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Tuesday, December 10th 2019, 4:15pm



  • "menzanima" started this thread

Posts: 162

Location: Germany

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Creative Winter Olympics 2019/20 - New Year's constructionism entries [Closed]

New Year's constructionism

Contest ended.


This competition is for everyone who likes to craft with their own hands. Your goal is to replicate one of the buildings from Allods Online. Post a photo of your finished creation under this thread. The Architects of the greatest replication will be awarded with up to 8000 crystals

  • It has to be a replication of an existing Allods Online Building.
  • Provide a good quality photo of your creation.

The rules of this competition strongly forbid using other people's work, as well as the art that wasn't specifically made for this competition. Also, participants should occasionally check their private message on the forum, since the jury may ask additional informations towards your submission.

Post your submission to the Construction Contest under this post. To make things easier please use this template:

Name: Your In-game name
Server: The Server you're playing on
Image: The photo you want to participate with

Good Luck!


Dieser Wettbewerb ist für alle, die gerne etwas mit Ihren eigenen Händen erschaffen. Das Ziel ist es eines der Gebäude aus Allods Online nachzubauen. Postet ein Foto eurer fertigen Kreation in dem dafür bestimmten Thread. Die Architekten der großartigsten Gebäude werden mit bis zu 8000 Kristallen belohnt!

  • Es muss eine Nachbildung eines existierenden Gebäudes in Allods Online sein.
  • Stelle ein qualitativ gutes Foto zur verfügung.

Die Regeln dieses Wettbewerbs verbieten es ausdrücklich, die Kunst anderer Leute zu verwenden, sowie die Kunst, die nicht speziell für diesen Wettbewerb geschaffen wurde. Außerdem sollten die Teilnehmer gelegentlich ihre privaten Nachrichten im Forum überprüfen, da die Jury im Streitfall möglicherweise die Quelldateien Ihrer Arbeit anfordert.

Poste deine Teilnahme für den Bastelwettbewerb unter diesem Beitrag. Um den späteren Verlauf zu erleichtern, nutze bitte diese Vorlage:

Name: Dein In-game Name
Server: Der Server auf dem du spielst
Image: Das Foto mit welchem du teilnehmen möchtest

Viel Glück!


Ce concours s'adresse à tous ceux qui aiment créer de leurs propres mains. Votre objectif est de reproduire l'un des bâtiments d'Allods Online. Postez une photo de votre création terminée sous ce fil. Les architectes de la plus grande réplication recevront jusqu'à 8000 cristaux

  • Il doit s'agir d'une réplique d'un bâtiment d'Allods existant.
  • Fournissez une photo de bonne qualité de votre création.

Les règles de ce concours interdisent fortement d'utiliser le travail des autres, ainsi que l'art qui n'a pas été spécialement conçu pour ce concours. De plus, les participants doivent vérifier occasionnellement leur message privé sur le forum, car le jury peut demander des informations supplémentaires concernant votre soumission.

Publiez votre soumission au concours de construction sous ce poste. Pour faciliter les choses, veuillez utiliser ce modèle:

Pseudo: Votre pseudo en jeu
Serveur: Votre serveur de jeu
Image: La photo avec laquelle vous souhaitez participer

Bonne Chance!


Bu yarışma, el işi yapmayı seven herkes için. Amaç; Allods Online'daki bir binanın kopyasını yapmak. Bitmiş çalışmanızın fotoğrafını özel forum başlığının altında paylaşın. En iyi maketin mimarı 8000 kristale kadar ödüllendirilecektir!

  • Allods Online'da var olan binaların bir kopyası olmalıdır.
  • Eserinizin iyi kalitede bir fotoğrafını sağlayın.

Bu yarışmanın kuralları diğer insanların çalışmalarını ve özellikle bu yarışma için yapılmamış çalışmaları kullanmayı yasaklıyor. Ayrıca, katılımcılar forumdaki özel mesajlarını ara sıra kontrol etmelidir çünkü jüri anlaşmazlık durumunda kullandığınız materyallerin kaynağını isteyebilir.

