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Saturday, November 23rd 2019, 4:04am



  • "IAmGroot" started this thread

Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

Occupation: Destoryer of all things you love

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Black Screen Upon Character Selection

So, I tried to log into the game and there was an update. I did the update and went to log in. I logged in, using my credentials, and it completed. I saw my characters for about 1 second, maybe less...Just enough time to read the name of 1 character and my screen went black. Eventually after waiting for about 5 seconds, my monitor said "Monitor going to sleep." and I had to force restart my computer. After doing that, I tried again with the exact same results. I then uninstalled and reinstalled the game and am having the exact same issues.

Can anyone tell me how to fix this?



Saturday, November 23rd 2019, 4:05pm

I don't think it's the same as your problem but sometimes I get black/white screen from the game all I do is press alt+enter to enter/exit full screen mode and then the game works just fine, that may work for you too, also try running it as an administrator if you're not, I really can't think of anything else that might help.

Bring It On! Cuz I'm Just Gonna Grow Up In The Battle HEY !!

Timed Artifacts: The hidden value
Blanks In Chat?


Sunday, November 24th 2019, 3:40am



  • "IAmGroot" started this thread

Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

Occupation: Destoryer of all things you love

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Tried running it as administrator and still nothing.
Anyone got any other options?


Sunday, November 24th 2019, 11:07pm



Posts: 521

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sounds weird, have u tried getting the launcher in C or D? maybe that has something to do with it or idk, never experienced it before
I am PioPico


Monday, November 25th 2019, 2:06pm

-delete game settings files
-disable screen turning off in power saving
-set normal refresh rate
-set your screen on same resolution

-update directx
-update graphics drivers


Monday, November 25th 2019, 2:28pm



  • "IAmGroot" started this thread

Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

Occupation: Destoryer of all things you love

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sounds weird, have u tried getting the launcher in C or D? maybe that has something to do with it or idk, never experienced it before
Not quite sure what "the launcher in C or D" means, but...I'll do some looking around.
-delete game settings files
-disable screen turning off in power saving
-set normal refresh rate
-set your screen on same resolution

-update directx
-update graphics drivers
This is a good one. I'll give it a shot. Considering I log on my computer maybe once or twice a week and it's about as old as a dinosaur now, perhaps the graphics drivers and such are in a serious need of updating.

Thanks all. ^_^

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