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Wednesday, December 23rd 2020, 2:28pm

"The New Dawn" Streamer Marathon - Registration

Until January 12, 2021 (inclusive), you can take part in the streamer marathon of the new "The New Dawn" server. To do this, you must fill out and publish the form below in this topic.

You can ask your questions in a specially designated topic for discussion.

Application form:
  • The name of the YouTube channel.

  • Link to YouTube channel.

  • Main character nickname and server.

When filling out the form, only question numbers are copied - no need to save the text. The information should be entered opposite the corresponding numbers.


1) Batman's Home
3) Batman - Evolution

We wish good luck to the future participants of the marathon!

IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to save your streams (that we can check it whenever we want) and the data about the numbers during the stream.

This topic should be used strictly for publishing applications for participation in the "The New Dawn" server streamers marathon. Posting extraneous messages will result in penalty points on the forum. The publication of deliberately false applications will lead to permanent blocking on the forum.


Jusqu'au 12 janvier 2021 (inclus), vous pouvez participer au marathon des streamers du nouveau serveur "The New Dawn". Pour ce faire, vous devez remplir et publier le formulaire ci-dessous dans cette rubrique.

Vous pouvez poser vos questions dans un sujet de discussion spécifique.

Formulaire de candidature:
  • Le nom de la chaîne YouTube.

  • Lien vers la chaîne YouTube.

  • Surnom et serveur du personnage principal.

Lorsque vous remplissez le formulaire, seuls les numéros de question sont copiés - pas besoin d'enregistrer le texte. Les informations doivent être saisies en face des chiffres correspondants.


1) La maison de Batman
3) Batman - Evolution

Nous souhaitons bonne chance aux futurs participants du marathon!

IMPORTANT: n'oubliez pas de sauvegarder vos flux (afin que nous puissions les vérifier quand nous le voulons) et les données sur la durée des streams.

Cette rubrique doit être utilisée uniquement pour la publication de candidature pour la participation au marathon de streamers de serveur "The New Dawn". La publication de messages superflus entraînera des points de pénalité sur le forum. La publication d'applications volontairement fausses entraînera un blocage permanent sur le forum.


Bis zum 12. Januar 2021 (einschließlich) könnt ihr am Streamer-Marathon des neuen Servers The New Dawn teilnehmen. Dazu müsst ihr das Formular unten in diesem Thema ausfüllen und veröffentlichen.

Eure Fragen könnt ihr in einem eigens dafür vorgesehenen Diskussionsthema stellen.

  • Der Name des YouTube-Kanals.

  • Link zum YouTube-Kanal.

  • Name des Hauptcharakters und Server.

Beim Ausfüllen des Formulars werden nur die Fragennummern übernommen - der Text muss nicht gespeichert werden. Die Informationen sollten gegenüber den entsprechenden Nummern eingetragen werden.


1) Batmans Zuhause
3) Batman - Evolution

Wir wünschen den zukünftigen Teilnehmern des Marathons viel Glück!

WICHTIG: Bitte vergesst nicht, eure Streams (damit wir sie jederzeit überprüfen können) und die Daten über die Zahlen während des Streams zu speichern.

Dieses Thema sollte ausschließlich für die Veröffentlichung von Anmeldungen zur Teilnahme am "The New Dawn"-Server-Streamer-Marathon verwendet werden. Das Veröffentlichen von sachfremden Meldungen führt zu Strafpunkten im Forum. Die Veröffentlichung von absichtlich falschen Bewerbungen führt zu einer dauerhaften Sperrung im Forum.


12 Ocak 2021'e kadar (12 Ocak dahil), yeni The New Dawn sunucusunda yayıncı maratonuna dahil olabilirsin. Katılmak için bu konunun altındaki formu doldurup paylaşmanız gereklidir.

Sorularınızı tartışma için özel olarak belirlenmiş bir konunun altında sorabilirsiniz.

Başvuru formu:
  • YouTube kanalınızın ismi.

  • Youtube kanalınızın linki.

  • Ana karakterinizin ismi ve sunucusu.

Formu doldururken yalnızca soru numaralarını kopyalamanız yeterli - tüm yazıyı kaydetmenize gerek yok. Bilgiler, karşılık gelen numaraların karşısına girilmelidir.


1) Batman'ın Evi
3) Batman - Evolution

maratona katılacak tüm arkadalara şikmdiden iyi şanslar dileriz!

ÖNEMLİ: Yayınlarınızı (istediğimiz zaman kontrol edebilmemiz için) ve yayınlarınız sırasındaki sayılarla ilgili verileri kaydetmeyi unutmayın.

Bu konu, yalnızca "The New Dawn" sunucusunun yayıncı maratonuna katılım başvuruları için kullanılmalıdır. Gereksiz mesajlar paylaşmak forum içinde ceza puanı ile sonuçlanacaktır. Kasıtlı olarak yanlış başvurularının yapılması forumdan kalıcı olarak uzaklaştırılmaya sebep olacaktır.

This post has been edited 10 times, last edit by "Drakdish" (Dec 25th 2020, 9:03am)


Wednesday, December 23rd 2020, 2:55pm



Posts: 527

Location: France, Paris

Occupation: Allods Moderator [EN/FR]

  • Send private message

1) [Fr/En] Mcfirense
3) McFire on Evolution and Dawn servers

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Mcfirense" (Dec 23rd 2020, 4:53pm)


Wednesday, December 23rd 2020, 3:17pm



Posts: 521

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Studying

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1) PioPico Allods Online


3) PioPico on Evolution server
I am PioPico

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "Drakdish" (Dec 23rd 2020, 6:33pm)


Thursday, December 24th 2020, 6:45pm



Posts: 28

Location: France

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1) Icarhys


3) Icarhys sur le serveur Evolution

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Wk" (Dec 25th 2020, 5:11am)


Thursday, December 24th 2020, 8:52pm

1) Dazzu


3) Dazzu on Evolution server

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Dazutty" (Dec 25th 2020, 12:52pm)


Friday, December 25th 2020, 7:48am


Friday, December 25th 2020, 9:26am


Friday, December 25th 2020, 2:53pm

1) Dragagon
2) My channel
3) Dragagon on Smuggler's Paradise

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Dragagon_ru" (Dec 25th 2020, 7:16pm)


Saturday, December 26th 2020, 11:00am


Saturday, December 26th 2020, 7:05pm

1) Wolfturk

2) Wolfturk - YouTube

3) Wolfturk on Evolution server
Biliyorsan konuş alim sansınlar Bilmiyorsan sus adam sansınlar


Monday, December 28th 2020, 12:30pm

1) HeroNero

2) HeroNero - YouTube

3) HeroNero on Evolution server

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Shelva" (Apr 12th 2022, 5:17pm)


Thursday, December 31st 2020, 5:00pm

1. EmperorNuie
2. or
3. Nuie - Evolution Server


Friday, January 1st 2021, 8:40pm

YouTube Kullanıcı Adı : ZeitgestTV
Youtube Kanal:
Zeitgeist - The New Dawn

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Omergs28" (Jan 1st 2021, 10:34pm)


Monday, February 8th 2021, 4:42am

1) petiskao games you tube petiskaoplay twitch

2) / . 3) Petiskao servidor (newdawn)

This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "petiskao" (Feb 8th 2021, 4:54am)

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