1. Introduction
2. Guide
2.1. Skills
2.2. Rubies
2.3. Stats
3. Builds and Rotations
3.1. PvE DPS
3.2. PvP DPS
4. Ending
1. Introduction
Hey everyone . My name is Tippotenios and i play on Evolution Server . I am a proud member ofthe League guild The
Lilies (all hail the Thraxis nation ). I am currently back to playing scout which in my opinion is one of the most diverse classes to play in allods because you can be either melee or ranged dps with same success as well as a tank cos scout can tank again . So before we dive in scout training thanks for taking time to check my guide and i hope it will be helpful to the community !
2. Guide
This guide is for all scouts out there being a veteran or a newbie starting to shoot arrows at people.
The roles a scout can fill in a party are that of a tank who takes damage while mitigating damage and that of a dps which can deal burst amount of damage in short amounts of time and melt both mobs and players. I will focus on the dps aspect of the scout since i got more experience with it.Before i present the skills our class possess i need to present the class resource we have since 7.0 which is named gear pieces.
These are mainly used to enchance our basic skills by creating charms which are spent on skill use. Scout currently has access to 3 types of charms but 2 out of the 3 are widely used . These are Fire

and Poison

charms which are boosting our damage output . Frost charms

are not designed in order to work with aspect of assault in pve so they will not be a part of builds or mentioned .
2.1 Skill presentation
Volley / Bombardment

We shoot a barrage of arrows at a target we restore 2 gear pieces when no charms are active.
If charms are active it has bonus properties based on the charm type.
Fire Charm

: Inflicts additional fire damage
Poison Charm

: Poisons the target by adding to it stacks of Weak Poison. Thing is these poison stacks are not weak at all .
Precise / Aimed Shot

Deals damage to the target and refunds 4 gear pieces if no charms are active when used. If charms are active it gains bonus properties based on the charm activated.
Fire Charm

: Inflicts additional fire damagePoison Charm

: Inflicts poison damage over time on the target for 8 seconds

Scout dodges all single target attacks with a 30% chance for 3 seconds. The only real defensive cooldown we have for pve.
Crippling shot

Deals damage to the target and roots it for 3 seconds . That skill is a hard hitting one being
second to aimed shot in terms of burst damage .

When used in combat we restore gear pieces for 10 seconds. Total amount of gear pieces varies on skill rank. Since charms enhance our damage output you would want it at rank 3.
Explosive shot

Deals aoe damage to all enemies to the target and enemies around it and restores gear pieces
without charms . If charms are active it gains extra properties .
Fire Charm

: Inflicts additional fire damage
Poison Charm

: Poisons the area around target for 6 seconds and all enemies in the area receive poison damage for the duration . Using poison charm with Explosive shot is our opener in aoe pulls.
Swift Fletching

Every 6 seconds in combat we receive a buff that increases our damage dealt by 14%. Initially it has a 13 seconds cooldown which is lowered by 3 seconds for every 100 swiftness we get. Swiftness is needed for our class so rank 3 of this ability combined with 300 swiftness we aim for is a win – win scenario for us.
Rain of arrows

Inflicts damage to up to 6 enemies at rank 3 for 6 seconds in a 15 yards area . We are cc immune while using the skill . Deals good damage but mobs are so squishy nowadays and we are squishy as wel so it is best to stick to ranged aoe dps but it is the scout version of spin to win as while casting we turn is an arrow tornado.
Wild Hunt

Makes all enemies around us wild animals which flee for 2.5 seconds which rises with higher quality tears of the dragon . Also we receive 10% damage boost , 10% cooldown reduction and 10% movement speed while enemies flee.
Stormy arrow

We shoot an enchanted arrow which is split in half for each enemy hit and deals damage to enemies hit. Higher ranks of the ability reduce the cooldown of the ability. Same situation as rain of arrows mobs are to squishy to use it. Only exception are the goblins before last boss in white mountain.