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Sunday, November 3rd 2019, 9:58am

  • "LeSoldatMort" started this thread

Posts: 67

Location: Czech Republic

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Game refuses to start


I've been having these troubles since last week. The game won't load and gives me this information:

- My internet connection is the same as it was when the game was running fine.
- I tried to re-install the game, even to different harddrive but it still doesn't connect.
- Running the game on different computers with my login works just fine.
- Any other MMO runs just fine on my computer.
- I'm not on wi-fi, but stable cable internet connection.

I will be grateful for any helpful advice. If anyone had a problem like this in past and solved it, would be helpful to get some tips :)

Thank you!


Sunday, November 3rd 2019, 10:09am

use the CMD and try "ping -t" and see if it pings or not, if it does then you can connect if not try changing the DNS or use a vpn that might work. ty using tracert command as well.
I had an issue with connections before the problem was from my ISP, I recommend you to contact the tech support they can help better.

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Sunday, November 3rd 2019, 8:49pm

ping these servers aswell
these are the ones aogame.exe connects to while playing

if you have problems pinging them, this will be a hint to the problem which you can forward to support to shorten the whole process...


Tuesday, November 5th 2019, 5:44pm

  • "LeSoldatMort" started this thread

Posts: 67

Location: Czech Republic

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Thank you both! I will be testing the game this weekend. I have succesfully ran the game once through CMD but when I restarted it, it didn't load again... I'll keep trying the other ways :)


Tuesday, November 5th 2019, 9:17pm



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I remember something from looooong time ago when I played that during Daylight Savings time...sometimes things got messed up and clocks weren't matching and wouldn't allow you to get into game.

Check to make sure CPU clock is matching current time.

Also, Hi LeSoldatMort. ^_^

Saint and I still love our commission. :love:


Wednesday, November 6th 2019, 12:34am


Did you try to launch the game/launcher in administrator mode ?
Sometimes the firewall settings are messed up and need to be reseted (re authorized)
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Friday, November 15th 2019, 10:35am

  • "LeSoldatMort" started this thread

Posts: 67

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Oh well, still no luck.

I tried checking the ping and it shows only in the CMD. The last resort might be the DNS.
I remember something from looooong time ago when I played that during Daylight Savings time...sometimes things got messed up and clocks weren't matching and wouldn't allow you to get into game.

Check to make sure CPU clock is matching current time.

Also, Hi LeSoldatMort. ^_^

Saint and I still love our commission. :love:
I changed the time zone and the game ran fine untill I closed it and ... then it didn't start back again. Same problem as the running with CMD, ugh :(
( But ahhhh I'm so happy to hear it about the comm :D I loved working on it, you guys are sweet <3 )


Did you try to launch the game/launcher in administrator mode ?
Sometimes the firewall settings are messed up and need to be reseted (re authorized)
Good point! But my computer seems to ignore it, no luck running the game through administrator mode.

Thank you so much for so many solutions and options to solve this, guys! I'll keep trying!


Monday, December 2nd 2019, 2:24pm

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"libcurl.dll" failed to load

wanted start up game, then got this messege over n over: "libcurl.dll"failerd to load... deleted game And mygames dwnldr etc.. tried reïnstall... same messege..???
?( :?:
gaat niet bestaat niet


Friday, February 21st 2020, 9:58am



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Im having the same problem since today. Yesterday I was able to play fine but after the update I'm no longer able to connect to the server. I did pings, tracert, administrator... everything but it wont let me play.

The only this that was kinda awkward was that when I did the tracert it showed all the hops were fine until it got to some server in amsterdam (probably the AO Server). There it went to a timeout and broke up.

Any suggestions? Already submitted a ticket with all the information but I'm unsure how fast the support is acting in those cases...
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Friday, February 21st 2020, 10:04am



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Im having the same problem since today. Yesterday I was able to play fine but after the update I'm no longer able to connect to the server. I did pings, tracert, administrator... everything but it wont let me play.

The only this that was kinda awkward was that when I did the tracert it showed all the hops were fine until it got to some server in amsterdam (probably the AO Server). There it went to a timeout and broke up.

Any suggestions? Already submitted a ticket with all the information but I'm unsure how fast the support is acting in those cases...

Edit: Try again, it is over.
^ . ^

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Jinn" (Feb 21st 2020, 10:14am)

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