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Sunday, August 9th 2020, 3:59pm



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

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he didnt
I am PioPico


Sunday, August 9th 2020, 5:34pm

This tells me you haven't updated your knowledge about p2p for the past 2 years.

It IS dead now as all of eu league p2p moved to ru p2p or has quit.

But seriously stop missinforming new players.

Whenever i get this collectors edition thing i automatically get access to paymentserver for some time and use that to level up my char there (i am an interested player and try to make myself a picture on my own additional to what everyone says)

observatios were as following:
chat is dead
zones are dead
main zones are dead
signing for astral gets me with with 5 mercs alone to the allod
BG never pops
worldchat calls dont get a single response even if i ask for a sign of life
auctions are like 2 pages of worthless items

so i tell my experience and that this server feels dead (unpopulated)
now you tell me i misinform (new) players - and in the same post you write
It IS dead


Monday, August 10th 2020, 2:12am

Imo I dont believe cashshop is bad , almost all mmorpg (cmiiw) contain cashshop. thats how they got income.
balance game mechanism, need to improve.

ex: some stuff from cashshop not work ini pvp
myrra must be farm, from astral, so the veteran still do astral so low gear player automatically can run lots astral .
the mechanism shoul make the high gear player still need others people tha is how mmorp works , imho

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "u_177657889" (Aug 10th 2020, 2:23am)


Monday, August 10th 2020, 6:15am

Imo I dont believe cashshop is bad , almost all mmorpg (cmiiw) contain cashshop. thats how they got income.

balance game mechanism, need to improve.

ex: some stuff from cashshop not work ini pvp
whats the point of getting things if they dont give me an advantage? the whole game is about gaining superiority over those who lack effort to get stronger

myrra must be farm it already is. farm gold in KOE and buy from servant of light., from astral,astral give gold aswell so you can by whatever you want with it so the veteran still do astral so low gear player automatically can run lots astral .
veterans do easy astral, some to gear up, some to farm dust and there are mercenaries aswell so you dont need any players in the end anyway

the mechanism shoul make the high gear player still need others people tha is how mmorp works , imho being dependent on other players is awful and removes the fun of a game. mercenaries are there for a reason. the other players exist to be able to trade with them and battle them, not to be dependent on them to achieve basic tasks


Monday, August 10th 2020, 1:34pm


at least on free server it is not dead at all as everything runs

Thats what i told, game is dead but you have inaf zombies to run end game events

dead in terms you got only 1-2 servers compare to other games, as well low numbers creating new characters that play on low lv zones

Also all community from allods you culd pick up to 1 max 2 guild on other games (with 500ppl limit)

That is my term of dead, not till you can't run any end game, at that point game will be totaly dead or even server gona be closed

Other that that on Forum only me or you and maybe max 1-2 ppl that even answering from that point

look on that topic wher guy asked for build and no one even answered to him
Demonologist build

This post has been edited 13 times, last edit by "Noah1" (Aug 11th 2020, 4:33am)


Wednesday, August 12th 2020, 3:13am

not totally dead is dying.
new playesr still come,

most of thwm quits beforw reach endgame.
ex: at lv 90 you got free blue gear. but it is not strong enough to do al rihat smoothly. as I notice dev upgrade alrihat mobs since update s4.
go to s4 with bluegear and merc. you dead.
(evolution server)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "u_177657889" (Aug 12th 2020, 3:27am)


Wednesday, August 12th 2020, 3:30am

where is the veteran?

they do their own stuff, farm 3x3 , lv up their reinc and solo astral, they dont need any weak player at all ,
after that go kick some ass in BG
, what about heroic ,

you are weak nobody need you, veteran do heroic with veteran
it is unbalanced game mechanic

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "u_177657889" (Aug 12th 2020, 3:36am)


Wednesday, August 12th 2020, 8:34am

about cash shop
if there no cashshop crystal I cannot reach 30 k gearscore in three months thats the fact.
I buy gear from auction. gold grom selling crystal to npc
1. farming gold from KOE is wothless, I save KOE emblem to buy enchanted matter.
2.repeadtly doing tkarik for gold, = takes too much time, not worth

BG emblems and Combat blem, only idiots exchange it with gold.
most reasonable way to get gold is
1. use cashshop
2. reinc


Wednesday, August 12th 2020, 11:00pm



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

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U can reach 30k gearscore in one day
I am PioPico


Thursday, August 13th 2020, 1:57am


Thursday, August 13th 2020, 2:10am

U can reach 30k gearscore in one day

pls tell me how so I can attract more friend to play.?
first use item to instant lv 85 right?


