real money required to do anything you want to do.
p2p is all of that, all of what you read and more of what I can't think of right now, for 5 euros. 5 euros a month is ALL it takes. Now look back at f2p, look back one month. One month, look at what you spend on f2p. Were it important things? Or were it "must get that power" in the moment items? Were it "gotta look smooth for a week" in a moment burn? Premium, trying to hoard numbers in f2p thanks to premium boosts to keep that other guild down? No wallet competition in p2p. None of that. Purely you, and the game. No wallets allowed, no power of the rich. Play the game it was meant to be played like in gipat days. In gpotato days. It's untouched, it's even better with updated mounts.

Hearing stories of p2p players of how awesome and great it was back in the day fills me with regret. Regret that I didn't look further than my wallet on f2p. All the fun I could have had on p2p, was overshadowed by competition and tryharding on f2p, at the cost of great amounts of real money.
Hearing these stories makes me feel responsible in some way to atleast make others aware to avoid the same regret I have now. Do not keep going on f2p if you're doubting about wether to spend x euros or not to get that one item while the next one is around the corner for that same price, if not double.
On p2p it costs nothing, the game and the joy is free. As free as an mmorph allows it to be. Do not feel regret in the future, for I have felt it for you. I suppose we all have to walk the same path of troubles to learn the same mistakes. But let me alteast warn you this way, it's an expensive way to learn this. If you happen to learn it on your own, or you happen to trust me on this and already take a turn around, I hope to see you soon on p2p.

Let that sink in for a while before you decided to quit the game due to real life financial issues or lack of time to grind gold here and there.
f2p is a farm simulator, p2p is the game.

Check p2p, you should have a 7d free trial if you never tried it before. Otherwise it's 500 bc (5 euros) to top acces for a month. Planning to play longterm? Let's say 2 years from now. Sounds far enough, right?
80 euros. It costs you 80 euros to play 2 years Allods Online at full potential, nothing locked behind paywalls. You're able to do anything the other can too.

Will you manage for 2 years on f2p with 80 euros? Check p2p before you decide leaving the game and the potential great memories you could have with us, with them, with Sarnaut :)

See you there?

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Dragagon" (Sep 20th 2019, 12:57am)


Friday, September 20th 2019, 9:45am



Posts: 574

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u get insignias for free in distortions on f2p...
u get mount for free..
u get shell for free..
maybe temporary items arent mentioned for casuals?

and the best on f2p is you dont have to work or spend money! just accept that others will always bash on weaker ones... therefor they play pay and surely win
PLS make Tekians playable race. fix shipcanons!


Friday, September 20th 2019, 10:56am

u get insignias for free in distortions on f2p...
Consumed upon use, my farm simulator point here is proven.
u get mount for free..
Perhaps the shitty dog one by reaching lv85. But I talked about the 50 other mounts players might be interested in.
u get shell for free..
Which shell is free? XDDD


Friday, September 20th 2019, 1:23pm



Posts: 522

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you get free adaptive from BG true, BUT u need to have a shell before that to use it so Invalid statement.
I am PioPico


Friday, September 20th 2019, 4:29pm

ohh man, just stop it...
Wolti zzZZ


Friday, September 20th 2019, 4:40pm

I made the switch, leveling an engineer on p2p =)


Friday, September 20th 2019, 6:20pm



Posts: 522

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isnt it 60 euro a year for p2p?
I am PioPico


Friday, September 20th 2019, 6:56pm


Friday, September 20th 2019, 8:49pm



Posts: 522

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so ur saying for new players to farm 1month(or whatever time it takes for NEW PLAYERS to farm 2k bc) in f2p to play on p2p for 6months? or pay 19.50 euro .
I am PioPico


Sunday, September 22nd 2019, 8:59am

so ur saying for new players to farm 1month(or whatever time it takes for NEW PLAYERS to farm 2k bc) in f2p to play on p2p for 6months? or pay 19.50 euro .
I am saying that instead of spending 50 euros to have premium boost for 1 month (And not even getting satisfied with that as other players spend more, gain more), players could spend 20 and have a full game for 6 months.


Sunday, September 22nd 2019, 11:57am


Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?


