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Tuesday, June 9th 2020, 3:00am

What is adaptive shell, where to get, how it works ?

what is it ?
developer should provide wiki pages for basic and advance things in game ,

many new players quits becoz getting lost in game to develope character.


Tuesday, June 9th 2020, 1:21pm



Posts: 575

Location: Berlin

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its a shell that adapts from other shells so you need at least one other shell or a skin.

you get it for free from NPCs in Capital, you need full prestige at one of the three.

in russian theres surely a forum with all the information you would need.

they know, they dont care.

never forget games are not for the players to game just for the sellers to generate money and as long enough money comes in they just dont bother to care
PLS make Tekians playable race. fix shipcanons!


Tuesday, June 9th 2020, 4:41pm

adaptive shell = get your old shell up to date when combined with "modernization project IV"
for skills you need to dismantle old shells and add the skills to the adaptive shell
you can improve their skills and so on

read further:…inventor-240419

i only use modernized shell for a larger HP pool and dont care for the skills :thumbup:


Wednesday, June 10th 2020, 1:25pm

in p2p you geting true shell for free after hiting gretness (after full lv) togheter with adaptive shell


Thursday, June 11th 2020, 5:50am

in p2p you geting true shell for free after hiting gretness (after full lv) togheter with adaptive shell

what about draconic ?
someone told me it can boost damage significant.
got kill with 2 hit ini bg.

is it cheat, or draconic or cs.
if cassshop what item make u invicible?


Thursday, June 11th 2020, 12:29pm


what about draconic ?
someone told me it can boost damage significant.
got kill with 2 hit ini bg.

is it cheat, or draconic or cs.
if cassshop what item make u invicible?

on p2p or f2p?

if in p2p prob bad def stats, or not presing def skill on somone burst/not stuning

Draconic can boost your dmg, you geting them from raids but it;s like 0,5-0,7x
than thers up to 90 + basic stats from dominion curency
+20deter and +20brut from spark exp talent
+10%dmg on bg from spark talent
than thers artifact (who is in f2p as well) +2->15% dmg and some bonuses despend from lv of your artefact
(you can make artefact with 2-15% def as well)
and dmg buff from armor shell (you can get on heroic) 12%dmg for 10s

remeber % i give is multiplicator, not real % increce

and eq diference when somone have more attack stats than you have your def stats, you geting highter hits
last think it can be trinket proc (from heroics) who give you temporary stats for short time of 15s evry 1min i think

it's all in p2p

in f2p?

well in f2p insted 90 you have 250+ stats
runes 130% dmg (as multiplicator)
210 special stats for evry kill you do in bg while your not dead
250 conclave def stats
+20 special stats on holy weapon
patronage 5 (around 12% real dmg increst)
cash shop turret

and rest i mentioned in p2p

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Jun 11th 2020, 12:52pm)


Thursday, June 11th 2020, 6:37pm

someone told me it can boost damage significant.
got kill with 2 hit ini bg.

is it cheat, or draconic or cs.
if cassshop what item make u invicible?

Dragonrelics make a huge difference, yes, it is a gamechanger
same with 115% upgrades from hard astral (heroics)these 2 things are what is the main reason for vastly superior players

itemshop plays a minor role there, i have all items that matter but vs somene with 115% gear or a full set of dragonrelics one does not stand a chance, even if they are at level 8 runes or something


Friday, June 12th 2020, 10:00am

all its clear now
thanks for the info

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