Thursday, August 13th 2020, 8:16am



Posts: 65

Location: Irene Brothel

Occupation: drunked gibberling

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U can reach 30k gearscore in one day

pls tell me how so I can attract more friend to play.?
first use item to instant lv 85 right?
why you don't attract your friends and help them to get their gear, like doing astral for example? Get your ship and go with them. This game has lots of contents that you can enjoy together (goblinball is a great by the way).
Rupeck - Psi
Lkledu - Healer
LEAGUE - (F2P) Evolution Server


Friday, August 14th 2020, 1:55am


thay want to enjoy endgame content, but have no idea how to use cashshop
some my friend do quest secret of old rune master, they buy crystal chip and get upset :D
some other invest cash with their ship, when they reach 90 they realize , everybody do astral from ctrl M.
I cant give them adice co I am noobs too

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "u_177657889" (Aug 14th 2020, 2:22am)


Friday, August 14th 2020, 8:42am

legend says that there is a marketing department for allods eu


Friday, August 14th 2020, 2:26pm



Posts: 65

Location: Irene Brothel

Occupation: drunked gibberling

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thay want to enjoy endgame content, but have no idea how to use cashshop
some my friend do quest secret of old rune master, they buy crystal chip and get upset :D
some other invest cash with their ship, when they reach 90 they realize , everybody do astral from ctrl M.
I cant give them adice co I am noobs too
i know how you feel. I come back to game last month (when i stop playing still exists a brazilian server and the max level was 45). Now with lots of new contents I feel a bit lost in the game (and the internet has few guides). When I find something that I think it's difficult to find in internet I write a guide here in the forum to try change this scenario.

I don't know much about the cash shop, I only bought cristals ingame (near the auction in novograd). I commited some mistakes when i come back (like put my ruby points in skills that i don't have the aspect to use) but while isn't a great mistake that will make impossible for me to progress in the game I'll continue to play for fun.

Also, if you've difficult to kill some mobs try to by a new gear in auction. When i came back I don't give attention to this but some friends of guild helped me. You can craft gears too in the Anvil of Artifacts (but in auction house is cheaper).
Rupeck - Psi
Lkledu - Healer
LEAGUE - (F2P) Evolution Server


Saturday, August 22nd 2020, 1:40pm

Should i try allods again or better dont waste my time?
Last time i played endgame raid was on big ship


Saturday, August 22nd 2020, 8:36pm

Should i try allods again or better dont waste my time?
Last time i played endgame raid was on big ship

sounds like the eclipse raid

allods is still a great game - otherwise i would not sink my time into it every day

but after all you must know yourself whether you want to play a game or not :rolleyes:


Saturday, August 22nd 2020, 8:44pm

Also, if you've difficult to kill some mobs try to by a new gear in auction. When i came back I don't give attention to this but some friends of guild helped me. You can craft gears too in the Anvil of Artifacts (but in auction house is cheaper).

i probably should not say that as i might hurt my own business but anyway,

buying gear in auction is a HUGE waste of money and there is no valid reason to do so
just go to anvil-NPC naia windina and get a free set of gear from her, then go al rihat and do quests / loot chests - this way you can get a full set of craftable purple gear plus get the orange direct drops from astral / distortion
you can get purple gear to 109% from the FREE upgraders that drop in al rihat anyway from chests
this will ge you around 30.000 GS


Sunday, August 30th 2020, 4:17pm

Hi my boyfriend and I are playing this game, p2p server because we heard so many negatives in f2p. I have to say leveling is very slow . Were only 12 and we have been playing for 8+ hours. Also there is nobody around, or chatting which I dont really care because its fun for the time being but my boyfriend always makes comments the game is dead. Should we hve played in the f2p server would their have been more people?


Sunday, August 30th 2020, 5:46pm



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

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p2p is dead, here on EU if u want to play on p2p I suggest going on RU server since its very populated. One thing i recommend in lvling is dont do the gray quests unless they give Huge amount of exp, and then once u reach 23/24 or something like that U go into Time Void )through ctrl +m) and Hire free mercs and go do that. getting lvl 12 after 8h is rly hard to achieve unless u afk for 6h :D.
I am PioPico

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