Wednesday, October 9th 2019, 12:21pm

Posts: 131

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in the game since open beta, over those years i paid like €75 due no job at all and can barely pay daily irl costs.. now finally by ingame farming mostly made lvl 9 runes 3? months ago ( a month later new players get em for free ¿:o ) ... step into skirmish... 1-2shots back in purga i am... where's the fun gone? except some ingame friends... again been thinking is it time to search new game? but hey? who knows maybe im gonna try this free trial for p2p ... then again €5,- /month for a game to me meens less Rum or food :/
gaat niet bestaat niet


Wednesday, October 9th 2019, 4:34pm

if P2P would offer the same things as F2P (those extra items from CS) I would go there probably but last time I was exploring P2P server like 2 years ago those things were absent or available only from events (at last that is what I've been told before). New, poor (RL gold) or normally thinking player should join p2p server after experiencing F2P. As it goes for me playing on P2P feels like being on demo versions (devs please do something about it...). My suggestion would be simple: just add all those CS items we have on F2P for gold(or any other alternative ingame currency, maybe daily quests...) in P2P server too.

Farming gold for BCs is still doable but just look on bc/gold exchange ratio. 1BC=7k gold atm. Not to mention nearly all gold sources available to new players to farming are being methodically nerfed (try to farm gold with one character). On the bright side exchange ratio is really beneficial for casual donators who do not care for PvP content...

If You can't (or don't want to) spend around 100-200EUR/month You can forget about being competitive in PvP, especially when You have only one character- even PvE feels like is being optimized for top paying players (obs hard, heroics) imho.


Wednesday, October 9th 2019, 9:29pm


Thursday, October 10th 2019, 4:41am


if P2P would offer the same things as F2P (those extra items from CS) I would go there probably but last time I was exploring P2P server like 2 years ago those things were absent or available only from events (at last that is what I've been told before). New, poor (RL gold) or normally thinking player should join p2p server after experiencing F2P. As it goes for me playing on P2P feels like being on demo versions (devs please do something about it...). My suggestion would be simple: just add all those CS items we have on F2P for gold(or any other alternative ingame currency, maybe daily quests...) in P2P server too.

Yeh you right F2P is demo version
In P2P you geting Master goblin(consumpable) from ai-rihat, 30d insygnias from koe, race abilitis for 200k gold from bookman, CS you mentioned you can buy for relegar, on top of that you geting free epic bag from umoir raid, auto-looter on coba, wraht from feriss, build or stats you reset only for 44k gold, more balanced dmg from mobs, so you can do obs hard or heroics even up to 25lv. and more ppl to play with as evryone are in 1 guild and use discord
On f2p you need pay for it with bc, here you pay 10 euro for 3 months, to gain that items in game by play

p2p geting exclusive events too…server-06092019…n-server-050919

Holy weapons, pets or some battle mounts you can buy here
But keep in mind holy weapns are perm but not give you any stats, same mounts have 13,75y and no f2p skills (just wraht flash or gryphon jump)
Armor shels will be add shortly after 10.2 patch, and insted of pay for augmentation slot with bc, thay drop from heroics
Also 3 build scrol for privat allod

F2P demo is good for ppl who have no much time to play so thay can top up 50euro for lv 4 premium, and buy new cs item for 2500-3500bc who is added evry 1-2 months and for rest buy temporary items whos need be bought evry 90-180d

So yeh on f2p you not play for free but you pay hidden 50 euro sub to stay relevant, if your not you geting dmg,hp or def debuff evry time new cs item is added and you don't have it

But you know for 50 euro you can also buy Cyberpunk 2077, or 2 expanshons to guild wars 2 or expanshion to wow

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Oct 10th 2019, 12:35pm)


Thursday, October 10th 2019, 9:03am

F2P demo is good for ppl who have no much time to play so thay can top up 50euro for lv 2 premium, and buy new cs item for 2500-3500bc who is added evry 1-2 months and for rest buy temporary items whos need be bought evry 90-180d

So yeh on f2p you not play for free but you pay hidden 50 euro sub to stay relevant, if your not you geting dmg,hp or def debuff evry time new cs item is added and you don't have it

But you know for 50 euro you can also buy Cyberpunk 2077, or 2 expanshons to guild wars 2 or expanshion to wow
Veteran (aka old allods players) players do not need 50EUR/month at all. 10-20 is enough IF primary focus is PvE not PvP. F2P server is not a place where PvP oriented player can play for free. Do not forget new players get serious boost now- they get things for free (2 mounts, runes, various character boosts up to epic included) which allow them to participate in PvE activities. I am also personally very satisfied with collector editions idea- an upgrade for whole account if purchased for real money not bc. It is only shame that items offered are repetitive (hammers, multiplication scrolls etc) and it has been a while since I've seen something interesting to add for all my characters on the account (wtb collector edition with simple version of assault shell).

New player should start on F2P to learn game mechanics, explore story line, find out which class (s)he like the most and then decide between F2P and P2P model. This is where You can help Noah1. If You could compile list of things available to P2P player and where to get them vs F2P server. I thing that might help to convince some old timers still playing for free on F2P to switch sides.

