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Saturday, August 29th 2020, 2:05pm

Battleground - sparing players + partial fix

since we have mixed battleground it often happens there are players who spare each other, most likely because they belong to the same guild or are friends

this leads to weird situations like top geared player A from red team not attacking top geared player B from blue team at all and so on

actually this behavior is the same reason why it is pointless to attend june catacombs at all as there will be teams in the end
only fix would be to attend anonymous so you dont know who you actually fight, basically players getting generic clothes and names like player 1 player 2 and so on

separating battlegrounds to league vs empire would fix that again as there is no reason to spare someone from the other faction at all - however at cost of battleground availability (if only players of 1 faction queue bg wont start)

so my idea is there will be battlegrounds empire vs league NORMALLY and only once there are not players queueing on BOTH sides it will fall back to mixed BGs

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Aug 29th 2020, 2:31pm)


Saturday, August 29th 2020, 9:16pm

I kinda disagree with u on that. Would make the balance even more fckd up.
Most of the pvp content is pointless nowdays,since they introduced the carnifex things. They only made the already over powered ppl even more powerfull,to a point that basically no one can touch em. So if u arent another op player that can KILL the player on carnifex effect,u are nearly useless in the battle. Killed the whole dinamic of pvp for me and for many ppl I talked. Whats the point of suppression classes ,for example,against a fully charged carnifex player?Unless,again,u are a really op player ofc.
As an old player coming back after a long period of break,and as a player that used to love pvp,I feel like the pvp nowdays is just too boring and predictable. And I'm not even talking about the super op class scouts,that deserve a big nerf!

I understand that the game needs to have cash shop stuff and that will be op players ,ofc,but lets not exaggerate! Otherwise the population on server,that is already underwhelming most of the times,will never grow,cos new players wont even bother to try.


Saturday, August 29th 2020, 10:41pm

what balance? players can get strong on both sides, league and empire, the same - if they dont it is their fault
also there would be the fallback system anyway

what do you mean with carnifex? i have all of those but the bonus is very small
health absorption is so small is is close to non-existent
after several kills you get a willpower bonus which is also close to meaningless, half a second longer or shorter cc immunity wont change much
new carnifex bonus also gives bloodlust bonus - very useful in PVP... NOT (this is great when doing open world pvp like in al rihat or KOE but not in BG)
and there is the anger bonus which theoretically means a malus on healing for the opponent - again 100% pointless as healing is nonexistent in PVP currently

leaves the 180day aegis of carnifex (spread dragonwings animation) which grants 20% less damage after a kill - the only viable item for PVP - this is usually sold so cheap every low tier farmer can afford it but it sucks as it is not permanent

suppressionclasses being dead is a problem not related to carnifex
i played suppression sorcerer and psionicist a lot but it is the current state of game which renders these useless for normal pvp :(

talk about powerful items: victorycross is REALLY powerful, especially if you take it to like level 10 - in general these artefacts are absurdly powerful (personally i like that) so if one does not have them he has a major disadvantage

scout is not overpowered but the other classes are underpowered
if you look at paladin and warrior, these are properly adjusted and can kill the scout

all the other classes lack damageabsorption and damagemitigation

i described the serious issues PVP currently has in this thread When will broken PVP get a fix?


fix HP numbers
fix healing


Healing not effective even in fullheal and too high damage with too little HP ruin PVP
pvp feels like playing counterstrike, bam bam bam dead - within like 2 seconds
(those who know me are aware i understand enough of this game to be able to build tanky pvp builds so this is definitely not a problem based on low effort / low knowledge playerwise)

what is this if even a full geared paladin breaks like a wineglass falling to ground - WHILE HAVING A FULLHEALER ON HIM?
had this situation multiple times now, playing fullhealer, going for the tankiest and best geared player in party, healing him like there is no tomorrow and he still falls like leaves in autumn
i do use the healing and shieldartefact, yes, i run at high brutality, my stats are OK and so on

at 1st i though the reduction of high numbers was a good idea
but it ruined everything as it seems they did not only cut zeros like some hyperinflation money from africa but also forgot to take care of percentages aligned with that so damage is like 30% more effective now while hp are 90% lower and heals are 90% less effective