Maket Yarışması için eserlerinizi bu konunun altında paylaşın. İşleri kolaylaştırmak için lütfen bu kalıbı kullanın:

Name: Karakterinizin oyun içi ismi
Server: Oynadığınız sunucu
Image: Katılmak istediğiniz resim

İyi Şanslar!
In-game: Poloo • Faction: League • Server: Evolution
Best regards,
Allods Online Moderator Team

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 25th 2020, 12:03am)


Wednesday, December 25th 2019, 3:13pm


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Dec 25th 2019, 10:38pm)


Tuesday, January 14th 2020, 6:10pm

Name: DarkTom
Server: Evolution

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 22nd 2020, 11:55pm)


Sunday, January 19th 2020, 2:47pm

Well didn't think I will make it on time (MANY sleepless nights) but its finally here! Once I saw this pattern i knew that was it. Its Dionic Archipelago map zone, seen from a ship (colliseum is its most prominent mark). Apologies for the kitty hairs on it but they are very hard to remove once she rolls onto the stitch.

It is fully handcrafted (pixel by pixel even) and I fully made it for this competition as per rules.

Name: pasidaips

Server : Smugglers Paradise

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "pasidaips" (Jan 19th 2020, 3:00pm)


Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 11:10am

Name: Dragagon
Server: Smuggler's Paradise

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Final result
*With flash*

*Without flash*

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Dragagon" (Jan 22nd 2020, 5:27pm)


Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 9:25pm

Name : Akili
Server : Évolution
Images :

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 23rd 2020, 8:40pm)


Wednesday, January 22nd 2020, 9:41pm



Posts: 43

Location: Syria

Occupation: Student

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i made the well from Severia with a working water lifting wheel and a little bucket

(eco-friendly design)

name: Scavenger
Server: Evolution


مُشْرِف سَابِقْ في اللودز العَرَبِيّة


Thursday, January 23rd 2020, 6:06pm

Oyuncu Adı : Zaptus

Sunucu : Evolution

( Karton yapmacık duracağı için kartondan yapmak istemedim.Yapım biraz sıkıntılı geçti. :D Gerçek malzemeler kullanmaya çalıştım.Kullandığım yapraklarda gerçektir.Yaprakları hastalıklı bitkilerden almaya çalıştım.)

Yapım Aşamaları :

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "VAPTUS" (Jan 23rd 2020, 10:09pm)


Thursday, January 23rd 2020, 8:55pm



Posts: 4

Occupation: Logo Designer

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Hi. I was thinking to do any build and I decided to do the Guard House in front of Novograd with watercolor, artline inked pen and photo block.

Name : Strelka

Server : Evolution

Image Step 1 :

Image Step 2 :

Image Final Step :
- A r t N o u v e a u -

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 24th 2020, 8:06pm)


Thursday, January 23rd 2020, 10:45pm

Astral Academy ^^

Name : Sule
Server: evolution
Image: Astral Academy

Hi, this is not perfect, but I made it with love :) <3


Here what I made, hope you guys love it <3:

bonus: Drone View :p

Spoiler Spoiler

Thank you :)
razardi has attached the following image:
  • Allods_200124_045811.jpg


Friday, January 24th 2020, 4:14pm

name : Kattia

server : Evolution


Friday, January 24th 2020, 8:11pm

Name: Kuropatva

Server: Smuggler's Paradise


I prepared the pyramid of Tep. I decided to use clay. It was my first time with clay :) Inside I mounted a green led, and I used fluorescent paint for a better effect in the dark.

Final look in light.

Final look in dark.

All steps of preparation.


Friday, January 24th 2020, 11:44pm


Name : Thernote
Server : Evolution

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "menzanima" (Jan 27th 2020, 6:23pm)

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