As it goes for the last statement I'm well aware there are other cheaper MMOs with more options than we have here. I agree amount of cash required to stay on top is ridiculous but do not forget target customer for F2P server is either rich player or someone living in EUR zone (or with national currency with exchange ratio more or less 1:1). I'm also looking forward for Cyberpunk 77 but my custom built low power PC won't be able to handle it without better graphic card.


Thursday, October 10th 2019, 12:06pm



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I dont think Noah1 knows how much it is per Premium lvl lol, 50bc for premium 2 xD
I am PioPico


Thursday, October 10th 2019, 12:54pm

if P2P would offer the same things as F2P (those extra items from CS) I would go there probably but last time I was exploring P2P server like 2 years ago those things were absent or available only from events (at last that is what I've been told before). New, poor (RL gold) or normally thinking player should join p2p server after experiencing F2P. As it goes for me playing on P2P feels like being on demo versions (devs please do something about it...). My suggestion would be simple: just add all those CS items we have on F2P for gold(or any other alternative ingame currency, maybe daily quests...) in P2P server too.
p2p server is way too easy now and yet they keep giving us those overpowered items from f2p. Maybe f2p players like to spend money instead of getting better at the game but for me it's killing all sense of accomplishment. Also all f2p items they are adding on p2p are time gated and soon new players will feel here like they would on f2p.
Gear and skill still matters the most on p2p but with introduction of assault shell, rubies, talents, lightning bolt (only p2w items on p2p) and more to come this will change.


Thursday, October 10th 2019, 3:04pm


Veteran (aka old allods players) players do not need 50EUR/month at all. 10-20 is enough IF primary focus is PvE not PvP.

No it's not, until you play solo, skip hard content or not care about competiting others

The more advantage other players have, the farest you will be in trial of blood placing until you know tactic to compensate it

Good team will not take "new players get serious boost now- they get things for free" over player with more dmg multiplicators and less risk
if you have not inaf cs you will can only match with players who are bad, or play only with huge dmg debuff, or you will need take healer insted of dps cuz paper tank

The less your team will do dmg, the more time you will fight boss, and more chance one of you will make mistake and die locking your way to unlock 115% stats
Same you can spend on obs hard 5-10min or 1-2h per boss

P2P make here diference as you not looking on cs before you take someone, so you can match with good players, as here even if your bad, gap is not that hight


I am also personally very satisfied with collector editions idea- an upgrade for whole account if purchased for real money not bc

?( CE have p2p option too, diference is in f2p you can be punshbag until you earn inaf gold to convert it to bc, and then buy it for 0 euro using only time your spend in game


New player should start on F2P to learn game mechanics, explore story line, find out which class

No, he shold start play on p2p so he will can see how bad he is compare to other ppl, and improve to this lv, on f2p you will know shit if max you can do is 100-150k dmg while casher do 600-900k

And will no need spend tons of gold for stats/build reset

All this for fk 5 euro or 10 if your worry 1 month not inaf for you so you will get 3 for all your tests


This is where You can help Noah1. If You could compile list of things available to P2P player and where to get them vs F2P server. I thing that might help to convince some old timers still playing for free on F2P to switch sides.

Ther is list on forum, but no one looking on past posts, thats why ppl from p2p remining it if only someone mentioning problem whos not existing on p2p


As it goes for the last statement I'm well aware there are other cheaper MMOs with more options than we have here. I agree amount of cash required to stay on top is ridiculous but do not forget target customer for F2P server is either rich player or someone living in EUR zone

Don't forget main title of first post


I dont think Noah1 knows how much it is per Premium lvl lol, 50bc for premium 2 xD

4*, for me it was 0-2 as most i farmed in game but it costed alot of time

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Oct 10th 2019, 3:13pm)


Thursday, October 31st 2019, 3:15pm



Posts: 184

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we struggle about money cause everything
in this game is expensive and way to much
now some cash player will come and he will say no is not
I mean he doesnt do hard work but it will spend money

I cant understand why the prices of this game is so much high ?
why they obsessed with cash that much

If I could purchase I would but sadly my money wont be enough
I take 3,500 and 5,000 is for the rent thing about rest cause to electricity and internet
so nothing will left in my wallet but some of coins thats all

this game is complicated and they wont help any players not even will listen to our suggestions
so why wasting your time let them what they want

in the end I have my own plans and my plan made me get a full lvl 8 runes and now
am collecting the lightning bolt

game expensive then lets deal with business and gambling
if the system is not fair with players then trick the system itself :D :whistling:

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