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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Aug 29th 2020, 2:31pm)
fix HP numbers
fix healing
Healing not effective even in fullheal and too high damage with too little HP ruin PVP
pvp feels like playing counterstrike, bam bam bam dead - within like 2 seconds
(those who know me are aware i understand enough of this game to be able to build tanky pvp builds so this is definitely not a problem based on low effort / low knowledge playerwise)
what is this if even a full geared paladin breaks like a wineglass falling to ground - WHILE HAVING A FULLHEALER ON HIM?
had this situation multiple times now, playing fullhealer, going for the tankiest and best geared player in party, healing him like there is no tomorrow and he still falls like leaves in autumn
i do use the healing and shieldartefact, yes, i run at high brutality, my stats are OK and so on
at 1st i though the reduction of high numbers was a good idea
but it ruined everything as it seems they did not only cut zeros like some hyperinflation money from africa but also forgot to take care of percentages aligned with that so damage is like 30% more effective now while hp are 90% lower and heals are 90% less effective
- periodic healing of assaultshell / mount broken
- healing in general broken
- even as fullhealer it is quite difficult to stay alive in 1 vs 1
- a fullhealer is supposed to be able to tank at least 2 or 3 players of equal gearlevel
hp way too low for everything
as a matter effect even mobs in al rihat hitting too hard unless you put proper concentration
being a veteran i can live with these annoyances however it still ruins the fun
but how about a new rookie player or a normal player?
game needs SERIOUS fixing in this case
will next patch fix this?
i saw some footage from russian PTS, i think it was even a player from here who made the video
there was a situation where they tested in gipat, he was a paladin and everything was dead within 3 hits or something
watching some footage from other players from russian server showed similar happenings
having all these weird special stats gone now (yay) makes people go with like 900 prof and more which results in onehits from scouts as a normal thing
is there any way to fix things except getting a paladin-coremorpher?
seriously, players need a MUCH, MUCH larger HP pool