- periodic healing of assaultshell / mount broken
- healing in general broken
- even as fullhealer it is quite difficult to stay alive in 1 vs 1
- a fullhealer is supposed to be able to tank at least 2 or 3 players of equal gearlevel

hp way too low for everything
as a matter effect even mobs in al rihat hitting too hard unless you put proper concentration

being a veteran i can live with these annoyances however it still ruins the fun
but how about a new rookie player or a normal player?
game needs SERIOUS fixing in this case

will next patch fix this?
i saw some footage from russian PTS, i think it was even a player from here who made the video
there was a situation where they tested in gipat, he was a paladin and everything was dead within 3 hits or something

watching some footage from other players from russian server showed similar happenings
having all these weird special stats gone now (yay) makes people go with like 900 prof and more which results in onehits from scouts as a normal thing
is there any way to fix things except getting a paladin-coremorpher? :rolleyes:

seriously, players need a MUCH, MUCH larger HP pool

hopefully 11.1 will fix this


Saturday, August 29th 2020, 11:24pm

I agree that something need to change regarding bg fights. But dont separate btw empire and league,cos unfortunately empire has the majority of active op bg fighters.
About the carnifex,well,try to fight against someone really op,that already killed tons of weak players to feed his carnifex. Its really pointless cos u cant even cc em at this point. I'm not saying that carnifex is the only problem,ofc. I agree with u that artifacts lvl 10 and other stuff breaks the balance,ofc. But at least we used to be able to help stronger ppl to kill em,using cc and everything we have. Now we are basicaly punching bags for those kind of players. Its frustrating and kills the point of massive pvp. And the ones that dont care about it,just bcos they are already op,should realize that the game needs a good population for everything,and the way I see it,ppl dont stay for long play the game cos they get tired of going nowhere.
And scouts are op,if the other classes are underpowered.I agree that pala and warriors are great too. But at least that how they suppose to be. Scouts just have too much of everything. Fast af,insane dmg,insane range,can go invisi,have some good cc and def skills etc. Its just too much. No wonder all I see on top of bg list dps/kills are at least 70% scouts.


Monday, August 31st 2020, 12:23am

cc immunity comes either from class skill (like psi, warrior and paladin have) or from courage buff (reduces cc duration) or from artefact "freedom mirror" (reset martyr skill + timed immunity) or "pilgrims crown" (same for slowdown + faster running)

last but not least, the more often the same type of cc is used, the shorter it lasts! many player dont even know this at all. this change was sadly not much communicated but rather only a minor sidenote, leaving a lot of players wondering why their ccs no longer work properly

carnifex does NOT give direct cc immunity upon kills (as i said, it only prolongs the immunity AFTER the martyr skill minimal by slightly higher willpower)
the animations are done in a great way and looking at it really gives you the right feeling like "look how powerful this player is" but as i said, the actual power comes from gear, dragonrelics and artefacts - all things only those have at high quality who go through the hassle of clearing the tedious groupcontent (raids for relics + lots of elixiers of fate, heroics for 115% and dominion for further relics)

i have basically all the items from itemshop but i cant simply win vs a player with level 8 runes and basically NO items but high level gear, dragonrelics and artefacts
if you would cut these things and everyone would reach max gear battlegrounds would be a lot more balanced

players get high willpower by setting defensive stats to special type resistance (e.g. natural dmg / elemental dmg) - this ensures you get some seconds cc immunity after using the martyr-skill every player has

saw a scout recently which had i think 6 seconds cc immunity and ran like bitten by a tarantula, i think he used the pilgrims crown, the freedom mirror and the victory cross at a high level


Monday, August 31st 2020, 9:00am

the sum of all that things cs, gear , rune and artifact + they all join Bg as 1 or 2 fullparty.
and we noobs join together to face them .

from my perspective .
we play insane mode allods
they play noobs mode.



Monday, August 31st 2020, 7:35pm

I agree with u. Like right now I was doing bg,and 1 player was camping our ress spot feeding his carnifex. Nothing worked on him. He wasnt there to pvp,he was there just to farm on newbies and weak players,and wasnt even going for the harder ones.At the end of the bg he got 30 kills and 0 deaths.

I agree completely with u_17.Its a sum of many things. But my point about carnifex is : we already have tons of other things that makes the cc thingie not that usefull as they used to be.We have classes with skills that cancels it,we have artifacts,we have patronage skills,we have potions,shells and status additions. We dont need one more thing to make it even harder! and its not just the cc,its the dmg addition,the defense additon and so on. It only makes those one that were already op even more op,at a point they become untouchable,ruining the pvp,since a single player can kill a whole party.

I know its a pay to win game,like every free mmorpg is,but theres a limit,and I think allods is crossing that limit. The game is becoming a pay (alot) to ENJOY game,since u cant do shit if u dont spend like crazy. And if u dont have euros or ur contry currency isnt strong enought,u are screwed. No wonder newcomers dont stay for long.


Monday, August 31st 2020, 7:40pm

But ye,the artifacts at a lvl 10 makes all the difference too. But they were there b4 carnifex. Dont know if u got what I'm saying,cos my english isnt really good hehe,But carnifex came to make it all even more unbalanced. Its so unecessary.

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