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Monday, November 23rd 2020, 3:43pm

so coming back again

finally for one more time after another break im coming back i saw the last few post still dont know which side i think i have some chars on league side not full unfortunately but dont mind starting empire anyway let me know.


Monday, November 23rd 2020, 3:59pm

oh right but how you guys coping with the language dont get me wrong i know quite a few but never learned to read or write is there an addon or something ?


Friday, November 27th 2020, 11:46pm

Hello Gregorymd !

First of all Dragagon, for your information EU server is alive so stop say "it''s dead' everytime please haha

Actually we had launch a project to make the server great again ! A friend and me has return back on league and create a guild like 2 weeks ago, ...

Now we are like 10 active people on league side, and still 10 to 15 on empire, so all the content can be done ! Dominions, battlegrounds, 3v3 /6v6 , obs etc ...

so don't listen guys who just want you to come on RU , you can still have fun in the EU !

Just whisp me in game if you want anymore information

Smuggler Paradise
League Side


Thursday, December 3rd 2020, 4:04am

are you still playing in the league side? wait dont i knw you from legacy from the empire?


Sunday, December 6th 2020, 12:36pm

Yes we are still playing and there is a lot of new players since few days, we are like 15 active people on league side and i suppose the same amount on imp side !

League Side


Sunday, December 6th 2020, 3:43pm

Glad to see p2p still being alive :)
Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle.


Monday, December 7th 2020, 7:58pm

Thank you Vidgelo ! I remember you from the F2P , great Summy you are !! :D

I am Shaadow from Equilibrium ;)


Tuesday, December 22nd 2020, 7:44am

i looking to join a guild im new have not played since 2010 when gPotato was around

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